No, not beta time.
The time has come where our DVD installer is stable enough that I need more people to use it and find bugs so we can get it to beta.
I can't break it any more.
What it does different than previous DVD installers
- It is one process. It does not install Kubuntu, then run an installer. It installs Kubuntu with LMCE.
- Almost everything pre-exists on the DVD. Very little downloading at all is necessary.
- You can do offline installs.
- It has its own installer, so (though I am not sure why one would) it can do side-by-side installs.
- It has a hybrid or core-only install option.
- It has greatly improved video detection/utilization. You can now use MOST nVidia, ATI, Intel, and VIA chipsets.
- You no longer need to run the laborious to run media directors. It is embedded. Just plug something in and boot.
- There is a live boot option, which will take you directly into AVWizard. (You will want a decent amount of ram for this option)
- The entire install process is less than 40 minutes including the MD stuff.
- It's prettier.
You will want to use this snapshot, or newer: Latest is latest, but doesn't always mean greatest.
And check the snapshot wiki for the BEST versions in the future: (Snap ending in 118 is there atm but I am sure bongowongo will soon change it.)
Known problems:
- The first time Setup Wizard tries to load, it is not actually finished generating, so while it is still installing the remaining pieces it spits two window errors "Cannot read orbiter configuration from the server" and "The UI is being regenerated. This may take 15-30 minutes". It does not take anywhere near 15 minutes to resolve itself.
Desktop spits an error when attempting to load. Workaround: where "USER" (in lower case) is the OS user you specify in the dvd installer: sudo chown -R USER.USER /home/USER/.kde
KVM vesa throws a failure to setup X.
AVWizard pre-installs the wrong driver for ATI cards not supported by the proprietary driver.
AVWizard creates an xorg.conf file prematurely.
Headless incorrectly warns that AVWizard is coming.
I am working to resolve these (obviously).
So... give it a go. PLEASE submit tickets for bugs you find not related to the above at
Feel free to report success here.
Thanks for testing.
Dude, you are awesome :)
Please folks, test this!
and yes, i test the snaps too...when im not hacking on qorbiter.
Quote from: golgoj4 on April 14, 2012, 07:40:56 AM
and yes, i test the snaps too...when im not hacking on qorbiter.
such a time exist?
Quote from: posde on April 14, 2012, 07:49:53 AM
such a time exist?
yes, in those small times where im ranting about the arcane incantations i have to do to get an android build out the door.
Just tried snap 885. Awesome work! Much better user experience. The countless hours you spent are greatly appreciated. The only glitch I've found so far is that I can't get serial control of my Denon 3805. Tried to delete and recreate, also tried multiple restarts. Any ideas?
Snap: 916
Getting stuck at "boot:" a few times through the process... unsure if it's me doing/not doing something?
Quote from: dh on April 17, 2012, 06:22:18 AM
Snap: 916
Getting stuck at "boot:" a few times through the process... unsure if it's me doing/not doing something?
I am testing it now.
boot: is asking what boot parameters you want to use when loading the dvd. If you press enter it will load the menu which automatically enters these parameters based on your selection. Doing nothing, it will eventually timeout to live boot.
Quote from: l3mce on April 17, 2012, 06:17:52 PM
boot: is asking what boot parameters you want to use when loading the dvd. If you press enter it will load the menu which automatically enters these parameters based on your selection. Doing nothing, it will eventually timeout to live boot.
Lol, did he mean that. Isn't that in the snapshot wiki?
Nicely done.
I just installed the snapshot (
In a VirtualBox inside of my Linux Mint 12 workstation here at work. No network as we are restricted behind a proxy.
Flawless install. Made the mistake of using UI2 masked on an under-achieving hp workstation. After changing it to UI1, nothing but smooth.
I can't wait to try this at home tonight. Now if only there was a way to back up all my IR device settings......
Either way. The above snapshot was perfect.
Excellent work. Now I can see if it will build all my little Foxconn Netboxes, with intel, without me fiddling about with xorg.conf files.
Also my core is an ATI based graphics chipset. But I was planning on core-only install.
Off I go. Home, Supper, Copy all IR codes, Nuke and Pave.......
Best Regards,
Seth - LMCE DVD install, FTW.....
Quote from: seth on April 17, 2012, 09:46:03 PM
Nicely done.
I just installed the snapshot (
In a VirtualBox inside of my Linux Mint 12 workstation here at work. No network as we are restricted behind a proxy.
Flawless install. Made the mistake of using UI2 masked on an under-achieving hp workstation. After changing it to UI1, nothing but smooth.
I can't wait to try this at home tonight. Now if only there was a way to back up all my IR device settings......
Either way. The above snapshot was perfect.
Excellent work. Now I can see if it will build all my little Foxconn Netboxes, with intel, without me fiddling about with xorg.conf files.
Also my core is an ATI based graphics chipset. But I was planning on core-only install.
Off I go. Home, Supper, Copy all IR codes, Nuke and Pave.......
Best Regards,
Seth - LMCE DVD install, FTW.....
Good, could you update the snapshot wiki page, or report here how the installation behaves on real hardware? Please try the recommended one now in the wiki.
I discovered a problem with ATI that I am correcting (may have already corrected in 916). I have, right now, an ati Xpress 1200 running UI2 alpha on the open radeon driver (not the fglrx). Basically, an earlier process was "helping" us pre-install drivers which conflict with ATI cards that cannot run fglrx.
There is DEFINITELY a problem with SSH, and the reason is simple and sort of a "duh" moment. Keys please. We can't all have the same ones. SSH currently will not work to the core. Workaround on affected snapshots is to apt-get install --reinstall ssh openssh-server openssh-client
Intel poses a problem at the moment as well. There is an issue which affects all snapshots atm where an xorg.conf is birthed prematurely. Intel graphics have a real problem with this. The cure for ALL of these issues is to delete the xorg.conf and reboot. It is only created the first time for reasons I do not yet fully understand.
I am working on the correct solution to all of these, but we are pretty close. I wouldn't have figured all these things out without the testers... so thanks again. If you have not yet installed a snapshot, know that these issues persist. I will be updating the first post as I encounter new problems and solve old ones.
Again, if you find a bug like the ones above, please create a trac ticket and put [DVD] in the title.
Ok Image LMCE-1004-20120412224425879.iso (
Hybrid/Core install works just fine. Very little downloading. about 35 minutes to AV Wizard.
Core Only install works as well, however if you have tuners in your core and would like to use them for your MythTV. You have to manually configure using mythtv-setup after the fact:
Log into a terminal session:
export DISPLAY=:0 startkde
May also need to CTRL+ALT+F7 here to see desktop
After you get the desktop up, Klick K > Applications > System Settings > mythtv-setup
Now the bad news for both methods.
Well there is some good to it. The Nvidia based MD and the intel based MD both fired right up.
Nvidia - flawless execution
intel - when AV Wizard comes up, too big for TV. Solution
1. ssh to core and become user root.
2. Delete /usr/pluto/diskless/XX/etc/X11/xorg.conf ( where XX is the number of your MD )
3. Return to MD, press key for desired input. 1 = VGA 3 = HDMI
Now for the bad news. Nothing downloads. the following will not start after regen:
External Media Identifier
And it does not install firefox.
That is all I can report for now, currently running apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y on core, following that with /usr/pluto/bin/
Best Regards Friends,
I am working on a big fix which handles all of the AVWizard stuff. I have it working like gangbusters now, but it requires pushing 1-6 to resize properly on anything that is not 16:9... and I don't like it, so I am trying to fix it proper. is not necessary under any circumstance.
Those things are not downloading because I never do a proper update. I do a simulated one. This is to prevent upstream changes from creating a dependency hell, and prevent an offline install from requiring a proper upgrade. Ideally these things will all be prepackaged... so nothing is necessary, but the current way I am doing headless installs does not create requirements for package downloads upstream that have NOT changed, nor are they daughtered to the non-upgraded MDs.
There is a solution to all of this, I just haven't worked out the finer details.
I am rewriting one of the 8 files involved in avwizard to work different based on my new detection scheme, and not create an xorg.conf prematurely. It does so because of another problem someone else determined before that I am assuming is correct so the initial force vesa no-test is not happening anymore, and for a reason I have not figured out yet, the eventual part of the xorg which prescribes compositing is being written to an otherwise empty xorg.conf. This is problematic for several chipsets. When I have it all worked out, I will let everyone know.
I have a hack for ssh, but probably will not provide a newer iso scheme until that is no longer a hack.
Basically I have most of these issues solved, but until the largest ones are, there will not be a very different iso coming.
Thank you so much for testing seth. Dropping into IRC and reporting your findings while doing your installs has been particularly illuminating.
For the rest... when avwizard hits, if you go in and delete that temporary xorg.conf file (which is tied to things being written to the database which has to happen), video should be fantastic for everyone on everything. ssh is solved atm by running apt-get install --reinstall openssh-server.
Thanks again.
Sorry if I have the protocol wrong here... not sure whether to post on this thread or a new thread or to stick in the snapshot wiki or to submit a ticket or what what. Please feel free to chastise and guide me to the right thing
Have put snapshot 5916 on both my old hp xw4100 workstation (P4 etc etc) and my i5 with sandy bridge graphics as hybrid.
- In both cases I have observed the following-
KDE desktop does not run - see attached screenshot. Message is
kstartupconfig4 does not exist or fails. The error code is 3. Check your install.
On the xw4100 I didn't get the avwizard at all and default to ui1 but l3mce says (related thread) I must delete xorg.conf and reboot. Have yet to try this.
On the i5 I have to do the backport stuff ( at the "failed to setup X" point as recommended which works fine but if I want to change resolution or UI level, and try to rebootwithAVWizard it doesn't.... I had to do the "fix" of modifying - the "exit 0" line that l3mce helped me with.... is this not yet folded into that snapshot?
To be clear...
I am aware of the desktop issue, it is mentioned in the first post.
Sandy Bridge is not yet supported, but possy has put together a wiki which works on SOME SB hardware, some it is known to fail. This is not a supported architecture. I MAY take a stab at it IF detected... but failure will not be met with effort to fix.
Lastly, the other things we went over have been addressed, and the latest build and snapshot, as of today, should work much better and differently.
Thanks again.
Quote from: l3mce on April 23, 2012, 04:42:31 AM
Lastly, the other things we went over have been addressed, and the latest build and snapshot, as of today, should work much better and differently.
Thanks again.
If you build it.... they will download it.
Great stuff, L3. Gonna go start that latest snap download right now.
Sorry, you are quite correct, the desktop thing was mentioned in the *first post*. Will get my eyesight checked.
Using LMCE-1004-20120429132625935.iso. Hybrid install works. Have 2 MDs up and running I had to run Diskless_CreateTBZ, otherwise no MDs would boot. The other MD is stuck at 640x480 cant get AV wizard to run on it. Its an intel graphics. Tried to delete the xorg.conf, but still cant get the AV wizard to start. Anytime I start an MD up, Both of my internal hard drives go off line. Need to log in to webadmin and tick back online and quick reload of router.
@ pedplar:
See my post about video resolutions... Had the same/similar problem. What I did was to edit the xorg.conf as root (maybe unnecessary), edit the MD settings in the Web Admin, and select the button for rebuilt MD...
Also see about the resolution issue in case you're at 1360x768.
