LinuxMCE Forums

General => Users => Topic started by: Keir on March 22, 2007, 05:21:04 PM

Title: LinuxMCE 1.0 Installer Torrent
Post by: Keir on March 22, 2007, 05:21:04 PM
Hi Guys,

I managed to get the Installer before it was pulled from the site and I've created a torrent for it.

I'm not sure whether it's any use or not without the ISO. It does have the option to get it to download the files it needs from the internet, however, I tried this and spotted a few errors, and couldn't see a way to launch it or anything (I am very new to Linux so I might be missing the obvious) but I guess it may be worth a try.
Now the sites working the files that were missing when I was trying may now be available but I can't test it right now.

Please note that this is not for the ISO of LinuxMCE, just the small installer

Anyway here's the links. Hopefully they'll be useful!

PirateBay: Torrent Page (
Mininova: Torrent Page (

EDIT: For those who have come here through the torrent sites, or are regulars here, hondaman has kindly provided a mirror for the direct download of the file.
I have also put it on one of my domains so you should be able to get it from either of us easily now.


Title: Re: LinuxMCE 1.0 Installer Torrent
Post by: hondaman on March 22, 2007, 05:45:27 PM
I am trying to download it, but cant find any seeds.  Could you email the file to me?  Its only 85Kb if I understand it.  I'll host it a couple different places.

[EDIT]  NM, its working now.  Thank you very much!

[EDIT2]  BT is pretty slow.  You can direct download it from me here:
Title: Re: LinuxMCE 1.0 Installer Torrent
Post by: k84 on March 22, 2007, 06:25:24 PM

I downloaded the cd with the packages before it went offline, i dont have the bandwidth to host it, but if anyone has i could probably upload it,

please contact me via the forum if interested, send a PM or similaer.

Best Regards,
Title: Re: LinuxMCE 1.0 Installer Torrent
Post by: dysfucnt on March 23, 2007, 02:52:55 PM
I can host it at work for a couple days till the new ones up. Can you send it over AIM?

Title: Re: LinuxMCE 1.0 Installer Torrent
Post by: matttwine on March 23, 2007, 03:28:17 PM
700megs over aim mite be quite challenging to say the least.

Paul is currently rewriting it to work from mirrors and torrents as we speak.

I will be able to provide some copies soon hopefully to...
Title: Re: LinuxMCE 1.0 Installer Torrent
Post by: Keir on March 23, 2007, 04:30:23 PM
If you're able to get a copy online, I'll happily host a mirror of it.
Title: Re: LinuxMCE 1.0 Installer Torrent
Post by: Almighty on March 23, 2007, 04:39:45 PM
Please forgive my ignorance, but why would you need to rewrite the software in order to mirror or seed a torrent?
Title: Re: LinuxMCE 1.0 Installer Torrent
Post by: nikvdp on March 23, 2007, 05:00:30 PM
Thanks to k84 I have a copy of the iso online, you can get it until my bandwidth allocation for the month runs out :)
Title: Re: LinuxMCE 1.0 Installer Torrent
Post by: Annon on March 23, 2007, 05:51:15 PM
Quote from: nikvdp on March 23, 2007, 05:00:30 PM
Thanks to k84 I have a copy of the iso online, you can get it until my bandwidth allocation for the month runs out :)

Thanks a lot dude, I'm downloading it now!
Title: Re: LinuxMCE 1.0 Installer Torrent
Post by: hondaman on March 23, 2007, 05:59:45 PM
Thanks man, im downloading it now.  Has anyone made a torrent for it yet?  If not, I will start one.
Title: Re: LinuxMCE 1.0 Installer Torrent
Post by: matttwine on March 23, 2007, 06:16:01 PM
i also have a copy which i am just testing now

i will provide a torrent shortly
Title: Re: LinuxMCE 1.0 Installer Torrent
Post by: nikvdp on March 23, 2007, 06:17:05 PM
no prob. I put up a torrent too, you can get it at . So far I'm the only one seeding though,so join the torrent after you finish your downloads

