LinuxMCE Forums

General => Users => Topic started by: daballiemo on March 21, 2012, 07:20:04 PM

Title: LMCE 10.04 Asterisk status
Post by: daballiemo on March 21, 2012, 07:20:04 PM
Hi all,

because my 8.10 system is slowly breaking down on me hardware wise, I have taken on the task to install 10.04 on a brand new core system. As power usage is a major concern I have chosen a Asus EeePc to be my new core. Everything installed nicely and with some configuring I even have Mythtv up and running with IPTV.

The thing I noticed however is that the Asterisk side of things is not in a workable state. My system registers nicely to my Voip provider, but incoming calls do not get detected, Also a Generic Iphone and a Cisco 7960 can be added to the system but do not work. What I see in the Asterisk logs is that the phones cannot be found in the configuration.

Anybody able to tell what exactly the status of Asterisk under 10.04 is at the moment?


Title: Re: LMCE 10.04 Asterisk status
Post by: cfernandes on March 21, 2012, 07:39:20 PM
in my install 10.04  all phones is working
i have 2 x 7941   and one 7921
and one ata for pstn incoming call , only  issue that i have is that caller id from pstn  is not passed  to asterisk.

Title: Re: LMCE 10.04 Asterisk status
Post by: daballiemo on March 21, 2012, 07:40:34 PM
Quote from: cfernandes on March 21, 2012, 07:39:20 PM
in my install 10.04  all phones is working
i have 2 x 7941   and one 7921
and one ata for pstn incoming call , only  issue that i have is that caller id from pstn  is not passed  to asterisk.

Thx, did you configure the phones manually or did the system detect them?


Title: Re: LMCE 10.04 Asterisk status
Post by: davegravy on March 21, 2012, 08:00:36 PM
My system uses IAX instead of SIP and has issues. Also, my core softphone does not work, whereas my MD softphone does. See my thread about the issue:,12304.15.html (,12304.15.html)
Title: Re: LMCE 10.04 Asterisk status
Post by: cfernandes on March 21, 2012, 08:07:29 PM
all cisco phones is auto detect  and ata is configured  manually
Title: Re: LMCE 10.04 Asterisk status
Post by: MarcoZan on March 22, 2012, 11:32:08 AM
Hi Han
Just a question on your new core

when you say EeePc are you meaning the laptop, or are you referring to the Eee Box?

I'm in a similar situation as yours (core died ... have to build a new one ...) and I'm also concerned about power usage, so I'm curious about the specs of your new core ...

thanks in advance

Quote from: daballiemo on March 21, 2012, 07:20:04 PM
Hi all,

because my 8.10 system is slowly breaking down on me hardware wise, I have taken on the task to install 10.04 on a brand new core system. As power usage is a major concern I have chosen a Asus EeePc to be my new core. Everything installed nicely and with some configuring I even have Mythtv up and running with IPTV.

The thing I noticed however is that the Asterisk side of things is not in a workable state. My system registers nicely to my Voip provider, but incoming calls do not get detected, Also a Generic Iphone and a Cisco 7960 can be added to the system but do not work. What I see in the Asterisk logs is that the phones cannot be found in the configuration.

Anybody able to tell what exactly the status of Asterisk under 10.04 is at the moment?


Title: Re: LMCE 10.04 Asterisk status
Post by: daballiemo on March 22, 2012, 08:06:23 PM
Quote from: MarcoZan on March 22, 2012, 11:32:08 AM
Hi Han
Just a question on your new core

when you say EeePc are you meaning the laptop, or are you referring to the Eee Box?

I'm in a similar situation as yours (core died ... have to build a new one ...) and I'm also concerned about power usage, so I'm curious about the specs of your new core ...

thanks in advance

Hey Marco,

Its a EeePc box so the desktop thingie with 2 gb memory, ion chipset, dual core 1.6 ghz atom and a 300 gb hd. I am using this beside my old powerhungry server and want to extend the storage via nas in the near future.
Expected power consumption 20 + 20 watts instead of 180 atm.

I have a VLAN aware switch and I have configured the Eeepc with 2 vlan's, one being the outside network, one being the internal lan


Title: Re: LMCE 10.04 Asterisk status
Post by: daballiemo on March 22, 2012, 08:08:31 PM
I have deleted all the phones I added and started from scratch. 7960 is now seen by the system and added. I reloaded the router and the phone. Now I am stuck with extension 201 on the phone with a cross beside it on the display.
Will investigate further

Title: Re: LMCE 10.04 Asterisk status
Post by: daballiemo on March 22, 2012, 08:30:08 PM
From /var/log/pluto (devicelog):

========== NEW LOG SECTION ==========
1       03/22/12 20:13:29       18 (spawning-device)    Starting... 1
1       03/22/12 20:13:29       18 (spawning-device)    Found /usr/pluto/bin/Asterisk
05      03/22/12 20:13:33.956           Server IP: <0xb77906d0>
05      03/22/12 20:13:34.002           Trying to connect to Asterisk daemon to see if is running. <0xb77906d0>
05      03/22/12 20:13:34.003           Creating child 36 <0xb77906d0>
05      03/22/12 20:13:34.004           Note: Device manager has attached a device of type 1700 that this has no custom event handler for.  It will not fire events. <0xb77906d0>
05      03/22/12 20:13:34.004           Note: Device manager has attached a device of type 1700 that this has no custom handler for.  This is normal for IR. <0xb77906d0>
05      03/22/12 20:13:34.068           NotifyPeersStatus status:
05      03/22/12 20:13:34.080           NotifyPeersStatus status:
SIP/200:Registered <0xb638db70>                                                                                                                                    
05      03/22/12 20:13:34.332           NotifyPeersStatus status:
SIP/200:Registered <0xb638db70>                                                                                                                                    
05      03/22/12 20:22:35.191           NotifyPeersStatus status:
SIP/200:Registered <0xb638db70>                                                                                                                                    