Link to my thread here:,12563.0.html
Quote from: pedplar on May 03, 2012, 12:36:21 AM
Using LMCE-1004-20120429132625935.iso. Hybrid install works. Have 2 MDs up and running I had to run Diskless_CreateTBZ, otherwise no MDs would boot. The other MD is stuck at 640x480 cant get AV wizard to run on it. Its an intel graphics. Tried to delete the xorg.conf, but still cant get the AV wizard to start. Anytime I start an MD up, Both of my internal hard drives go off line. Need to log in to webadmin and tick back online and quick reload of router.
Diskless has been fixed.
I have made changes which hopefully fixed the avwizard sizing problems as well.
I have also fixed to handle older cards.
Downloading the latest snapshot LMCE-1004-201205050910.iso right now. will let you know how it goes.
Edit: Installed hybrid. install was flawless except for reinstalling ssh. Didnt need to run Still Setting up the first MD.
The next snapshot has a fix for SSH. If that one doesn't behave as desired I have another.
Please tell me the MD hardware, and if the resolution issue has been resolved.
I'm downloading LMCE-1004-20120506204225945.iso atm.
Will only finish by tomorrow. but will test then and provide feedback.
Couldnt get the MD to finish. On first boot failed to set up x. Rebooted it and the AV wizard came up. That's as far as I got. Just sits there with black screen with the white cursor. Its a Acer revo 1600.
I have a high degree of confidence in LMCE-1004-20120508033925950.iso (and beyond)
SSH is fixed
AVWizard/Xconfigure is fixed
Radeon driver finally fixed for MDs
update/sources.list scheme completely changed, overall process much faster
Dual GPU support added (chooses best card, does not run 2 monitors... yet <insert evil laugh>)
On that subject... if anyone has one of the dual integrated gpu laptops, this is what it was designed to address... but anyone who has an integrated gpu and a card, if you wouldn't mind testing this code by NOT disabling the onboard in bios, I would appreciate feedback.
Desktop on core is still an issue. I will figure something out eventually. MDs do not have the ownership issue.
Core only installs have two problems.
1. There is no easy way to reload the router without an MD. The first MD you try to create, requires a router reload. The MD doesn't know when it is far enough along to simply script a messagesend. So, I will have to change the C code to fake an ident and reload the router right before the first MD reboot. Not really a big deal, but annoying for now if you are trying to get one up and running.
2. I have no idea how to setup MythTV without a hybrid. This is a bit more problematic. If your core has capture cards, myth has to be configured on the core afik. You can use the MD if you have a network capture device like an HDHR, but... I don't have anything in place to deal with core only.
Quote from: pedplar on May 08, 2012, 11:50:56 AM
Couldnt get the MD to finish. On first boot failed to set up x. Rebooted it and the AV wizard came up. That's as far as I got. Just sits there with black screen with the white cursor. Its a Acer revo 1600.
I have changed a lot w regards to what I believe you ran into problems with. AVWizard to be sure, and the sources.list availability scheme. I personally have that revo in my bedroom, and can tell you they work brilliantly. This latest iso has a LOT of functionality upgrades... whereas the last 6 were minor one liner changes fooling with some things. I do recommend giving it a shot.
Quote from: DragonK on May 07, 2012, 08:35:27 AM
I'm downloading LMCE-1004-20120506204225945.iso atm.
Will only finish by tomorrow. but will test then and provide feedback.
Download finished about an hour ago...... Havent started installing and testing yet.
Would an apt-get update/upgrade do the trick instead of downloading LMCE-1004-20120508033925950.iso (and beyond)?
For the most part, Yes... but there is something odd happening.
You can do an apt-get update/upgrade, but for some reason pluto-boot-scripts is being held back, so you will have to explicitly apt-get install pluto-boot-scripts.
There are nine files total which have changed. If you can get through core creation, the upgrade should handle everything else.
What you will not have is the ssh fixing... or sources.list magic.
Please post the output of what happens when you apt-get install pluto-boot-scripts - especially what package is added or removed.
Off to download the latest snapshot then.....
Anything inparticular you want reported back L3mce?
Quote from: DragonK on May 08, 2012, 05:46:00 PM
Off to download the latest snapshot then.....
Anything inparticular you want reported back L3mce?
100% success. :P
Downloading LMCE-1004-20120508033925950.iso right now will give that a try when its done.
Edit: Download finished going to start the install now.
On a more serious note DragonK, outside of the obvious (everything gets through avwizard well, etc), I would like to know that you can both ssh to the core without issue, and you can ssh from the core to an MD after it is fully created.
Had a problem with failed to startx on the core. Rebooted and it installed the Nvidia driver failed to startx a second time. Rebooted a third time and AV wizard came up. I was able to finish setting the core up. Now trying the revo for the first MD. SSH does work now. Will update when the MD finishes.
MD never finishes. Makes it through the av wizard and just hangs at black screen with white cursor.
Only Started downloading now.
Eta 10Hours.....
Quote from: pedplar on May 08, 2012, 11:58:32 PM
Had a problem with failed to startx on the core. Rebooted and it installed the Nvidia driver failed to startx a second time. Rebooted a third time and AV wizard came up. I was able to finish setting the core up. Now trying the revo for the first MD. SSH does work now. Will update when the MD finishes.
MD never finishes. Makes it through the av wizard and just hangs at black screen with white cursor.
This is the second report of this... and I haven't quite figured out why. It appears that
1) The core isn't online when the initial detection is done, so my nouveau backup is not working or you wouldn't get the first failure, you would be using nouveau and not know it unless you looked.
2) The nVidia driver is installed, but the required reboot is not triggered, so it fails again because of the conflict between the nouveau and nVidia
3) nVidia is installed, and reboot happened (manually) so it fires.
Thank you for the feedback on that. I will figure out wtf is going on for sure.
MD never finishing... no clue. I assume you have rebooted it?
So sorry DragonK
This snap is borky. It can be made to work, but there are a lot of problems. Submitting fixes now.
For the record, abort installs of *5950.iso
My download was 50% complete..... :'(
So I was hang ten for a newer snapshot?
building as we speak.
It's finished baking.
For those of you with older iso's, what I would do if I were you, is try and take advantage of the new zsync's.
Just rename your current image to the new one, so for instance:
mv LMCE-1004-20120506204225945.iso LMCE-1004-20120509195625955.iso
sudo apt-get install zsync
and it will just download what is different between them :)
Just a suggestion here (actually 2):
Could you perhaps for the sake of overview etc. delete a VERY problematic ISO like LMCE-1004-20120508033925950.iso? Its only if in a day or 2 somebody find a specific problem with the latest, and you have to advise not to use it - somebody could perhaps overlook this thread and then download an image that is REALLY problematic... It's fine to have the old ISOs available, I remember back in the 810 days when sometimes a beta 3 versions old would be the best at a given time, but if a snapshot is bound to be defect, then lets remove it..
And secondly: I am the biggest fan of rsync - how about having the latest ISO twice on the server. One should be called "LMCE-1004-20120509195625955.iso" (or whatever), and then the other one could be "LMCE-1004-latest_pre-beta.iso" - and all people should do is zsync that file, and never have to worry 8) (since you would be the one overwriting the latest - with the latest :)
-Tony (who's is only downloading the DVD iso because his setup really F***ed when disabling Myth and enabling VDR - and decided to test this iso)
Quote from: l3mce on May 09, 2012, 09:23:44 PM
It's finished baking.
For those of you with older iso's, what I would do if I were you, is try and take advantage of the new zsync's.
Just rename your current image to the new one, so for instance:
mv LMCE-1004-20120506204225945.iso LMCE-1004-20120509195625955.iso
sudo apt-get install zsync
and it will just download what is different between them :)
Quote from: l3mce on May 09, 2012, 08:39:02 AM
This is the second report of this... and I haven't quite figured out why. It appears that
1) The core isn't online when the initial detection is done, so my nouveau backup is not working or you wouldn't get the first failure, you would be using nouveau and not know it unless you looked.
2) The nVidia driver is installed, but the required reboot is not triggered, so it fails again because of the conflict between the nouveau and nVidia
3) nVidia is installed, and reboot happened (manually) so it fires.
Thank you for the feedback on that. I will figure out wtf is going on for sure.
MD never finishing... no clue. I assume you have rebooted it?
Yes I rebooted it a few times just to.make sure. I should have tried another MD but figured the revos have always been the easiest to setup.
I would like to try 1004, which iso works 100% in virtualbox?
"works 100%" is a big ask for a pre-alpha installer :)
I've been doing all of my recent snapshot testing on Virtualbox and everything seems to work, virtual cores and MDs, or at least if it fails it is not linked to the fact the install is on a VM.
toppot: Deleting problem iso's is not at all a bad idea, and usually done.
We tried having a latest_snapshot.iso and it was problematic for a few reasons.
valent: I have, in this latest snapshot, swapped the driver that runs in VM from vesa to fbdev... and I am the only one to test it thus far. Vesa had problems with KVM, and pretty much the only things that use vesa anymore are VMs because we detect and use everything else. The vesa driver seems faster/better for virtualbox, but as I said, results in failure for KVM. So... the latest SHOULD work just fine, but is untested being birthed of fluffy. I make my own fun here at the house because my internet is poo. Nothing is 100%. This latest SHOULD be great, but it is an experimental installer. Once you load it you will see how different it is. There are a lot of advantages to the new snapshots, but they are terribly imperfect I am afraid.
pedlar: I figured out what I did. The new snapshot should have all of this resolved.
Quote from: toppot on May 10, 2012, 09:32:34 AM
Could you perhaps for the sake of overview etc. delete a VERY problematic ISO like LMCE-1004-20120508033925950.iso?
Open a ticket when you detect a "VERY problematic ISO" with some notes. Tickets get looked at quite often, forum messages sometimes only scanned by the people who have the ability to delete the snapshots.
QuoteAnd secondly: I am the biggest fan of rsync - how about having the latest ISO twice on the server. One should be called "LMCE-1004-20120509195625955.iso" (or whatever), and then the other one could be "LMCE-1004-latest_pre-beta.iso" - and all people should do is zsync that file, and never have to worry 8) (since you would be the one overwriting the latest - with the latest :)
We had this for a VERY short period of time. And removed it because l3mce could never tell, what exact version the people were using. So: no default latest.
Quote from: l3mce on May 10, 2012, 02:42:35 PM
pedlar: I figured out what I did. The new snapshot should have all of this resolved.
So the revo should finish now. I will download it in the morning when I get out of work. Probably wont be until Friday evening (eastern time) when I will be able to test it for you.
Is anyone else even testing these on a regular basis?
Quote from: pedplar on May 11, 2012, 02:33:42 AM
Is anyone else even testing these on a regular basis?
Yes. And just burning *5955 now to test.
Quote from: pedplar on May 11, 2012, 02:33:42 AMIs anyone else even testing these on a regular basis?
If nobody cares I would love to move on to a different project. This seemed an area I could help most, for this version and beyond... but if nobody gives a poo I am comfortable with where they are...
Testing yes. Bandwidth permitting :(
Quote from: l3mce on May 11, 2012, 06:03:22 AMbut if nobody gives a poo I am comfortable with where they are...
Well, as that you offered, my shih tzu's could use some more uniforms! My vote, however, is to encourage you to keep pushing this further and let us keep testing these so it really gets to the point that you put in the DVD, press a couple keys and a little while later are on your way to a smart house.
