I want to set up a home media sever for now and add the home automation at a later point in time. After review various products, Linuxmce looks like what I am looking for. However, I don't have any experience using Linux. I am a software developer and have some experience with Unix. Using Linuxmce might be a good hands on experience for me. However, I don't have time for trial and error learning. So, I might go for Dianemo S (Cascade Smart Home) just to get some support.
I am planning on setting up a dedicated Core server with NAS storage. I don't know how to build one. Hence, I want to buy the pre-built server. I checked out the wiki page for the hardware and it looks like it has old information. Hence, I am posting here to get some recommendation for the Core. I would like to buy an Asus server. This will be located in my home office. I want to use this server as my desktop as well. My desktop usage is mainly for internet browsing, checking email, playing videos and music.... I, also, want to record TV shows on the Core. I am planning on using Silicon Dust HDHomrun products and hence, I might not need TV tuner cards on the Core server. If having TV tuner cards on the Core server is preferable, please do let me know.
So, can someone please recommend what would be a good pre-built hardware for the Core server with enough expansion slots for home automation? As I have mentioned above, I prefer to buy Asus.
Thanks for your help and time in this regard.
However you might consider testing on something you have on hand with a spare hard drive. The latest DVD is pretty painless and works on most anything. The long and short is, if you want to build it yourself, focus on I/O, not speed. Graphics... are another discussion altogether. I am trying my best to support all modern GPUs with notable exception, out of the box. See http://wiki.linuxmce.org/index.php/1004_Video_Hardware_Compatibility_List
That being said, if you just want a turn key solution with support, you cannot beat Dianemo.
Ago control is another option.
Quote from: lnxmkrak on December 17, 2012, 12:17:47 AM
I want to use this server as my desktop as well. My desktop usage is mainly for internet browsing, checking email, playing videos and music....
Personally, I would separate your desktop usage from your LinuxMCE setup completely. A laptop/ netbook or dedicated desktop machine with your chosen OS can sit on the linuxMCE network, connect to the media shares on linuxMCE and be used to connect to your core/hybrid and do administration etc but separate machines works better for me for the following reasons:
* Your desktop requirements are not dependent on your LMCE server being up and available. I don't want to make it sound as if the system is unstable because it isn't and my core has run for months on end many times. The issue is the human! You will find yourself wanting to tweak and fiddle once you realise the capabilities of the system. When you do, it is good not to have your desktop (email, web browsing etc) requirements interrupted when you break something.
* And then secondly, I personally have found the KDE desktop running on LMCE particularly slow for some reason. I've only used them on media directors, not on a hybrid but still, that has been off-putting and I try to avoid using it.
* Thirdly, you will obviously be limited to Kubuntu 10.04 (at the moment) as your OS/Desktop of choice and certain software you will not want to upgrade/ change or they might mess with you LMCE setup.
Those are just my experiences with it, others may find differently.
I appreciate both the replies. I will take the information into consideration. For the desktop part, I have no space for 2 monitors in my home office which is where the server will be located. I do have a much older desktop and it is long overdue for an upgrade. I thought I will go for a server which will serve as a core and as well as a desktop. I, also, have a laptop which I use for my work. But, for my personal use, I like to use the desktop since it is connected to the much bigger monitor than the laptop.
Anyway, the slow response of the KDE is noted. Can the Core be managed from a separate machine using the browser and/or a client (like PuTTy or some other remote desktop)?
QuoteAnyway, the slow response of the KDE is noted. Can the Core be managed from a separate machine using the browser and/or a client (like PuTTy or some other remote desktop)?
I believe most people manage their core in this manner using Web Admin and a ssh client - terminal, putty etc.