Recent install of LMCE-1004-201203211118.iso and then an update today. Then created MD, however trying to launch Hulu Player results in this in dmesg:
[ 1024.248009] huludesktop[9590]: segfault at 4d0 ip 005f6a0a sp bfcdad30 error 4 in[5e2000+119000]
[ 1029.454668] huludesktop[9838]: segfault at 4d0 ip 00fd4a0a sp bfa37c90 error 4 in[fc0000+119000]
[ 1034.618813] huludesktop[10149]: segfault at 4d0 ip 00d3ba0a sp bfc11e10 error 4 in[d27000+119000]
[ 1038.960698] huludesktop[10345]: segfault at 4d0 ip 00687a0a sp bf8ead20 error 4 in[673000+119000]
This is all that is reporting in the xx_Hulu_Player.log:
01 03/30/12 19:48:09.588 LIRCD_Thread: Listening for Hulu Desktop <0xb637ab70>
01 03/30/12 19:48:12.493 LIRCD_Thread: Accepted Socket Connection: 8 <0xb637ab70>
01 03/30/12 19:48:13.920 LIRCD_Thread: Closing Socket connection: 8 <0xb637ab70>
01 03/30/12 19:48:13.920 LIRCD_Thread: Listening for Hulu Desktop <0xb637ab70>
and this is the only item in pluto.log:
1 03/30/12 19:47:23 67 (spawning-device) Found ./Hulu_Player
NOTE: all logs are from the MD (there is no information for Hulu in the same logs on the core).
Anyone else having same issue or have any suggestions?
apt-get install flashplugin-installer? Maybe?
checked that!!!! ;D
even re-installed and even tried flashplugin-nonfree...
Still no go >:(
Update again last night... no affect!
I'm not getting the Hulu player either...
Haven't really dived into that yet though... Web based features are a secondary concern for me at the moment.
I did notice the thing on the boards about it not working,... the flash-player being over-written... But I will also note that the downloaded Huludesktop app (from Hulu Labs) is not working in a straight Kubuntu 10.04 install either. There is apparently something wrong with the most recent update to the flash player versus the Huludesktop app. I saw something about people having success by retrograding their flashplayer install back down a few versions.
hmm.. I'll try that... I know it WAS working on my linux desktop (11.04 kubuntu), but i just tried it and it complains about flashplugin. it was working not long ago.
I had time to install prior versions of flashplugin-installer AND firefox (latest firefox requires newer flash)
What I downloaded is of flashplugin installer from here: (
and 9.0.1+build1-0ubuntu0.10.04.1 of firefox from here: (
Hulu is working now (however the newer firefox and flashplugin were to improve video playback)
I tried re-installing just the latest flashplugin, but hulu quit working again. It is strange because on my linux desktop (Kubuntu 12) I am running the latest firefox and flashplugin and hulu works fine there.
I can confirm this behavior.
The last ever flash player (they have discontinued support for linux) breaks hulu.
Thanks adobe.
also verified this on hulu forums. look under the topic 'huludesktop linux fail' at this site: (
Methinks we need a replacement package of the old flash in the repositories,... or a LINK to an old one... if hosting the old working adobe one is not "kosher."
Assuming they leave a link available, the package flashplayer-installer just sets up a weird wget like download from adobe. Should be kosher to hold. The problem would only occur if they dumped the availability.
What needs to happen, is hulu needs to update their desktop... but the feeling seems to be that they gave too much freedom in hulu desktop, esp to linux. I dunno if that is going to happen.
Does anyone know what the changes in the flash plugin entailed? I seem to recall something about not permitting someone to copy the temp files in order to save the video stream permanently. If that was the change, it's a safe bet that it'll be hard to find the old, working version of flash,... if not right now,... then soon.
The thing that is itching at me is that on my day-to-day PC (Running Kubuntu Precise, 12.04) I was unable to get huludesktop to work with the normal flashplugin-installer. I did however find a Firefox utility (Flash-Aid) that downloaded flash from another location: wget (http://wget%20 and it installed flash to /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/
and huludesktop was working.