I would think this topic would be pretty big. Less then an hour to have a fully installed and running core. Then another 20 or so for each md. Thats a pretty quick install compared to a kubuntu network install. Only takes me about 40 minutes to download the larger ISO. If you want to keep making them I can test. I have an empty 40gig drive in the core. Most of my machines are nvidia based, except for an Intel in a eee box.
Edit. I might even have an onboard ati somewhere. I have been using LinuxMCE for a while. I played with 7.04. Used 7.10 when it first came out. So its been years. So if you want to keep putting out snap shots the least I can do is test most of them.
Got the latest snap. Supper with the family tonight.
Will test tomorrow morning and give feedback.
Have 5955 installed on the core. No problems at all. just shy of an hour for a complete install. First MD running diskless setup right now a Revo 1600. I still get a failed to start x. Rebooted and failed to start x.
Edit: I ran the EEE Box b202 and that completed. The first 2 screens of the AV wizard were way to large. I could only see maybe a quarter of the screen, but managed to get through the wizard. I finished the Sarah setup just waiting on the installing part. I am sure it will finish to the orbiter. Trying an onboard ATI Radeon 3000 right now. Also a failed to start x. I also tried another Nvidia based system, onboard 6100, and Failed to start x. So only the Intel worked.
The EEE Box works fine.
Managed to get the Revo to display the AV Wizard. The Nvidia drivers are failing to install. I had to apt-get install nvidia-260-kernel-source. gave me a error that it couldnt install dkms. I apt-get update, apt-get install dkms. Then apt-get install nvidia-260-kernel-source, rebooted and then AV wizard came up. Finished the setup and The first Revo is up and running.
Edit again.
My second revo also came up with failed to start x. I opened a terminal up and apt-get update and upgrade. It downloaded some updates. restarted it and it started installing the nvidia drivers. failed to start x, rebooted and AV Wizard came up.
Also I have always chroot to the md and passwd so I can ssh to the md's as root. I did it and when I ssh to any md, I get Bad owner or permissions on /root/.ssh/config.
I see all but the last two snapshots are available on, does deleting that many not reduce the usefulness of the zsync files? If you happen to miss a snapshot or two and they get deleted the zsync file is no good and you are back to downloading a full image.
Quote from: pedplar on May 11, 2012, 10:03:30 PM
Have 5955 installed on the core. No problems at all. just shy of an hour for a complete install. First MD running diskless setup right now a Revo 1600. I still get a failed to start x. Rebooted and failed to start x.
Edit: I ran the EEE Box b202 and that completed. The first 2 screens of the AV wizard were way to large. I could only see maybe a quarter of the screen, but managed to get through the wizard. I finished the Sarah setup just waiting on the installing part. I am sure it will finish to the orbiter. Trying an onboard ATI Radeon 3000 right now. Also a failed to start x. I also tried another Nvidia based system, onboard 6100, and Failed to start x. So only the Intel worked.
The EEE Box works fine.
Managed to get the Revo to display the AV Wizard. The Nvidia drivers are failing to install. I had to apt-get install nvidia-260-kernel-source. gave me a error that it couldnt install dkms. I apt-get update, apt-get install dkms. Then apt-get install nvidia-260-kernel-source, rebooted and then AV wizard came up. Finished the setup and The first Revo is up and running.
Edit again.
My second revo also came up with failed to start x. I opened a terminal up and apt-get update and upgrade. It downloaded some updates. restarted it and it started installing the nvidia drivers. failed to start x, rebooted and AV Wizard came up.
Also I have always chroot to the md and passwd so I can ssh to the md's as root. I did it and when I ssh to any md, I get Bad owner or permissions on /root/.ssh/config.
Firstly, thanks so much for the feedback. I will address the errors as I understand them... and I am going to go backwards.
1. Don't do that. Your MDs and Core are designed to share a key. To ssh to the md just sudo ssh moonXX That will drop you into the MD as root and not break a bunch of stuff. Whether or not I have that working correctly again needs testing, but that can't happen on this snapshot because:
2. I am an idiot. I changed ownership of the /root directory. The next snapshot will not have this problem. You can try, as the regular user:
sudo chown -R $USER: /root
that might get you back to normal, but it would be better if it never happened.
3. nVidia cards are failing on first install because the reboot function is not working. A reboot is required on nVidia installs. I am working on that.
4. ATI failed... that's a bummer. I expect that it is due to the same driver problem you experienced with the nvidia in that they are not downloading. If you could get me an lspci | grep VGA I can confirm it wants the fglrx driver.
5. Sizing. I am going to guess that you are using a monitor not attached to hdmi when you see the big screen. What is happening here is that it defaults to an HDMI output, however things have been changed so that AVWizard displays on ALL outputs at the same time, so it is piping to your monitor with the HDMI settings. If you press the number which correlates to your output, it will resize itself properly (eg 1 for VGA1). The old way, you wouldn't have a display at all, just a blank screen. I am keeping this this way, because I am trying to open up some multiple monitor scenarios in the future, and I figure an odd display is better than a black screen.
I believe an apt-get update must not be happening though it should... there is one in the firstrun file I edited to try and fix all the other ATIs... perhaps I broke it.
Again, can't thank you enough for testing and reporting back.
Coley... We are doing so much testing on various distros that fluffy is running out of space. Those broken .iso's eat up a lot of useless space. Try instead to rename whatever snapshot you have to the new name, or even the new name.part and run the zsync... it should just pick up and go.
Figured it was a space issue.
I didn't realise you could use any older snapshot to sync with to generate a new iso.
Yes the Large screen problem is connected through a dvi to vga adapter. For the nvidia cards, I just tried rebooting it 4 or 5 times after a failed to get x. Each time it would never install the drivers. The last time between reboots I ran apt-get update and then rebooted, after that the nvidia drivers installed. one more failed to startx reboot and av wizard came up. I think I'm gonna run this install as my daily for now. 4 mds running plus the md on the core, along with a cm11a and a dozen X10 switches, motion detectors, and lamp modules.
Downloading 5961 right now. If I get sometime tomorrow I will give that a try.
Yes... I see what I did to break MD's and any chance of update, in rather terrific fashion.
The next snapshot (ending in 25964) is going to be somewhat special. I have fixed the above mentioned problem I created, and added support for all of the new nvidia cards. This is temporary, and some finer work will be needed to get HDMI going in almost all cases. There is also a new fix for dual GPUs that uses the better of them.
This is a terribly hacky (non LMCE way) of doing this, so it is not likely to stay... but I need feedback, so those of you with newer cards, this would be a good one to test if you are so inclined.
Now, currently nvidia installs are not doing their required reboot on MDs. I have tried to fix that, but am not at all sure it is working yet, so do not freak out if your nvidia MD fails on its first try. I have also fixed a typo on a source, and some other small but important things. As always, thanks guys.
Didnt get a chance to try 5961. So I am downloading 25964 right now. Hopefully I can try that one in the morning.
Zsync is failing for me... anyone else had success with zsync?
I renamed/moved the 5955 snap to the 5964 snap. The tried zsync.
dcerouter_1011060:/home/karel/zsync# ls
dcerouter_1011060:/home/karel/zsync# zsync #################### 100.0% 166.6 kBps DONE
reading seed file LMCE-1004-20120513202225964.iso: ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************Read LMCE-1004-20120513202225964.iso. Target 68.9% complete. **********************************************
downloading from
#############------- 68.9%bad status code 404
#############------- 68.9% 0.0 kBps aborted
failed to retrieve from /var/www/rsync/snapshots/LMCE-1004-20120513202225964.iso
dcerouter_1011060:/home/karel/zsync# l
LMCE-1004-20120513202225964.iso* LMCE-1004-20120513202225964.iso.part
Quote from: DragonK on May 14, 2012, 04:18:28 PM
Zsync is failing for me... anyone else had success with zsync?
I had a similar experience and played with it a little before assuming I was doing something wrong and instead pulled down a new file.
I tried 25964 and am still getting the failed to startup x on my nvidia geforce 5200 laptop. Multiple reboots and deleted the /etc/X11/xorg.pluto.* did not help. Left it on the failed to startup x screen and tried to boot a MD hoping to get somewhere with that, but as that the core was no where near setup (did not go through any of the setup wizards) the MD got stuck in a reboot loop. Looking at flowers with the wife later tonight, but will try to jump on IRC soon.
Quote from: DragonK on May 14, 2012, 04:18:28 PM
Zsync is failing for me... anyone else had success with zsync?
Yep I had similar problems but poked about and managed a zsync download, needed a bit more intervention but works.
The zsync control file has a header containing the URL this needs to be adjusted to suit the final destination of the iso.
- wget the relevant <snapshot>.iso.zsync file
- open this in a proper editor and edit the URL: line, shorten it down to /snapshots/<snapshot>.iso and save.
- now feed this to zsync
- zsync LMCE-1004-<snapshot>.iso.zsync -u
This has worked successfully for me.
maybe someone with access to the script generating the iso snapshots could change the zsyncmake command and feed the final destination URL to it?
Yes... several broken pieces in that iso. Sorry to get you excited... I break more than I fix some days.
Look for 25969 sometime tomorrow. It will hopefully be very close.
I have an attempt to fix desktop now.
I have SSH between DCERouter and MDs fixed, and more secure.
I have better dual GPU support targeting in there as well.
And I unbroke all of the nvidia stuff I broke.
Fingers crossed, and thanks.
Quote from: l3mce on May 15, 2012, 02:57:24 AM
Yes... several broken pieces in that iso. Sorry to get you excited... I break more than I fix some days.
Look for 25969 sometime tomorrow. It will hopefully be very close.
I have an attempt to fix desktop now.
I have SSH between DCERouter and MDs fixed, and more secure.
I have better dual GPU support targeting in there as well.
And I unbroke all of the nvidia stuff I broke.
Fingers crossed, and thanks.
So we should rather wait for 25969? and not try 25964?
Should be synchronized shortly.
I've changed the script. It now reads:
zsyncmake LMCE-1004-20120515132925970.iso
I've manually ran it just now, so if you find a zsync file which is as old as the iso file, it is NOT the right one. The zsync file should be an hour or so younger. In the future, they should have the same time (+/- a minute or so)
Quote from: posde on May 15, 2012, 04:26:00 PM
I've changed the script. It now reads:
zsyncmake LMCE-1004-20120515132925970.iso
I've manually ran it just now, so if you find a zsync file which is as old as the iso file, it is NOT the right one. The zsync file should be an hour or so younger. In the future, they should have the same time (+/- a minute or so)
Then the zsync file LMCE-1004-20120515132925970.iso.zsync is incorrect because the timestamp is the same as the actual iso? Or am I understanding it all wrong???
Quote from: posde on May 15, 2012, 04:26:00 PM
I've changed the script. It now reads:
zsyncmake LMCE-1004-20120515132925970.iso
I've manually ran it just now, so if you find a zsync file which is as old as the iso file, it is NOT the right one. The zsync file should be an hour or so younger. In the future, they should have the same time (+/- a minute or so)
Thx for the quick response :).
An important note that is causing some confusion for my testers.
AVWizard has changed, because I am preparing to do a lot of work trying to get multiple monitors going from mobos/cards with multiple outputs. Currently, it pushes signal out on ALL outputs. So... when you hit avwizard using vga or something, you see it, but it might not fit on your screen.
In the past, you would have simply had a black screen. It is no different, except that you can see that your driver is working. What it will likely do, is keep its tested working resolution (meaning it was trying to pipe out over HDMI and intrensically found magic at 640x480 over your non HDMI connection, so screen one might return in the upper left hand corner until you set the size appropriately on screen 2.
