I've been looking around for some infomation on using the EZServe from Simplehomenet. I've seen some old post saying that support was targeted for release 710 but I'm not seeing anything (Currently runnning 810). If there is no template for the device; Is it possible to 'wrap' the insteon PLM device with some code to have it function or will this need to be coded from the ground up. I've written some simple PHP script that opens a TCP port and pumps out some XML. This works fine but I don't have the know how to convert this to the Device->interface->template scheme in MCE.
There are plenty of examples of GSD devices that are written using the Ruby editor built into the web admin.
The original Insteon PLM driver (#1932 I believe), is written in GSD and you can see the code there. The code for it can be used in a new device template for the EZServe, you would cut and paste that in, and tweak as needed. However, instead of using Com Port on PC in the device data section, you would add a TCP Port device data, and define it. GSD would know then to open a TCP socket instead. You can see an example of this in the Panasonic IP Camera template.
Also, for C++ Development, you can look on the wiki, for "Developing a DCE Device" ... and there are wiki pages on the GSD (Generic Serial Device) and writing devices in Ruby.
Thanks for the reply, I'll give it a try
You can ask for help here in the forums, and you can also contact us on IRC for help as well.
I think I get it now. I didn't see how everything integrates. This is pretty neat stuff. I see the path forward now.