EDIT: It appears this version was broken, please download mattwine's torrent
Title: Re: LinuxMCE 1.0 Installer Torrent
Post by: matttwine on March 23, 2007, 06:29:48 PM
the download is only 580megs have you tested it working? as the version k84 uploaded to my server was 680megs which i am just installing at the moment
Title: Re: LinuxMCE 1.0 Installer Torrent
Post by: nikvdp on March 23, 2007, 06:37:57 PM
uh oh. i only tested to make i could mount it loopback (it did, it just had a bunch of .deb files), so its quite possible that his upload didn't finish. is your copy online somewhere? perhaps you could start another torrent?
Title: Re: LinuxMCE 1.0 Installer Torrent
Post by: hondaman on March 23, 2007, 06:45:37 PM
My download was only 580 megs too.  It seemed to open with winrar without an error, but I havent actually tried it yet.


My version seems to be seeding ok from TPB torrent.  Everyone who has downloaded it should pitch in and help seed ;)


I have it on my hosting site.  I will give the url out for a fast download to people who promise to seed the torrent.  If I make it public it will burn through my allocated bandwidth in .000001 seconds :(
Title: Re: LinuxMCE 1.0 Installer Torrent
Post by: matttwine on March 23, 2007, 06:56:47 PM
crazy i dont know where the extra megs came from in my iso then

i have put my version on

direct link
Title: Re: LinuxMCE 1.0 Installer Torrent
Post by: hondaman on March 23, 2007, 07:12:44 PM
Matt, did you actually install your version to verify it?  Im going to try and install the version I have, the 580 meg one right now to see if it works or not.
Title: Re: LinuxMCE 1.0 Installer Torrent
Post by: hondaman on March 23, 2007, 07:18:14 PM
I think the 580 meg version may be broken.  Nero says it has a block size problem.  I am going to discontinue seeding that, and download matts.
Title: Re: LinuxMCE 1.0 Installer Torrent
Post by: ipartola on March 23, 2007, 08:59:54 PM
Damn, I really would like to get my hands on this ISO. Too bad the torrent right now is not working for me. Once I get it I could mirror it via http for a while though.
Title: Re: LinuxMCE 1.0 Installer Torrent
Post by: matttwine on March 23, 2007, 09:05:48 PM
torrent should work fine, quite a few people have jumped on board though so mite be quite slow until theres a few seeders
Title: Re: LinuxMCE 1.0 Installer Torrent
Post by: hondaman on March 23, 2007, 09:38:47 PM
Ive put up 2 temporary mirrors on thise page:

Dont worry, its safe for work :)

These mirrors are 100% temporary to help get ppl the files to seed.  Please please seed the files when you have completed the download!
Title: Re: LinuxMCE 1.0 Installer Torrent
Post by: chemdeath on March 23, 2007, 09:59:25 PM
Are any of these torrents the full installer?  and again are any of these torrents tested and verified.  I hate to waste the time downloading and hosting a torrent for a file that is useless.

Thank You,

Louis J. Landerman
Title: Re: LinuxMCE 1.0 Installer Torrent
Post by: hondaman on March 23, 2007, 10:05:14 PM
I believe all the ones we are hosting/seeding now are the packages needed for the linuxmce installer.  You will need to dl and install ubuntu separately, then grab the initial linuxmce installer as described in the docs.

I havent personally tested this iso, but im gonna right now.

Title: Re: LinuxMCE 1.0 Installer Torrent
Post by: matttwine on March 23, 2007, 11:23:10 PM
if any1 has managed to download it, can you please verify if it works...

i haven't managed to get it installed yet (no fault of linuxmce) but my own but would appreciate knowing this is a fully working iso
Title: Re: LinuxMCE 1.0 Installer Torrent
Post by: Annon on March 23, 2007, 11:46:50 PM
I can confirm that your ISO has all of the packages on it, but I have yet to get the LinuxMCE installer to work. It either exits, saying it is finished without installing anything, or says it can't mount the cd.