This is just how it is going to work for now. Remember... it used to not output a signal at all. In this way it is sort of better.... and when we can natively do multiple room output/multiple EA per machine output, it will be worth this small change, that I will hopefully fix.
Thanks again.
Quote from: coley on May 14, 2012, 06:41:18 PM
Yep I had similar problems but poked about and managed a zsync download, needed a bit more intervention but works.
The zsync control file has a header containing the URL this needs to be adjusted to suit the final destination of the iso.
- wget the relevant <snapshot>.iso.zsync file
- open this in a proper editor and edit the URL: line, shorten it down to /snapshots/<snapshot>.iso and save.
- now feed this to zsync
- zsync LMCE-1004-<snapshot>.iso.zsync -u
This has worked successfully for me.
maybe someone with access to the script generating the iso snapshots could change the zsyncmake command and feed the final destination URL to it?
These instructions can now safely be ignored :)
After Possy's change the zsync file now has the correct url and the download happens as per l3mce's previous instructions.
Around 1Gig as opposed to > 3Gig to download per snapshot.
L3, have you had a chance to glance at either of the issues I sent info to you on (sound distortion with ALC1200 or the weird TV size detection issue)? I'm happy to re-test the current snap?
Got the latest snap 25970 installed on the core. Getting diskless setup failed on the mds. The MD will sit at running diskless setup for about 8 minutes then diskless setup failed.
Have to restore now. Work is coming pretty quick.
Diskless Setup is failing for everyone. I do not know why. I will investigate.
dh... You sent me something? Where? How?
No, I did not receive it. I addressed the odd sizing issue as best I could in the post 2 above yours. How is your monitor connected?
Quote from: l3mce on May 17, 2012, 01:33:15 AM
Diskless Setup is failing for everyone. I do not know why. I will investigate.
Good to know I'm not alone there. Not sure if it helps but I then ran the old manual Diskless_CreateTBZ on the core which took the usual x+1 hours and was able to bring up a media director relatively successfully this morning. There was a message that some of the devices did not start correctly but I don't know what that refers to and if it is related.
Ok... so I have fixed diskless for the next batch... but... I don't know if ssh will work between core/moon.
This code is so sticky. Everything interacts with everything, and you touch one piece and get stuck to 14 other pieces.
MD update doesn't seem to be occurring on my end, but I am on a really old unstable image... so... please watch what is going on when you hook your MDs up. SEE if nvidia install is failing, not just a failure to setup x once it tries to load without the driver installed. See if it is updating... when you get a splash screen, hit escape and watch it.
Ta. Incidentally, ssh appears to be working fine in prev (25970) image so hopefully that carries through. So far so good on that image after I ran DisklessCreate. Still haven't tracked down or looked further as far as the "some devices not starting" on the MD.
Quote from: jamo on May 18, 2012, 08:40:09 AM
Still haven't tracked down or looked further as far as the "some devices not starting" on the MD.
Mine was the Picture viewer, but after leaving it on overnight and a reload/reboot, it sorted itself out.
Quote from: DragonK on May 18, 2012, 09:08:21 AM
Mine was the Picture viewer, but after leaving it on overnight and a reload/reboot, it sorted itself out.
Most likely the same for me. Didn't check this morning when I started the MD if it was still reporting that. Incidentally, how did you know it was the picture viewer... because you tried it or because you know where to look to see what didn't sart?
By assumption. When I got the "Some Devices failed to start" message, my screen saver wasnt working. Picture Viewer was allways the last one in the queue just before the orbiter loads. Next morning no error message and a couple of minutes the screensaver started.
It is always either pluto-photo-screen-saver or lmce-picture-viewer.
I don't know why. They are explicitly installed before the dvd is created.
Running diskless create will definitely fix the md stuff... but part of the point of this is to avoid that. I am trying to get as close to perfect a full install with diskless and everything run and ready. I know 270 was botched. Could use feedback on the latest.
Thanks :)
I have the latest 5972 downloaded. Getting ready to eat dinner then will try it out for ya.
Diskless setup works again. It rebooted after it finished setting up
Then installed the Pluto nvidia drivers.
Then tried to install nvidia and failed
I manually rebooted and still failed to install. If I login to a terminal on the core and SSH to the MD, and just do an apt-get update. Go back to the MD and reboot it the drivers installed. One more reboot after the drivers are installed, AVWizard comes up. So is there anyway you can force an apt-get update before the script tries to install the nvidia drivers?
here is the picture of my screen
I already got the drivers installing before I looked at the log, so the log doesnt show anything wrong.
I messed up my working install, my backup didnt work right, so on my next md setup i will get the log .
Quote from: l3mce on May 17, 2012, 08:12:07 PM
Ok... so I have fixed diskless for the next batch... but... I don't know if ssh will work between core/moon.
Yes Diskless setup does work. If you mean by logging in to the core then ssh to a md that also works. so does using putty by sshing to the core then sudo ssh moon47 that also works.
Hot dog
Can you try using desktop on hybrid?
I will give the desktop a try in the morning. Just to see if it works?
This is the nvidia-install.log
== Begin NVidia driver installation (Fri May 18 23:31:51 EDT 2012) ==
Card Detected: 03:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: nVidia Corporation ION LE VGA [10de:087e] (rev b1)
PCI_ID Detected: 087e
LMCE prefers driver nvidia-glx-260
installing NEW driver nvidia-glx-260!
Unable to install driver:
E: Broken packages
== End NVidia driver installation (Fri May 18 23:35:24 EDT 2012) ==
Anyone else experiencing A very long MD setup, starting with the AVWizard. Took me about 10 minutes to go through the AVWizard, and then at least 45 minutes for sarah to appear, and then another 40 or so minutes to finish to the orbiter. well over 2 hours to setup each md.
Edit: Fixed my problem. Bad network card.
The setup can take quite a while, especially if the network itself has some problems. For example, if the switch and the MD don't think they both should use gigabit, some NICs are better than others, i.e. sometimes you only get rates of 1-2MB/s, instead of 20-30MB/s or more.
I have never had it take this long before. Normally maybe 20 minutes after I get through the avwizard. I can copy files at over 30MB/s to and from anywhere on the network, except on wifi.
That is way too long.
What it looks like might be happening, based on that nvidia log, is that some package is broken preventing things from actually installing, so as it goes through confirm dependencies what will happen is each package has to fail 8 times before moving on.
Can you please ssh into an MD and dpkg --configure -a | pastebinit and give me the url? In the meantime I will download a snapshot (have never downloaded one before) and see what I can see from my end.
Thank you very much for your help. Platypus deserves a lot of praise as well. Without him testing each of these guys as they came out and giving me specific results, this would have taken a WHOLE lot longer to get to this point... so someone buy him a pony.
Kde desktop doesn't work.
What's the problem?
Do you get kstartupconfig4 xmessage?
Yes. Same message.
Quote from: l3mce on May 19, 2012, 04:04:03 PM
Can you please ssh into an MD and dpkg --configure -a | pastebinit and give me the url?
When do you want me to do that. Before or After the nvidia driver fails. Or before or after the drivers install.
Edit: Well I can tell its not after the MD is setup. I get "You are trying to send an empty document, exiting."
So I will Setup another MD, and try it after it fails to install.
look at this topic to see if it'll help...,12545.0.html
(reply #16)
Thanks pigdog, Im sure that will fix it. I dont use it anyways. The core just sits in the closet anyways.
L3mce I ran the dpkg command on a finished md and on a md that just failed, both times it says its empty.
Installed LMCE-1004-20120519090525976.iso headless and added a MD, both VMs.
Initial boot of MD ended with Diskless Setup failed, rebooted router and tried MD again.
All went ok this time and sarah appeared, completed avwizard.
ssh from core to moon OK and from moon back to core.
do you want any logs/info from this install?
and fwiw kde desktop works on the MD :)
with LMCE-1004-20120519090525976.iso I had no dhcp server working for internal network and core was unable to get data from dhcp from my modem. With connection set up manually there was still no internet. Nic is MCP78s from Nvidia. Without network i wasn't able to check diskless MDs or MythTV so only other bug I've seen was error with displaying polish characters in GUI looked like wrong character encoding.
Quote from: Medrawd on May 23, 2012, 05:49:26 PM
with LMCE-1004-20120519090525976.iso I had no dhcp server working for internal network and core was unable to get data from dhcp from my modem. With connection set up manually there was still no internet. Nic is MCP78s from Nvidia. Without network i wasn't able to check diskless MDs or MythTV so only other bug I've seen was error with displaying polish characters in GUI looked like wrong character encoding.
Uhh... that is all very wrong. You should not have had any of these issues. On the core please create a file with:
. /usr/pluto/bin/
sleep 2
ifconfig | grep -E '(Link|inet)'
Lets say you call it
chmod +x
This file will attempt to scrap your current network setup, and start over, placing the appropriate bits in the database... and then spit out the config bits I would like to see. Please paste the results... if it does not seem happy, then swap the cables (which should absolutely not make ANY difference) and try again. Thanks!
I don't understand why the diskless setup failed coley.
I understand why cores can't get to desktop, I had just hoped I fixed it, clearly needs more work.
I also had another error preventing the newer nvidia cards from installing correctly. I just fixed this so it will not exist until another snap is created.
Quote from: l3mce on May 24, 2012, 06:50:03 AM
I don't understand why the diskless setup failed coley.
I understand why cores can't get to desktop, I had just hoped I fixed it, clearly needs more work.
I can try again with a re-install if you want and see if the first boot of the MD fails.
I wasn't looking to get desktop on my core as it was a headless install, just reporting it worked on MD.
Creating annd running didn't help. There were no DHCPOFFERS for eth0 and dhcp server for eth1 is giving wrong IPs.
That makes 0 sense. I do a lot of tests, a handful of people do a lot of tests, and nothing like this has been an issue. Can you please paste the output of:
cat /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules
Check hardware. Hubs,cables. Swop the cables around that plug into the core.
I've already reinstalled 0810 but will install 1004 on second disc tomorrow and post 70-persistent-net.rules.
Hardware works fine with 0810 installation and i double checked every piece of hardware while trying to setup 1004.
Quote from: Medrawd on May 26, 2012, 02:47:32 AM
I've already reinstalled 0810 but will install 1004 on second disc tomorrow and post 70-persistent-net.rules.
Hardware works fine with 0810 installation and i double checked every piece of hardware while trying to setup 1004.
Went from working 810 to my install back to 810... it isn't the equipment... something went horribly wrong during install.
If you have the time to do another sometime, with whatever the latest snap is at the time, if you have the same results... I would REALLY like to figure out what the issue is. If nothing else just tar up your /var/log folder and email it to me.
Hi L3mce
I know SB is still not fully supported, but I had to try my luck :)
Install goes fine, but when AV Wizzard is supposed to come up, it seems to pop into KDE. Asking it to rewboot and run avwizard does the same thing.
I then did the SB update as suggested in the thread, and when I reboot i get a completely black screen and nothing seems to happen :(
Any ideas/suggestions on things I can try?
Please tell me more about your equipment, snapshot version, and install... you got Desktop?
I find that... very confusing. Something broke along the way is my guess... and it never completed the sequence which... actually... I have no idea how you are getting desktop... unless this is an MD.