dcerouter*CLI> sip show peers
Name/username              Host                                    Dyn Forcerport ACL Port     Status     Realtime
200/200                                       D   N      5061     Unmonitored Cached RT
201/201                    (Unspecified)                            D   N      0        Unmonitored Cached RT
2 sip peers [Monitored: 0 online, 0 offline Unmonitored: 1 online, 1 offline]
Title: Re: LMCE 10.04 Asterisk status
Post by: daballiemo on March 22, 2012, 08:47:45 PM
We'll that solved itself very quickly:

The wiki ( says:

Note for CISCO 7960 SIP users: if your phone fails to register with asterisk then edit /tftpboot/SIPDefault.cnf and append

nat_enable: 1

I did that in the beginning but somehow the SIPDefault.cnf got overwritten  ;D
I added nat_enable : 1 again and:

dcerouter*CLI> sip show peers
Name/username              Host                                    Dyn Forcerport ACL Port     Status     Realtime
200/200                                       D   N      5061     Unmonitored Cached RT
201/201                                     D   N      5060     Unmonitored Cached RT
2 sip peers [Monitored: 0 online, 0 offline Unmonitored: 2 online, 0 offline]

Now I am getting somewhere
Title: Re: LMCE 10.04 Asterisk status
Post by: cfernandes on March 22, 2012, 09:05:01 PM
i think  that the /usr/pluto/bin/ need to be changed .

my cisco use sccp  work fine.
Title: Re: LMCE 10.04 Asterisk status
Post by: Marie.O on March 22, 2012, 09:14:17 PM
7960s which are sccp based should be setup as 7970, iirc.
Title: Re: LMCE 10.04 Asterisk status
Post by: cfernandes on May 25, 2012, 12:48:36 PM
Hello guys

i have one issue  with  security menu no sound is played  on Phone.

asterisk try to open files on  /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/pluto
but the script 

creating files on

to correct create a synlink  to this destination,

but i think the best  action is to fix  script or on asterisk.conf  ->astvarlibdir
what you guys think ?
Title: Re: LMCE 10.04 Asterisk status
Post by: Marie.O on May 25, 2012, 06:58:39 PM
Fix it, and create a trac ticket with a patch. thx
Title: Re: LMCE 10.04 Asterisk status
Post by: cfernandes on June 02, 2012, 03:57:27 PM
ticket is created
Ticket #1473
Ticket #1474

Title: Re: LMCE 10.04 Asterisk status
Post by: Foxi352 on June 03, 2012, 01:05:41 PM
If you ever find out the called id problem please let me know. It works flawlessly for me, but some other users are reporting that same problem as you have.

Quote from: cfernandes on March 21, 2012, 07:39:20 PM
in my install 10.04  all phones is working
i have 2 x 7941   and one 7921
and one ata for pstn incoming call , only  issue that i have is that caller id from pstn  is not passed  to asterisk.

Title: Re: LMCE 10.04 Asterisk status
Post by: Foxi352 on June 03, 2012, 02:15:00 PM
Should be fixed with next release.

Please read comments in tickets for info's

Title: Re: LMCE 10.04 Asterisk status
Post by: cfernandes on June 03, 2012, 03:05:51 PM
For my ata  a need to configure dialplan  to use p-asserted-identity  from ata .
Title: Re: LMCE 10.04 Asterisk status
Post by: Foxi352 on June 03, 2012, 03:10:00 PM
You have working code for this ?
Title: Re: LMCE 10.04 Asterisk status
Post by: cfernandes on June 03, 2012, 03:15:24 PM

i put this lines on

        LINESSQL="$LINESSQL INSERT INTO $DB_Extensions_Table (context,exten,priority,app,appdata) VALUES \
        ('$context','$phonenumber','1','Set','__FROM_DID=\${EXTEN}'), \
        ('$context','$phonenumber','2','Set','PAI=\$(SIP_HEADER(P-Asserted-Identify)}'), \
        ('$context','$phonenumber','3','Set','tmpcid=\${CUT(PAI,:,2)}'), \
        ('$context','$phonenumber','4','Set','tmpcid=\${CUT(tmpcid,@,1)}'), \
        ('$context','$phonenumber','5','Set','CALLERID(number)=\${tmpcid}'), \
        ('$context','$phonenumber','6','Noop','Incoming call from \${CALLERID(number)}'), \
        ('$context','$phonenumber','7','Set','FAX_RX='), \

i will suggest a check box on page to add line to use p-asserted-if or caller id
Title: Re: LMCE 10.04 Asterisk status
Post by: Foxi352 on June 03, 2012, 03:19:08 PM
I will make some tests to see if my provider also sets that header.

Hmm.. Maybe we should try to fetch that header, and if it does not exist / it is empty we use "standard" incoming cid variable ....
Could you modify your sql to to add that, as you have some asterisk knowledge. I would be happy to integrated this to next release .

Title: Re: LMCE 10.04 Asterisk status
Post by: cfernandes on June 03, 2012, 03:21:49 PM
Sure I can try to do this

Title: Re: LMCE 10.04 Asterisk status
Post by: Foxi352 on June 03, 2012, 03:23:26 PM
Great. Attach it to a ticket as soon as you think it works. I will test it on my install first ...

Please add some Noop's for debugging ...