I'm not sure why the installer couldn't just be set to look for the deb files in a given folder. Maybe this problem is why he was reworking the installer/disc for release tomorrow.
Title: Re: LinuxMCE 1.0 Installer Torrent
Post by: pestilence on March 24, 2007, 12:22:55 AM
Digg this ( to increase torrent participation!
Title: Re: LinuxMCE 1.0 Installer Torrent
Post by: webpaul1 on March 24, 2007, 08:59:26 AM
The problem wasn't the size of the installer, it's tiny.  The problem was the installer was hardcoded to pull the actual 600mb of software from, because I thought I'd be able to scale up gradually over time.  (oops :) ).  But don't worry, the new installer is working fine, and I'm doing a new build tonight too with only a few tweaks to work with it.  It takes about 6 hours to compile the LMCE source tree, so I'll test it in the morning and if I didn't screw anything up along the way, the link will be live tomorrow (Saturday).
Title: Re: LinuxMCE 1.0 Installer Torrent
Post by: pestilence on March 24, 2007, 09:08:30 AM
FAR too long to wait!  I'm playing with the old .iso and I think it's gonna work.
Title: Re: LinuxMCE 1.0 Installer Torrent
Post by: intrinsic on March 24, 2007, 10:29:39 AM
I'm currently trying an install with a tweaked version of the installer (Sorry paul, been hanging out to play with this since the devs at work pointed me to the demo video ;o) );

Initially I tried using the packages from already d/led ISO option but it was still trying to install from

So I pulled the installer apart, initially I tried dumping the iso into /var/linuxmce where it expects to find it after download but it doesn't check if the file exists prior to trying to pull it down so that didn't work.

Second aproach was to tweak the script to pull the iso from a host on my local network and use that rather than the one from, so far so good but I haven't got to the actual "install" phase yet (39% of the way pulling the ISO via HTTP).

If you'd like to try yourself when the installer is running it creates /tmp/selfextract.XXXXXX (where XXXXXX is a random string), grab a copy of that while the installer is running and you can play with the backend scripts (just make sure you launch mce-installer from the directory with your modified scripts in it.)


EDIT: Install has still failed, I've still yet to read the install log but I noticed it was still trying to pull the Package list from, there were also an assortment of database errors, generally relating to pluto_main not exisiting, last log entry is "Package pluto-orbiter failed"

EDIT2: Upon further analysis it appears that the Core install was successful (although I had chosen a Hybrid install). Despite the errors in the log all (from what I can tell) the databases were created properly, the web interface mostly works (at least it seems to, there are a few pages with PHP errors though.), if the new installer hasn't been released tomorrow I'll have a look to see if I can bludgeon it into behaving itself...
Title: Re: LinuxMCE 1.0 Installer Torrent
Post by: Mythor on March 24, 2007, 02:10:12 PM
I got it installed. :)
Using the info above from intrinsic about the iso trying to download to /var/linuxmce I tricked it into installing from the downloaded iso.

After you tell it to download the iso from the internet it brings up a window with a progress meter. Because it downloads the error page as the iso it finishes very quickly. Click Forward when it's done and STOP THERE.
Now if you go in and delete the broken ISO file from /var/linuxmce and instead insert the ISO from the torrent in its place (you'll need to use superuser to do it) you can continue the installation from there and it'll work.

Mostly. I got it installed and it loads and I can access the web panel configuration and all that jazz. But MythTV doesn't work and it disabled my monitor somehow so I have to try and read the text on my TV, which is impossible, so I've no idea what I'm clicking on that machine, etc.
But it does seem to work! :)

One reboot later and the install is toast already. Not sure what I did but now it keeps complaining that the Orbiter can't register with the router. Oh well, wait for the proper release I suppose. :)
Title: Re: LinuxMCE 1.0 Installer Torrent
Post by: Hugolp on March 24, 2007, 03:02:29 PM
So there's no point in downloading the bittorrent iso (the 680Mb one) because anyway it doesnt work with the installer, isnt it?

Can anyone confirm that they got linux mce working with that iso?