To prevent KDE from hitting, you have to echo "/bin/false" > /etc/X11/default-display-manager
but it sounds like this is no longer your problem.
Posde has a wiki detailing sandy bridge. Check that out.
25987 snap
Installing as core+md. Goes into endless reboot. It correctly ID´s my coreś GT240 Nvidia but then tries to load the GT260 which it can´t find.
Hi L3Me
snap 20120523004925983.
System details where attached on the previous post, i put the whole dmesg there.
CPU: i5 2400
MB: asus p8H77-M
I did the Hybrid install after booting into the live disk to make sure it can see my hdd.
Currently I have my TV (HDMI) and my screen (RGB) both going into standby even on the boot section after doing the suggested updates for SB
Do you think is might be a problem with the backport? As it does install fine, I just dont get the AV Wizzard?
Must I grab the snap from today and try again?
Are you by chance behind a router feeding your external network? (meaning that you are going from modem -> router -> internet in core)
In fact, anyone who has a looping avwizard/totally busted network can you answer the same?
Anyone with success please ALSO answer the same?
I just reinstalled 1004 from the same snapshot.... and internet is working.
ATI MD have distorted picture, looks similar to radio interferences but there is no such thing on 0810 so it's not hardware.
MythTV detects cards, find channels and play live tv.
Video and audio playback works.
Diskless MDs boot.
later this week I will check telephone and other MDs.
when the avwizard interface first appears, depending on the connection type, it may be sized inappropriately. It is displaying on all outputs now, however I believe what is happening, is that it is TRYING to read from a type of output (HDMI) and finding no EDID data is just guessing.
If you press the number which corresponds to your output type at screen one, it should fix itself (1 for vga 2 for vga2 3... etc)
Hi L3mce
I did a fresh install off the previously mentioned snap. and after the reboot I got the following screen.
As you can see it uses only a small section of the screen and goes straight to the "if you can see and hear me" video.
I then popped into terminal and tried running the AVWizard and AVWizard Wrapper, I can get/set the settings there, but it doesnt seem to save them.
Is there any logs or other information that I can give you?
Thanks to L3mce I have now got snap 25987 running on my core and ID41 md. Video on md through hdmi seems fine with slight pixellation/tearing? on a fast pan. Now just need to sort out the sound on the ID41. Haven´t heard a peep out of Sarah ;D. L3mce did post something about the sound issue which I´m going to try.
Big,big thanks to L3mce, you rock!
Quote from: PreDeToR_ on May 29, 2012, 08:43:51 AM
Hi L3mce
I did a fresh install off the previously mentioned snap. and after the reboot I got the following screen.
As you can see it uses only a small section of the screen and goes straight to the "if you can see and hear me" video.
I then popped into terminal and tried running the AVWizard and AVWizard Wrapper, I can get/set the settings there, but it doesnt seem to save them.
Is there any logs or other information that I can give you?
Guys Any suggestions?
PreDeTor_, what's your graphics hardware? Sandy Bridge? Did you go through the SB wiki stuff after this fresh install?
Hi Jamo
Yes its SB, I would like to use the onboard if possible to reduce power usage.
When I do the SB stuff from the wiki, then I stop getting any stuff on the screen even during the text boot section.
I have tried waiting for the boot to complete and then pressed 1-0 about 10 seconds apart, but it did nothing.
Is it an MD or hybrid you're trying to setup?
There's no way, IMHO, it will work with onboard graphics without doing the backport stuff because the chipset just isn't supported in 10.04. When you *do* see graphics but it's small and squashed, I think that is just the fallback to the Vesa driver that occurs when the whole configure and driver install part fails. I get the same thing with my old Radeon cards that are incorrectly assigned to the fglrx driver.
A symptom of that is no xorg.conf file in /etc/X11. Can you confirm that that is the case?
Can you
lspci | grep -i Vga as well?
I got the backport stuff working on mine and at that stage it wasn't folded into the snapshots. I don't know if it is yet but I doubt it. Also that was on a core which I have subsequently re-installed as headless.
Drop by IRC sometime and see if you can get l3mce to help... he's brilliant at troubleshooting this stuff. I'm busy building an HTPC at the moment that will probably have the same issues- there is the possibilty of discrete graphics but if the onboard can work, as you say, power saving and slot saving always good.
Hi Guys
Attached is the lspci output and Xorg.1.log file.
And I can confirm that I do not have a xorg.conf file.
I did a fresh install, rebooted, waited for the screen above to apear, I clicked on KDE, did the SB upgrade, rebooted, and no output on any screen devices :(
I managed to ssh into the box, and it would seem that even iptables did not run.
I tried forcing AVWizardWrapper, and pressing 1-0 still nothing.
Tried another fresh install with a Nvidia card after this, I will let you guys know
Quote from: PreDeToR_ on May 31, 2012, 08:58:09 PM
Hi Guys
Attached is the lspci output and Xorg.1.log file.
And I can confirm that I do not have a xorg.conf file.
I did a fresh install, rebooted, waited for the screen above to apear, I clicked on KDE, did the SB upgrade, rebooted, and no output on any screen devices :(
I managed to ssh into the box, and it would seem that even iptables did not run.
I tried forcing AVWizardWrapper, and pressing 1-0 still nothing.
Tried another fresh install with a Nvidia card after this, I will let you guys know
Hold off a couple of hours.
I changed everything...
Please shout when ready.
Tomorrow at the earliest.
Snaps keep barfing.
LMCE-1004-20120602141526029.iso completed. Should be up in a couple hours.
I believe this snap will work well, assuming the underlying build went well.
I have fixed Desktop from hybrid, among other things... including what should be very accurate ATI driver designation.
I am changing avwizard to test specific HDMI devices in the audio portion. This should solve HDMI audio on all devices that are currently not working, but will take me a little time.
I am also adding logic to automatically reload the router for headless installs that are not already setup. Without an orbiter to warn you and give you a button, the first MD cannot currently be used till people reboot or do something clever with messagesend.
Just on 4th install, so far still stuck at networking issues - single network card, etc..
Quote from: dextaslab on June 04, 2012, 10:12:55 AM
Just on 4th install, so far still stuck at networking issues - single network card, etc..
The Latest Snap?
Im downloading atm, and will test when I get home later tonight.
Yeah, the first 3 issues where upstream installer issues - installer failes when selecting a different HDD to install to.
Currently using this: backwards to fix my NIC, which is all good now, I just have about 400+ USB game pads that installed on the headless core, which has no game pad attached.
I've had the same issues with multiple detection of non existant gamepads on a headless core install. I hadn't worried too much about it as I was in a VM and thought it might have been as a result of that.
Something is triggering the gamepad install script.
In my case it was my logitech universal receiver.
Got this from another thread...,12297.0.html
Quote from: polly on March 14, 2012, 10:29:21 PM
The Problem was caused by the auto-installed Gamepad.
Solution for 1004:
1. Delete all Gamepad Devices from your device tree
2. Edit /usr/pluto/bin/ and add a "exit 0" (insert it before "done")
sleep 5
exit 0
3. reboot
Thanks to tschak for the solution/wokraround
I will install multiple HDs and check the installer on that. That would be me.
Gamepad is not my world... but I will look into it. I don't understand why this would be different than a network install on that end... The NIC thing is odd... will look into that as well. Everything else has been solid from various testers. As always, thanks.
Pretty sure I also got a gamepad detected on my HP6710b notebook MD... will track down what it actually is and see if I can assist.
Quote from: DragonK on June 04, 2012, 10:49:23 PM
Something is triggering the gamepad install script.
In my case it was my logitech universal receiver.
Got this from another thread...,12297.0.html
That explanes the second forced reboot, the console streams, "confirming <something>".... "Device installed" down the page until you reboot it, and at about 1 every 2-3 seconds, 400+ would be about right. After the second reboot they do stop and display driver, etc... starts
Snapshot LMCE-1004-20120606003426051.iso should be available soon. This has improved headless support. It now reloads the router automatically if there are no users when an MD installs.
If anyone has a capture card in their core, which is headless, I would be very curious if you were able to setup mythtv. I would expect that to be a problem.
Getting that working is going to be a bit more work than I was anticipating, and it means I am going to have to switch my core and dev box to test and try and figure out a solution. Network capture like HDHR works.
*Yep. Multiple drives seems to be an issue. It installs correctly, but grub is absolutely buggered. This is my setup:
/dev/sda my builders drive
/dev/sdb my thumbdrive I am installing from
/dev/sdc the target install (connected through USB because my little test board literally has one SATA port and no IDEs)
/dev/sda grub only shows the /dev/sda installs (of which there are two)
update-grub reveals and adds /dev/sdb (though it cannot boot to it, as I would expect as it is basically a dvd) with the correct kernel, and nothing on /dev/sdc. So, remove the thumbdrive and bang, I can boot from grub menu.
Please describe your setup in a similar fashion, and what OSes we are dealing with. Long and short, you need to get to linux and as root:
grub-install /dev/sda
This should be happening from ubiquity, but obviously isn't working correctly. Because I attached my second drive through USB, clearly this is causing issues for my specific test. Once we figure out what needs to happen, I will make it happen. Thanks again.
Ok... it appears that ubiquity does not instinctively target its grub install to the first bootable drive... nor can you specify that target unless you use the "custom partition" option.
I was going to just try and figure out how to determine the first bootable drive and script it... but... if you are running some sort of funky RAID... I don't wanna... and it would open up the possibility I install grub on one drive in a RAID, blowing things up... and LMCE does NOT blow things up so...
We are an appliance. We are meant to run, and run everything.
If you want to dual boot or something odd on multiple drives, you have to use the custom partitioner, which is provided, and target it yourself, or do the steps I outlined above replacing /dev/sda with whatever your first bootable designation is.
That is just sort of where I am at with that. I am not taking the chance messing up a different install. Consider it unsupported.
One of the next snapshots I am going to try an experiment and install alsa backport modules by default... so many of the newer cards require it in order to get HDMI showing, I want to see if it breaks anything installing it by default.
I will let you know when that happens. Feedback on that specific snap would be particularly helpful.
********** I changed my mind after a couple of impromptu tests
On SOME cards, this can have unpopular results. I sort of go both ways. I wonder how many people are wanting to use HDMI by default. It sort of boils down to, sometimes it removes all devices BUT HDMI, usually all devices are available, or without most of the newer stuff does not have HDMI.
I cannot do this on the fly by selecting HDMI in avwizard. Has to sort of go one way or the other.
Seeing how HDMI sound out has never been a "given" in a Linux context,... I'd vote for leaving it out by default, and pointing those who want it to the wiki for a workaround solution,...
For me, preserving things like SPID/optical out is more important (reduces buzzing caused by the MD's internal circuitry versus standard anolog audio out). Many people who are considering machines for MDs are going to be specifically looking for optical audio out,... I know that I did...
But that's just me,...
I'd vote for putting it in ;-) but I also don't mind working through a well documented wiki solution. My opinion is that sound over HDMI is going to become the standard way of doing things so it would be cool if we could go this way but provided it's do-able, if it is a problem in the installer at the moment, wiki-workaround is fine. (Not that I've used either... I'm must looking to the future). Can always wait for 12.04 ;-)
Its gonna come down to personal prefence...
HDMI and Optical cable to Amp or Just one HDMI cable to amp....
Fewer cables the more neater it looks and easier to maintain......
Just my 2cents.
L3mce, why dont you put it up for a vote???