I tried running flash-aid on my MD, however it didnt seem to fix the issue either.
And I did read somewhere that in /etc/adobe/mms.cfg, there is a entry for the newer flashplugin "EnableLinuxHWVideoDecode=1" that is default, and should be changed to =0... however that didnt make any difference either.
Im using the older flashplugin-installer mentioned in prior post, as well as an earlier firefox to get huludesktop to work for now.
That looks 64 bit to me... and a weird address I cannot resolve.
* this resolves:
I do not expect a lick of difference from that. I will poke around.
* try this instead
oops.. sorry.. messed up on the pasting of the address. the 64 bit one is because my 'desktop' computer is 64 bit Kubuntu.
There is an i386 version that would be run on my MD, however the 'flash-aid'' script wants to un-install flashplugin-installer (which would break many things)... ive been trying to run the script manually step by step excluding the removal of flashplugin-installer, and linking /etc/alternatives/mozilla-flashplayer to the new located in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins.
here is the script generated by 'flash-aid' that would be run on my 32bit MD:
echo "***************************************************************************
*****************PLEASE WAIT...DON'T CLOSE THIS TERMINAL!******************
sudo -k
echo '***************************************************************************
*************************Starting removal commands*************************
sudo apt-get --yes purge flashplugin.*installer
sudo apt-get --yes purge flashplugin-downloader
echo '***************************************************************************
*************************Starting update commands**************************
echo '***************************************************************************
*************************Starting install commands*************************
cd "/root/.mozilla/firefox/p2ejri39.default/extensions/" && rm -f *flash* && wget
NEWHASH32=$(md5sum *flash* | sed 's/ .*//g')
if [ "${NEWHASH32}" == '1ad1d399e95e452b6f85fe20003f3846' ];then
tar xvf *flash* && sudo chown root:root && sudo chmod 0644 && sudo mv /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ && sudo ln -s /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ /usr/lib/firefox-addons/plugins/ && rm -f *flash*
echo 'Flash 32bit installation aborted, due to md5 checksum mismatch!'
rm -f *flash*
echo '***************************************************************************
*************************Starting tweaking commands************************
TWEAK=$(cat /etc/adobe/mms.cfg | grep 'OverrideGPUValidation')
if test -z "${TWEAK}";then
echo 'OverrideGPUValidation=true' | sudo tee -a /etc/adobe/mms.cfg
cat /etc/adobe/mms.cfg | sed '/EnableLinuxHWVideoDecode=1/d' | sudo tee /etc/adobe/mms.cfg
if test -f "${NPVIEWER}";then
cat /usr/lib/nspluginwrapper/i386/linux/npviewer | sed '/export GDK_NATIVE_WINDOWS=1/d' | sudo tee /usr/lib/nspluginwrapper/i386/linux/npviewer
echo -n "************************************************************************
******FINISHED! You can close this terminal and restart Firefox now.*******
***************************************************************************" && read
The file i would need for my MD would be
wget (http://wget%20
and I am working on applying it now to see what it resolves
Thanks for that :)
I am also giving it a whack :)
Im curious to see if it works for you... just in case I have something else causing my problem.
It just seems strange that the latest Kubuntu amd64 can run the latest firefox and flashplayer allowing hulu to work... I just cant seem to find what the differences are.
Replacing /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/
with the from that package works. Catching up on The Daily show on Hulu now. :)
I had an issue where Hulu wouldn't maximize (would start windowed in KDE desktop, but crash on maximize & not run at all from the LinuxMCE menu)... Would this solve that too, or is it a separate issue?
That was solved for me by manually downloading the newest huludesktop*.deb from (hulu labs link at bottom)
Good,... .the WAF will go way up if I get back Hulu for the Mrs...
I must have something else wrong... Ive not been able to get it to work... will try on a test MD.
I clicked the hulu check on the software section of the MD in web admin. Huludesktop failed, but I replace it anyway... so I downloaded the deb from hulu labs.
