i read about adding a stylesheet to Qt Apps.
This would be really useful/handy for me when it comes to orientation change, and little adjustments depending on the device.
How can i load a stylesheet into qOrbiter?
Currently, we're doing that in qml itself, with Style.qml files. Look at the default skins, for an example.
If you want this, talk to golgoj4.
There will be no stylesheets.
Use style.qml to define all properties. That in essence is your 'style sheet'. I will not integrate the other stylesheets as the introduce more problems than they solve.
Its quite trivial to set a property for both orientations
property int buttonH: b_orientation ? 50 : 60
This for example will make the property button height change based on the orientation. Is there some other qml issues you are having defining the style?
trust me, stylesheets become problematic!
sounds good! thanks.
Quote from: golgoj4 on November 04, 2012, 05:21:25 PM
Is there some other qml issues you are having defining the style?
nope .... not right now. :-)