What are people's experience with HDMI audio out and getting hum over that line? I use optical out, and experience zero hum. All other devices going to my amp get humming, sometimes pretty badly...
Sounds like you have a ground loop. Have you tried to hunt it down?
Quote from: davegravy on June 08, 2012, 05:13:37 PM
Sounds like you have a ground loop. Have you tried to hunt it down?
Agreed. They only connection that doesn't make noise is optical? That's a ground loop.
I think I am going to put an ugly screen in front of avwiz that asks what connection you INTEND on trying to use, and making its deliberation from there what to do, and whether a reboot is necessary based on the devices available. This will also, as I said, allow multiple card use on any output.
Isolating an electrical problem in my house is like herding cats. I once found a live 240 line that was just cut and curled up in the ceiling of the basement,... I was lucky I wasn't electrocuted when I tried to test whether it was live with a current detector. It sparked and set off the breaker... Have at least one shared neutral in the house too (opposite phases, so it's OK)... A lot of the wiring was done by one of the previous owners,... nothing labeled correctly, save what I've done... A real mess! There's also not a single plum wall or square corner either,... again, save what I've done myself...
So for me it's optical sound output, whenever possible.
Ground loop problems?
I have searched extensively for a solution, switched motherboards, changed amplifiers, speakers, power supplies (substitute linear for normal ones) but could not get rid of the noise.
Until i tried engine noise suppressors !!
They look like little barrels , with rca inputs and outputs. They are used in audio car systems to kill engine/electrical interference. Price can vary from 5 to 20 euros but its the ONLY thing that can kill motherboard interference.
I was ready to invest in optical to rca CYP Converters, but these guys saved the day....
Hope it helps someone.
I think that groundloop would be caused by the cable touching a metal casing. It being chasis or from the Tv or Amp or DVD Player.
Quote from: DragonK on June 11, 2012, 10:13:49 PM
I think that groundloop would be caused by the cable touching a metal casing. It being chasis or from the Tv or Amp or DVD Player.
Could be... They can form through power grounds, signal grounds, chassis grounds. Could be a problem with house wiring, the way you have your equipment connected, and/or bad grounding design in just one piece of equipment in your setup.
Best way to diagnose them is to strip your AV setup down to the bare minimum to see if it can be eliminated. Try other outlets in your house. Try another house. Swap out a piece of equipment for a different model. Be systematic.
To bring the conversation back on topic it doesn't make sense to me to design LMCE for optical just because it provides ground loop protection, since this isn't a problem for most people. I prefer optical over HDMI because downstream of my MD I don't mix audio and video in any device, and I don't want to need a receiver which can separate the two.
Simple setup - MD is Revo 330 to TV via HDMI. Sound and Video.
Optical out on Revo is ONLY for a receiver.
TV's only usually have optical out and/or analog out in one form or another i.e. RCA white/red or 1/8 inch mini-jack out.
But, you have to get the audio to the TV first, and then if you want - out to your receiver.
For the simple REVO setup - no HDMI, no receiver = no sound on TV.
It's going to be a mixed bag of some wanting HDMI, others optical... It really is a case-by-case situation. In my experience with Linux video drivers, HDMI audio is often lacking altogether, or poorly supported. Maybe it's improved since I last looked into it, but I don't have a lot of faith that it has.
Have used a Revo with HDMI for some time now.
Usually had to play with it at times (alsa) but it has always worked 8.10 and above.
BTW, on snap 20120608011426058 when my Revo MD was announced to the router (auto detected - no manual running of TBZ) and everything downloaded/installed, after AVWizard selections I had HDMI audio and 1080p video.
I would prefer audio via HDMI, less cables.
Question, I get "hum" over HDMI sometimes after stopping music or video, feels like a software problem.
anyone else have the same experience?
BR Stefan
Hum's not software (almost never is),... what you are likely getting is the kind of ground loop effect that they were describing, but perhaps due to the way the manufacturer of your PC configured the sound system,... So very possibly, it's internal to your PC,... But process of elimination, try changing what power source (what outlet/breaker the machine is on versus to speakers/AMP/TV) the things are pulling from,... ya know,... moving them all to the same, or making them all different, etc.
Off topic, and you will probably get MORE attention in its own thread anyway.
But JaseP is right.
QuoteIf anyone has a capture card in their core, which is headless, I would be very curious if you were able to setup mythtv. I would expect that to be a problem
I have a TechniSat CableStar HD2 (DVB-C) so I'm not sure whether I would want to use VDR or MythTV, but I will be running the latest snapshot soon. Headlessly, as KVM on an openSUSE system. I wouldn't mind running any tests.
I also just had a problem with the USB-gamepad install. I recently updated my system and reran and then re-installed all my media directors. My Compaq HP6710b notebook got into a USB-gamepad device install loop where it just kept adding the device and incremmenting the device number. Sarah in the background asking if I can see and hear her while in the top-left I keep getting "detected gamepad device number 3283", "downloading software...", "detected gamepad device number 3284", "downloading software...", etc etc until I manually powered off the MD. I had to then go into web admin, delete gamepad device (there was only one) in device tree and then remove the reference on the media director wizard to the gamepad as remote. Then, before booting the MD again, I did the fix mentioned below in the detect gamepad script on the /usr/pluto/diskless/xxx/usr/pluto/bin script.
Then booted up the media director again and all worked swimmingly.
As mentioned by Karel, the gamepad detect script is clearly returning false positives in some instances. Should I open a trac ticket for this?
Incidentally, if it is installed, it also plays havoc with trying to use a wiimote.
Quote from: DragonK on June 04, 2012, 10:49:23 PM
Something is triggering the gamepad install script.
In my case it was my logitech universal receiver.
Got this from another thread...,12297.0.html
The USB Game Pad driver needs work for certain cases. I would love for somebody to take a look at the code, to see what they can fix, given their unique installs.
Quote from: tschak909 on June 19, 2012, 02:06:39 AM
The USB Game Pad driver needs work for certain cases. I would love for somebody to take a look at the code, to see what they can fix, given their unique installs.
I'll try and have a look at the detection side.... since DragonK and I have both had issues and we both use wiimotes I think it's likely that is where the confusion is being introduced. I'll open a trac ticket for it.
Edit: Oh, I see you have a trac ticket already for the gamepade device
I'm thinking the issues are in the and that are picking up stuff from the wiimote install. If I find anything I'll chat directly to you and/or put a comment on the ticket.
You should also look at the source code for the gamepad device, as well:
Carrying on the gamepad discussion in the following thread.,12645.0.html
Have gone around in circles a few times but I think I'm getting there.... at least detecting the problem. Fixing is another issue ;-)
I tried snap LMCE-1004-20120623013626110.iso
But it didn't boot, not from USB and not from DVD
It could not find the boot image
Now i am installing 1 snap earlier, and this one does boot.
Did you check the md5sum of the image?
There are some good changes on the newer snaps, that handle directory ownership correctly, fixing things like floorplans.
tried the LMCE-1004-20120623013626110 - here it booted.
It is probably a bad idea to change the names of the rooms while in the setup wizard , at least it crashed here and started over. That means that MythTV was not installed and maybe other things are not OK.
What I did. Keyboard language danish, selected two rooms "linving room" and "garage". Tried to rename garage to "Work room", pressed shift W on the screen keyboard and the "ork" fast on the keyboard. Then I only had a small video on the screen and after some time the wizard started all over, but remembering my choises.
Another thing, while entering the letters with the on-screen keyboard offen i did get letters from another row on the keyboard. Meaning instaed of "k" i woul get an "i" and so on.
Later I discovered that MythTV was not installed.
That is not at all normal. Changing names should not do any of this, and has not when I rename. The only thing that has ever crashed the wizard for me was zwave a while back, but that was resolved a long time ago.
The Danish keyboard is the only thing that seems different. I will see if someone can try and reproduce this error... otherwise it was a fluke/related to some other hardware being discovered and locking once a room was created.
This is why Sarah says "Don't start plugging in your devices just yet" for the record. Can you tell me what else was attached once you created rooms? I lean towards that as an answer.
This is not going to be particularly helpful because I can't remember the exact circumstances (can't even remember if it was 8.10 or 10.04 although it was certainly this year, probably a few months ago) but I have had the same experience once- the room naming restarting in the middle exactly as described. The only thing that might be helpful is to say that I definitely didn't have a Danish keyboard. As suggested by l3... quite possibly some hardware quirk triggering something else.
Sorry I can't remember more details but I just wanted to mention that it has happened before to me. Again, it didn't seem to cause any trouble apart from the inconvenience.
Quote from: l3mce on July 09, 2012, 08:00:36 PM
That is not at all normal. Changing names should not do any of this, and has not when I rename. The only thing that has ever crashed the wizard for me was zwave a while back, but that was resolved a long time ago.
The Danish keyboard is the only thing that seems different. I will see if someone can try and reproduce this error... otherwise it was a fluke/related to some other hardware being discovered and locking once a room was created.
This is why Sarah says "Don't start plugging in your devices just yet" for the record. Can you tell me what else was attached once you created rooms? I lean towards that as an answer.
this is on my test system, where there is only an DVB-s av7110 card in it besides the normal Nvidia card and two gigabit network cards.
No remote control or anything else.
Regards Viking
one more thing. I could not setup 1080p 50hz in AV wizard on my MD. On the first boot 1080p did not work at all. Probably soemthing with the Nvidia driver beeing updated? (does it reboot after that? I did not stay with the screen all the time). I did then setup 720p and that worked.
On the second boot where i activated the AV wizard again from within advanced setings I could choose 1080p and it showed something, but I assume it used 720p size as the AV wizard was not completely shown a part of it was outside the "TV screen". this time I also tried 24 and 60hz, but the did not work in 1080p either.
I then configured xorg.conf with rates from here :
And then it worked with 1080p 50hz
MD System: Nvidia 8400 GS and Sony KDL-46W4500 - see also here :
Hi viking... as your issues are not related to the DVD install, but instead are generic 1004 issues, I would appreciate opening threads pertaining to them. People might be under the impression, based on the OP, that installing from DVD means their tv won't be found.
Please give me the output of:
xrandr --verbose
Perhaps in a new thread with an appropriate title :) Thanks
Hi L3mce,
OK, the AV wizard topic is now here :,12676.0.html
Hey, i've tried:
- LMCE-1004-20120623013626110.iso (written on DVD and USB stick)
- LMCE-1004-20120701130826149.iso
Everything boots well (after pushing enter at 'boot:'). I've got the menu where i can choose which version i want to install. But once the status balk starts, it freeze. The balk is at 70% and doens't do anything anymore. I've left it for about 30 minutes, but even the numlock led isn't doing anything anymore.
Only thing i can do is a hard reset.
Some hardware info:
- Motherboard: MICRO-STAR MS-7519
- Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E7400 @ 2.80GHz
- Memory: 4GB
- Hard drive: SSD 60GB
- Video: ATI Technologies Inc RV710 [Radeon HD 4350]
- Audio: Intel Corporation 82801JI (ICH10 Family) HD Audio Controller
- Network 1: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller
- Network 2: 3Com Corporation 3c905C-TX/TX-M [Tornado]
- Video Capture: Brooktree Corporation Bt848 Video Capture
- CD Reader: IDE DVD writer
I've also tried the installation on a SATA2 1TB disk.
Any idea/hint?
ps linuxMCE 8.10 runs fine on this system (except video capture what i don't really use (for the moment))...
Which option are you choosing on the boot screen - i.e. install type?