Then: dpkg -i huludesktop_i386.deb; apt-get install lmce-hulu-player (as it failed with a depends on huludsektop).
I extracted the from the tar you linked. I moved the original as a backup, and moved the extracted one into its place at /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer.
I did not screw with the conf or any of the symlinks that get from /root/.huludesktop > firefox > randomlibIcan'tremember > /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer
i did the same as well.. but ive been installing other .deb packages from time to time trying things... I may have garbled things up somewhere when it comes to flash... I'll try some other things... but work got busy again.. ugghhh.
Do you have it working? I haven't tried fixing it on my system... but wanted to know what kind of success you're getting.
Testing my poorly written scripts I blew up my prod system... so I reinstalled yesterday.
Worked again as detailed.
As per reply #21, above?
Hi guys.
I have created a source package which installs the latest huludesktop package and reverts flash to the last version working with VDPAU/GPU accelleration
Once a build happens, you should be able to just run an apt-get update... and there will be an install candidate for huludesktop (apt-cache policy huludesktop).
You don't have to do anything at all special for this. Just click hulu player in software for the MD, and it will find the package it is looking for. This should work for 810 as well... but I don't know when that might be changed, or what version of flash 810 is using/can use. So... until I get some testing done... consider this 1004 only.
awesomeness! anxiously awaiting!
# apt-cache policy huludesktop
Installed: 0.9.8-1
Candidate: 0.9.8-1
Version table:
*** 0.9.8-1 0
500 file:/usr/pluto/deb-cache/ ./ Packages
500 lucid/beta2 Packages
100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
Is there :) Please report back.
I clicked the player in software in web admin and hit save... it installed, I reloaded the router, I tried to play it, it crashed, I reloaded the router again, and it was working.
So just apt-get update, then go to software and click hulu player and save.
A side note... when a new flash player is dropped into the repos it will overwrite our flash. It is as easy as opening software again, unchecking hulu player, save, wait a minute, click hulu player again, and save.
I have to go back to work this evening... so I'll have to try it out later this week.
I now have an orbiter other than the screen I use for IRC so am able to help you test this again. Hulu is still not working in my install. On your recommendation I last attempted several uncheck, save, reload. Today while I worked on other things I waited with full screen ui2 running for 3 hours and was never prompted to reload. You were pretty clear that the reload request must come from linuxmce and not to reload before it prompts me to.
Willing to bet here that I may have a non-typical Hulu problem that would be seperate from what you are troubleshooting. I can't use Hulu because of my bandwidth anyways so let me know if you ever want to look into this one.
I think I have the same issue here... Net installed LinuxMCE 1004 with recent apt-get update/apt-get upgrade...
Keep checking.
It took me 3 reloads/ 1 reboot each time. I don't fully understand why.
Will try... Probably in a few days...
Quick question,... I once had the Hulu desktop app running under the KDE desktop, but it would run not through LinuxMCE's wrapper (since uninstalled the wrapper and app several times and ran a recent apt-get upgrade, I might've even done a full re-install)... When it ran in a window, it worked fine at some lower windowed resolution. When I tried to full-screen it, it crashed. My resolution is 1080p (native) on the machine I tried (VGA connection to a Sanyo 42" LCD TV).
Do you know if this is related to the Flashplayer issue (same thing)?? Or have I stumbled on some different problem??
It is a compatability issue between the flash player and hulu desktop.
The versions I have, work. I am not really sure why it takes so many reloads/attempts/reboots to begin working... but it works on all of my media directors... and even has acceleration on the ion. I use it every other day. It was installed from the package I created in the repos.
just an update. I just install 1004 final from iso downloaded yesterday (3/29/2013). I went to the MD in the web admin and installed the hulu software (like we are all suppose to). Unfortunately it did not work, I was getting a segfault. so after reading this I did the following to get it to work.
then uninstalled current firefox and installed the download debs, and now I'm watching daily show.