Title: Re: LinuxMCE 1.0 Installer Torrent
Post by: Annon on March 24, 2007, 03:25:12 PM
I got it installed with the 680MB iso, but I can't get any of my media loaded in to it.
Title: Re: LinuxMCE 1.0 Installer Torrent
Post by: bazz on March 24, 2007, 03:44:58 PM
Quote from: Annon on March 24, 2007, 03:25:12 PM
I got it installed with the 680MB iso, but I can't get any of my media loaded in to it.

Dumb are you installing the packages? Is there a script?
Title: Re: LinuxMCE 1.0 Installer Torrent
Post by: Mythor on March 24, 2007, 04:30:58 PM
The installer script is downloadable from the first post in this thread. It won't work "out of the box" though, you'll have to find a way to edit the script or fool it in some way.
If you don't already have it downloading I think you'd be better off waiting and seeing what happens when it's official up later today (hopefully) as you might end up needing a different ISO anyway. :)
Title: Re: LinuxMCE 1.0 Installer Torrent
Post by: Hugolp on March 24, 2007, 06:17:46 PM
Quote from: Mythor on March 24, 2007, 04:30:58 PM
The installer script is downloadable from the first post in this thread. It won't work "out of the box" though, you'll have to find a way to edit the script or fool it in some way.
If you don't already have it downloading I think you'd be better off waiting and seeing what happens when it's official up later today (hopefully) as you might end up needing a different ISO anyway. :)

That's the theory, but ritgh now no one has been able to do it right?

Title: Re: LinuxMCE 1.0 Installer Torrent
Post by: Annon on March 24, 2007, 06:33:29 PM
You guys don't need to "fool" anything. I did a fresh install of Ubuntu, and then ran the installer from the first post in this thread. I didn't have to install vim or do weird stuff like other people are suggesting. The only problem I had was with Xorg.conf.pluto.avwizard.
Title: Re: LinuxMCE 1.0 Installer Torrent
Post by: snowcat2007 on March 24, 2007, 07:08:47 PM

i can confirm that the installer on the first page in this thread and the iso image from the piratebay torrent do  work. got linuxmce installed by manually moving the iso into the installer download folder as suggested above. now i stuck configuring the whole thing. does anyone know how to reconfigure from scratch, e.g. if you select the wrong video resolution?
Title: Re: LinuxMCE 1.0 Installer Torrent
Post by: snowcat2007 on March 24, 2007, 10:00:23 PM
update: reinstalled the linuxmce from iso again and the installer let me choose the correct resolution, everything is working ok. need to figure out all the settings now, there are so many options....
Title: Re: LinuxMCE 1.0 Installer Torrent
Post by: Hugolp on March 24, 2007, 11:37:22 PM
I got the torrent, got a clean ubuntu edgy, and when Im trying to use the installer I see it sais i386, which obviously it hasnt worked in my amd64...

When the official installer is done, is linux mce going to be compatible with amd64 or is this only for intel and old amd's?

Title: Re: LinuxMCE 1.0 Installer Torrent
Post by: Mythor on March 24, 2007, 11:45:48 PM
Quote from: Hugolp on March 24, 2007, 06:17:46 PMThat's the theory, but ritgh now no one has been able to do it right?
As I said earlier in the thread, yes, I got it to install.
Quote from: Annon on March 24, 2007, 06:33:29 PM
You guys don't need to "fool" anything. I did a fresh install of Ubuntu, and then ran the installer from the first post in this thread. I didn't have to install vim or do weird stuff like other people are suggesting. The only problem I had was with Xorg.conf.pluto.avwizard.
Then you're very lucky? It didn't work for me. My Ubuntu install was as fresh as could be and it wouldn't work. :)

Forgot to add, I did install vim first as suggested elsewhere. No idea if that did anything or not though.
Title: Re: LinuxMCE 1.0 Installer Torrent
Post by: MagnusT on March 25, 2007, 03:13:18 AM
The downloaded iso I had got through the torrent needed to be renamed from linuxMCE.iso to linux-mce.iso to get the installer to find it and use it. And of course place in /var/linuxme during install to overwrite the empty file the failed installer-download created...