Quote from: brononi on July 12, 2012, 06:25:19 PM
Hey, i've tried:
- LMCE-1004-20120623013626110.iso (written on DVD and USB stick)
- LMCE-1004-20120701130826149.iso
Everything boots well (after pushing enter at 'boot:'). I've got the menu where i can choose which version i want to install. But once the status balk starts, it freeze. The balk is at 70% and doens't do anything anymore. I've left it for about 30 minutes, but even the numlock led isn't doing anything anymore.
Only thing i can do is a hard reset.
Some hardware info:
- Motherboard: MICRO-STAR MS-7519
- Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E7400 @ 2.80GHz
- Memory: 4GB
- Hard drive: SSD 60GB
- Video: ATI Technologies Inc RV710 [Radeon HD 4350]
- Audio: Intel Corporation 82801JI (ICH10 Family) HD Audio Controller
- Network 1: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller
- Network 2: 3Com Corporation 3c905C-TX/TX-M [Tornado]
- Video Capture: Brooktree Corporation Bt848 Video Capture
- CD Reader: IDE DVD writer
I've also tried the installation on a SATA2 1TB disk.
Any idea/hint?
ps linuxMCE 8.10 runs fine on this system (except video capture what i don't really use (for the moment))...
Well that is a bummer. This is the first hard lock. Thank you for eliminating the ssd as the culprit, it would have been my first goto.
There is a log, if you can log in to live boot (av wizard will probably fight with you after you hit desktop. Just ctrl alt f7 your way back after avwizard stops blinking). From there you can open dolphin probably and just click to mount the drive, and pastebinit /var/log/pluto/install.log or... hmm... a quick scan reveals that I never re-enabled the log, fearing that it was causing a problem at some point...
You could check the dmesg/syslog but... Need to reenable that log so I can figure out where it is breaking.
Get back to you in a moment.
It may be related to this...
and later at
and here;
Similar freezing issues... all over the place the MS-7159 looks particularly effected (shows up a lot in google searches)...
If you're using a ps2 mouse/keyboard,... toss 'em... no overclocking,... set BIOS CPU timings to manual...
Quote from: pigdog on July 12, 2012, 09:24:22 PM
Which option are you choosing on the boot screen - i.e. install type?
I've tried 4 options. Each time it's the same error. This happens really quick. So i guess it's a hardware related issue. I'll try to have more info this evening (with the tip of l3mce (ctrl-alt-f7...)
I'm in the office now, so no access to the machine. But if i'm not wrong, these were following options:
- LinuxMCE live
- LinuxMCE core + MD
- LinuxMCE headless
- Failsafe
On the side:
- Not sure what the headless is. Maybe this could be integrated in the installation screen?
A small explanation, what-to-choose on the bottom (or F1, or ...)? - Maybe another option could be a kind of verbose installation option?
That you don't have the graphical screen / status bar (what i love by the way), but a complete view of installations files, checks...?
I'm not sure if this possible, i don't have enough software knowledge for that. :-X
Live is running LMCE without installing it.
Core and MD is installing LMCE on a system with terminal/keyboard etc. and you can use this system as a Media Director to watch videos, listen to music etc.
Headless is just the Core system. You stuff this in a closet and its basically like a server. You create MD's elsewhere on the network to watch videos, etc
Personally I usually build a Core and MD system as more of a troubleshooting unit. If it doesn't work on a MD does it work on the Core/MD?
Until very recently, I finally changed my Core/MD to another not so old hardware platform, I used to need to run the option (F6?) and remove rghb quiet and add all_generic_ide to the kernel line.
For some reason the install would fire up run for so long and bomb. Something didn't like my hardware platform - which I figured was something to do with my DVD drive.
Hope this helps.
The thing is... at 70% or whatever, this is not part of LMCE specifically that is busting... this is the generic kubuntu install process that is bombing. I tend to agree with pigdog... this is likely resolved with a grub parameter. all_generic_ide perhaps... or maybe more to do with your ATI... there are a couple of ATI grub params like radeon.modeset=1 or maybe ACPI=off... sometimes acpi causes issues.
I believe this to be a generic install problem... and you could test this theory, if you were so inclined, by downloading a generic kubuntu 10.04 32bit desktop iso, and trying to install it.
I think l3me's right,.. I'd suggest testing with a generic Kubuntu 10.04 install, Ubuntu 10.01 install, and then if it continues ...start pulling components, starting with simple things like keyboards/mice, then cards, then RAM sticks.
p.s. Don't forget to do a md5sum and burn your image at the slowest speed.
Good luck.
Quote from: l3mce on July 13, 2012, 05:47:53 PMmaybe more to do with your ATI...
You're right with this one.
After resetting the BIOS, removing additional cards (audio, network...), using an USB keyboard/mouse and swapping the memory, i tried changing the ATI card.
And yep, the installation ran without any hassle.
Why is it always the last thing you try that works? ;)
Server is running now version 1004-20120701130826149 on a SSD.
The day after tomorrow i can start configuring it. Looking forward to the new things in LinuxMCE...
Very nice install iso !!!
Just tried this today from the iso from July 1st.
Main problem is my tuners aren't detected/working for mythtv. Do I need to add drivers. I assumed they would be auto-detected as they both work in 0810.
I have a:
1. Kworld KW-DVB-T 399U USB
2. HVR2200 PCIe DVB-T
Both worked fine in 0810
Otherwise install was generally OK apart from constant interruptions for detected hdds, tvs etc, however the wizard would always remember my last action.
root@dcerouter:/# dmesg | grep dvb
[ 14.504256] dvb-usb: found a 'KWorld PlusTV Dual DVB-T Stick (DVB-T 399U)' in cold state, will try to load a firmware
[ 14.504263] usb 2-1: firmware: requesting dvb-usb-af9015.fw
[ 14.519445] dvb-usb: did not find the firmware file. (dvb-usb-af9015.fw) Please see linux/Documentation/dvb/ for more details on firmware-problems. (-2)
[ 14.519544] dvb_usb_af9015: probe of 2-1:1.0 failed with error -2
[ 14.519566] usbcore: registered new interface driver dvb_usb_af9015
root@dcerouter:/# lsmod | grep dvb
dvb_usb_af9015 23159 0
dvb_usb 14457 1 dvb_usb_af9015
dvb_core 86206 2 dvb_usb,saa7164
Please open a new thread whenever you have specific hardware issues, that are not really related to the dvd installer per se.
Good point. Moved to here:,12686.0.html
Amazing job. I had to pull friends into my room while I installed to check out how clean LMCE has gotten. The new splash screens were a nice touch. I only have a couple small quirks which could very well be my hardware and settings but will mention them and post a ticket for the drive issue.
Clonezilla is unable to backup sda (sda1, sda5, sda6) after install. States disk is broken? Seagate 160g sata. 20gig ext4 partition for files, 10gig swap, 130 gig xfs. This may be a clonezilla setting and unrelated to lmce at all but thought I would mention it.
Motion.conf is installing as disabled by default. I had to manually edit the .conf file and change the text to =yes
The classic three beeps at the splash screen for av wizard no longer occurs, I missed my chance and completed initial room setup with a small window and later knew to pull av wizard command from orbiter.
WebDT orbiter screen locked at Basic Skin, unable to refresh with new devices or load skin Brushed Aluminum, Blue Crystal, Ulta (that I have tried)
Hi there. Thanks.
If clonezilla is barking that the disk is broken please sudo touch /forcefsck && sudo shutdown -r now
This will force a check on the drive. I have never encountered that... cannot say for sure what went wrong.
I will look into motion.conf. Not really sure why it would be different than any other install.
Are you saying that after the first load and reboot, it never took you to AVWizard? You shouldn't have to do anything. It should just drop you into avwiz after install. As for the beeps, I will look into that as well. I don't have any PC Speakers. I ripped them all out because they woke my wife up boot after reboot late at night.
WebDT should have absolutely nothing to do with the install whatsoever. However I do not have one to test. I would appreciate feedback from anyone else using one on the DVD install.
Quote from: l3mce on July 16, 2012, 09:13:42 PM
Are you saying that after the first load and reboot, it never took you to AVWizard? You shouldn't have to do anything. It should just drop you into avwiz after install. As for the beeps, I will look into that as well. I don't have any PC Speakers. I ripped them all out because they woke my wife up boot after reboot late at night.
If you have ever accidentally assigned the webDT orbiter to your hybrid you will be familiar with what I mean, the screen posts to the upper left corner of the display at 800x600 and ignores the rest of the display (mine is currently 12?? X 1080) That is where the House/Media Director setup wizard started. I am stating that yes, my install with the DVD bypassed the normal av wizard (without sara) where display output>resolution>refresh>etc is established.
If you would like to test this my video card is a nVidia 7600 GT, I had a yellow line in my on-screen scripts where it selected the proprietary driver instead of default and downloaded those files.
Regarding the beeps I am just accustomed to hovering over the W key during first install because 8.10 never liked my DVI-2 display which goes through a kvm switch via conversion to vga. During the 10.04 DVD install both DVI-1 and DVI-2 were detected and mirrored displays where chosen for me.
AVWizard should not skip. That's a problem. Posde noticed during a kvm install recently that it skipped avwiz as well. If it CAN run avwiz, it SHOULD run avwiz. Yes it always tries to install proprietary drivers when available so that compositing and video acceleration are available when possible.
I need to do some fresh installs from the latest snap and see what is going on. Thank you for the feedback.
I wanted to confirm again that the nvidia gt 7600 skips AV Wizard.
1004, August 3rd snap
Clean install up through first reboot ( where it ejects the DVD )
On the proceeding boot it states "[the next thing you will see is the av wizard]"
Instead of going anywhere though it continues on with scrolling text about various components.
After gray screen announcements about devices installing I get the Sara wizard in the top left screen corner @ 640 x 480.
Oddly enough, or maybe logical to you, my mouse has full run of the unused dark area. I assume x recognized my card and defaulted to a higher res than lmce defaulted to without setup wizard to overwrite x?
From the onscreen orbiter I can command reboot to av wiz but am letting this instal sit for a while to catalog this and that and download this and that. I am in no hurry if it means no packets get disrupted.
You were looking over some things last I mentioned this so let me know if you think you have it, or if I should put in a ticket.
If that gpu is skipping AVWizard, it is almost surely due to an unrecognized soundcard.
Even if it couldn't get internet, it would run the nouveau driver through avwizard. That GPU is certified our version by nvidia. I am guessing this is sound related.
lspci -nnk | grep -i audio -A2 please
Sorry for the delay, here is the output of lspci -nnk | grep -i audio -A2
jeremy@dcerouter:~$ lspci -nnk | grep -i audio -A2
00:1b.0 Audio device [0403]: Intel Corporation 82801JI (ICH10 Family) HD Audio Controller [8086:3a3e]
Kernel driver in use: HDA Intel
Kernel modules: snd-hda-intel
I believe that after I run AV Wizard it then pulls the ALSA (sp?) drivers. I will confirm that after a reboot to av wizard but I know it used that in the past and I never manually instructed it to.
Quote from: Armor Gnome on August 05, 2012, 06:09:52 AM
Sorry for the delay, here is the output of lspci -nnk | grep -i audio -A2
I believe that after I run AV Wizard it then pulls the ALSA (sp?) drivers. I will confirm that after a reboot to av wizard but I know it used that in the past and I never manually instructed it to.
I am a bit confused. I thought you weren't hitting AVWizard.
lspci -nnk | grep VGA -A2
sudo aplay -l
Output of lspci -nnk | grep -i audio -A2 BEFORE I ran AV Wizard (first boot to lmce when it skipped AV Wizard)
jeremy@dcerouter:~$ lspci -nnk | grep -i audio -A2
00:1b.0 Audio device [0403]: Intel Corporation 82801JI (ICH10 Family) HD Audio Controller [8086:3a3e]
Kernel driver in use: HDA Intel
Kernel modules: snd-hda-intel
Here is the output of lspci -nnk | grep -i audio -A2 AFTER I forced reboot into AV Wizard
jeremy@dcerouter:~$ lspci -nnk | grep -i audio -A2
00:1b.0 Audio device [0403]: Intel Corporation 82801JI (ICH10 Family) HD Audio Controller [8086:3a3e]
Kernel driver in use: HDA Intel
Kernel modules: snd-hda-intel
Being exactly the same I see that nothing changed? However I am full screen now with DVI-2/HDMI - 1080p - 60Hz settings. After I do a little clean up I am going to edit my settings to get dual monitors working, taking screenshots as I go for that guide I owe you. Should I wait on that until you get all the info you need about AV Wizard skipping?
Running your most recent commands:
jeremy@dcerouter:~$ lspci -nnk | grep VGA -A2
01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: nVidia Corporation G73 [GeForce 7600 GT] [10de:0391] (rev a1)
Kernel driver in use: nvidia
Kernel modules: nvidia-glx-260, nvidiafb, nouveau
jeremy@dcerouter:~$ sudo aplay -l
[sudo] password for jeremy:
**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: ALC888 Analog [ALC888 Analog]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 1: ALC888 Digital [ALC888 Digital]
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
Now THAT is interesting! If I follow that output do I see two separate sound channels on that MSI on-board chip? I think I am gonna take a look at the squeeze packages again.
How are you booting AVWizard?
When you go through AVWizard you have audio etc?
This is an MD install? If so, could you please destroy it and do it again... Assuming it skips AVWizard, can I please see the output of the following...
ls /etc/X11
cat /etc/pluto.conf
Orbiter > Advanced > AV and Audio Setup = reboot to av wizard
Yes, once I get into av wizard I have sound. Analog Stereo is the only available option, I select that and even though I hear the music I turn it to 100% as the signal out to my receiver is quite low.
This is a reinstall of my core/hybrid. If the output you need is pre-av wizard I can clone this install (since it has a day now of uptime) and redo it.
I haven't used the system for some years (having ehthusiastically bought three M2NPV motherboards to set up my initial 7.04 system) through fear of contributing to the greenhouse by running the server (core) 365/24/7.
However, I still drop by from time to time to see how the enthusiasts are progressing.
"The time has come" caught my attention as the feedback indicates you have been making significant progress.
I decided to try again but came unstuck at step number one.
I have downloaded LMCE-1004-20121025233126610.iso and checked its md5 sum - all OK.
I've made four burns using Nero 11 from the slowest to fastest speed.
Every one refuses to boot giving the first Linux loading line and ending in boot:
If I input anything it states "unable to find kernel" or similar.
As I can't find any similar experiences in the forum I presume I've missed something very basic in the image burning process although I've burned and used the 8.10 install successfully during the same session.
I was hoping the 10.04 would avoid me having to do the r8111 workaround. ???
Can anyone help?
Quote from: OldBob on October 26, 2012, 09:13:43 AM
Every one refuses to boot giving the first Linux loading line and ending in boot:
If I input anything it states "unable to find kernel" or similar.
Just press Enter at that point - it should continue installing.
Thanks folks - my apologies - the problem was my impatience.
If I had waited for around 45 seconds the splash screen would have appeared.
I have tried this on my original M2NPV and a Z68 i5 machine and both performed similarly.
I am currently installing onto the M2NPV and all appears to be progressing as I can recall.
The ease of installation and informative splash screens is far superior to my last installs.
Well done to all of those who contributed / made it possible.
My recollection with earlier versions was that the "Software" section of the installer presented a screen populated with libdvdcss and W32, W64 options. These sections are now blank. Is this intentional or has my installation failed?
Likewise, the remote (control) "learning" screen is blank, my recollection was that it was populated with "up", "down", etc and that you could send the codes and it would save the file without having to go into the web admin. This section also presents a blank two sections screen.
If it's not behaving as intended please let me know and I will submit a ticket with the hardware details. My location is Australia.
Quote from: OldBob on October 29, 2012, 09:28:20 PM
My recollection with earlier versions was that the "Software" section of the installer presented a screen populated with libdvdcss and W32, W64 options. These sections are now blank. Is this intentional or has my installation failed?
Intentional. We no longer provide extra software the way it used to be provided.
Thanks, understood.
If the learning part used to work and now doesn't, please submit a ticket with hw details.
As much detail as you can muster... perhaps watch /var/log/pluto/DCERouter.log
Dear all,
While I was hapily streaming radio stations for a while, in the last few snapshots wma playback seems broken.
Unfortunately, it is not confined to radio playback; any file encoded in windows codecs refuses to play.
This is the playback of a typical wma file:
========== NEW LOG SECTION ==========
1 11/03/12 12:27:01 23 (spawning-device) Starting... 1
1 11/03/12 12:27:01 23 (spawning-device) Found ./Xine_Player
05 11/03/12 12:27:01.765 Xine_Player::GetConfig default zoom 100 <0xb7770ab0>
05 11/03/12 12:27:01.791 Warning: is not loaded yet (?) <0xb7770ab0>
05 11/03/12 12:27:01.791 Custom xine functions status: xine_seek=(nil), xine_start_trick_play=(nil), xine_stop_trick_play=(nil). Trickplay and seeking support: absent <0xb7770ab0>
05 11/03/12 12:27:02.050 Count of screens at this display: 1 <0xb7770ab0>
05 11/03/12 12:27:02.051 XMapWindow returned: 1 <0xb7770ab0>
05 11/03/12 12:27:08.593 Xine_Player::CMD_Play_Media() called for id 1001 filename: /home/public/data/audio/Software Raid 1 [39]/ALBUMS/U2/The Best Of 1990-2000 [UK]/01 Even Better Than The Real Thing.wma () <0xb6d6eb70>
05 11/03/12 12:27:08.593 Xine_Stream_Factory::GetStream streamID is 0 <0xb6d6eb70>
05 11/03/12 12:27:08.845 Created new stream with ID=1001 deint 0 100 0 <0xb6d6eb70>
05 11/03/12 12:27:08.845 Xine_Player::CMD_Play_Media() set stream 1001 as last rendering to screen. <0xb6d6eb70>
05 11/03/12 12:27:08.845 Xine_Player::CMD_Play_Media() called for id 1001 filename: /home/public/data/audio/Software Raid 1 [39]/ALBUMS/U2/The Best Of 1990-2000 [UK]/01 Even Better Than The Real Thing.wma () with corresponding stream 0x8b05d00. <0xb6d6eb70>
05 11/03/12 12:27:08.875 Opening media without chapters/title position: 'file:///home/public/data/audio/Software Raid 1 [39]/ALBUMS/U2/The Best Of 1990-2000 [UK]/01 Even Better Than The Real Thing.wma' <0xb6d6eb70>
05 11/03/12 12:27:09.759 Visualizing plugin not enabled <0xb6d6eb70>
05 11/03/12 12:27:09.760 Xine_Stream::changePlaybackSpeed no running seekers found <0xb6d6eb70>
05 11/03/12 12:27:09.760 Xine engine set new zoom level to X:100, Y:100 <0xb6d6eb70>
05 11/03/12 12:27:09.761 Read media A/V information: [MS Windows Media Audio 2 (ffmpeg)]/[] => [pcm]/[] <0xb0d6db70>
05 11/03/12 12:27:09.761 Xine_Player::EVENT_Playback_Started(streamID=1001) <= AV info <0xb0d6db70>
05 11/03/12 12:27:09.761 Read media A/V information: [MS Windows Media Audio 2 (ffmpeg)]/[] => [pcm]/[] <0xb0d6db70>
05 11/03/12 12:27:09.761 Xine_Player::EVENT_Playback_Started(streamID=1001) <= AV info <0xb0d6db70>
05 11/03/12 12:27:09.763 Read media A/V information: [MS Windows Media Audio 2 (ffmpeg)]/[] => [pcm]/[] <0xb6d6eb70>
05 11/03/12 12:27:09.763 Xine_Player::EVENT_Playback_Started(streamID=1001) <0xb6d6eb70>
05 11/03/12 12:27:09.763 Xine_Player::CMD_Play_Media() ended for filename: /home/public/data/audio/Software Raid 1 [39]/ALBUMS/U2/The Best Of 1990-2000 [UK]/01 Even Better Than The Real Thing.wma with stream 0x8b05d00. <0xb6d6eb70>
05 11/03/12 12:27:10.676 [ID: 1001] CHAPTER:0 POS:0 TITLE:0 SUBTITLE:-1 AUDIO:-1 TOTAL:222165 (seek 0) t.c. ctr 0 freq 1, <0x56a7b70>
05 11/03/12 12:27:11.677 [ID: 1001] CHAPTER:0 POS:0 TITLE:0 SUBTITLE:-1 AUDIO:-1 TOTAL:222165 (seek 0) t.c. ctr 1 freq 1, <0x56a7b70>
Even though playback stops for the specific filename, it appearts as if streaming continues normally.
Before I dump my problem onto you, I tried researching it a little bit.
1. w32codecs is installed (along with libdvdcss2, but thats not important here..)
2. ffmpeg results in error (WARNING: library configuration mismatch), but pluto-ffmpeg works ok (so I installed that with a symlink so it loads it by default, along with ffplay, ffserver,ffprobe)
Cant seem to pinpoint the problem though... Any clues?
Thanks for your help,
Yeah... I broke the heck out of audio.
Try upgrading to the current set of things.
No problem, all of us are in it for the trip and not the destination.
How do I upgrade ? Through apt-get update/upgrade or is there any other way?
That is the best way for this one.
Don't know if this belongs here or not, but my AMD motherboard (ECS IC780M-A) (no onboard video, but it has onboard audio) paired with a nVidia video card (EVGA 512-P3-1213-LR GeForce 210) did not have audio while l3mce was working on the video/audio. It had previously been working... after a GlobalUpgrades today I reran through the AVWizard, was presented with both audio cards. Selected the right card and now have working HDMI audio with DTS and Dolby Digital- the later two had never been used.
TLDR: video/audio work great- thank you.
I dont know if this belongs here,
But after connecting my Synology NAS in my LinuxMCE network, it got detected. I have set the share's up as Public content, and use LMCE direcory structure. I moved my videos and audio into the LMCE dir structure. All things looked good. But video's do not get indexed. I can search for video's and they will play at my core, but not at any MD.
For Audio, it doesn't work at all....
I've checked the directories, and there are only softlinks made in the /home/public/data/videos dir. Not in any other public directory
Also softlinks for videos are made on the MD's, but the NFS share doesn't get mounted.
Can anybody help me to shed some light onto this issue?
I would suggest after adding a storage device, to reboot.
Please start a thread if this is something you would like to discuss or need help fixing.
Thanks guys,
I already fixed the issue of non index media. It had to do that my media was already indexed on another location.
If there is something i can do to help resolve the issue with the softlinks, let me know.