I have running installation of 710.
ASUS M268-VM mobo with NVIDIA 7050 onboard
Phenom 9800 4-core CPU
I got new HDD for fresh install of 810. Install goes through on the first step(installing from DVD). I got Kubuntu up and running. LinuxMCE installer runs fine as well. When it reboots and goes through AVwizard there is no audio(( But after that screen goes grey starts flashing "installing: xxxxxx" and finally hangs for good at "installing: firefox". On reboot I stuck at console login prompt, no X.
Any advice??
I have also had this issue. Tried different versions of DVD install. The Final version should work, but instead it stalls out during Firefox install (or so it seems.) I have had a running install on the same hardware. I have also tried install in VM with same outcome. Is there some information we can gather for troubleshooting?
I have moved past the 8.10 to 10.04 and I am able to install completely. But as this is in Development I do not want to make it my main setup.
So it seems like a bug in 810 final iso?! I'll try to install it into VM tonight.
my installation hang on installing firefox
in /var/log/pluto/launchmanager.progress.log
have some lines with fail to download some packages
and i found on my sources.list on last line a lucid repository
i think that install is doing a apt-get dist-upgrade on some point
i start install again on monitor file /etc/apt/sources.list and LaunchManager.progress.log
when shown
Downloading radvd - IPv6 Router Advertisement Daemon...
Failed to get radvd - IPv6 Router Advertisement Daemon
the lucid entry is addeded on sources.list
i edited this fille and remove lucid line .
and now installation is finished . and show Sara
Please open a trac ticket regarding this issue.
Quote from: cfernandes on October 26, 2011, 06:29:16 PM
i start install again on monitor file /etc/apt/sources.list and LaunchManager.progress.log
when shown
Downloading radvd - IPv6 Router Advertisement Daemon...
Failed to get radvd - IPv6 Router Advertisement Daemon
the lucid entry is addeded on sources.list
i edited this fille and remove lucid line .
and now installation is finished . and show Sara
radvd is also affecting 10.04 installs, may be an upstream issue.
Hope that helps!
Submitted a ticket for this - ticket #1318
Thanks for the ticket. The problem has been rectified and the next 810 build will contain the fix.
For those of us trying to get an install going... what's the fix?
Quote from: posde on October 27, 2011, 12:18:08 PM
Thanks for the ticket. The problem has been rectified and the next 810 build will contain the fix.
When can we expect next build available??
Quote from: posde on October 27, 2011, 12:18:08 PM
Thanks for the ticket. The problem has been rectified and the next 810 build will contain the fix.
Does this require only using a future snapshot or is the fix on eg. the server side? (if that makes sense) Basically, when next build is out can we use the Final snapshot (that most of us have burned) or do we need the latest snapshot?
And thanks for the fix, quite a relief. I thought sometimes was wrong with my hardware ^^
It will work with the final iso.
Quote from: posde on October 28, 2011, 07:04:34 PM
It will work with the final iso.
As far as I can tell, this remains unfixed. Can anyone confirm this is working with the final iso as of today?
Quotei start install again on monitor file /etc/apt/sources.list and LaunchManager.progress.log
when shown
Downloading radvd - IPv6 Router Advertisement Daemon...
Failed to get radvd - IPv6 Router Advertisement Daemon
the lucid entry is addeded on sources.list
i edited this fille and remove lucid line .
and now installation is finished . and show Sara
which file have you edited ? and at what step of the installation ? LaunchManager.progress.log or another one ? can you help me edit the good file at the right time so I can go on with my installation plz.. it's the 4th time I try installing, with the black screen after firefox installation. I should have read this forum 1st :-[
i edited /etc/apt/sources.list
and removed the last line that refer a lucid repository
and do apt-get update and apt-get upgrade
sorry to be a PITA but if I follow instruction on wiki_dot_linuxmce_dot_org/index_dot_php/Installing_0810 first thing I do after installing kubuntu 8.10 is to edit /etc/apt/sources.list so it contain only (i'm not allowed to post link so i'll try to be clear)
deb h t t p : // old-releases .ubuntu .com /ubuntu / intrepid main restricted universe multiverse
deb-src h t t p : // old-releases .ubuntu. com/ ubuntu / intrepid main restricted universe multiverse
deb h t t p : // old-releases. ubuntu. com/ ubuntu/ intrepid-updates main restricted universe multiverse
deb-src h t t p : // old-releases. ubuntu .com /ubuntu/ intrepid-updates main restricted universe multiverse
deb h t t p : // deb .linuxmce. org/ ubuntu/ intrepid beta2
deb h t t p : // debian. slimdevices. c om/ stable main
deb h t t p : // packages. medibuntu. org/ intrepid free non-free
deb h t t p : // old-releases. ubuntu. c om/ ubuntu / intrepid-security main restricted universe multiverse
deb-src h t t p: / / old-releases. ubuntu .c om /ubuntu / intrepid-security main restricted universe multiverse
deb h t t p :// old-releases .ubuntu. com/ ubuntu / intrepid main universe multiverse
deb h t t p : //deb. linuxmce. org /ubuntu/ replacements_debian main
deb h t t p : // deb. linuxmce. org/ ubuntu / 20dev_ubuntu main
I don't see anything that refer to lucid in this...
after this step I do exactly what's on the howto site :
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
sudo apt-get install medibuntu-keyring
wget -c h t t p : // deb. linuxmce. org / ubuntu / new-installer-latest.tar.gz
tar xvf new-installer-latest.tar.gz
cd new-installer
sudo ./pre-install-from-repo.sh
sudo ./mce-install.sh
sudo ./post-install.sh
I may be stupid but when during these step do you edit the sources.list file ?
the file /etc/apt/sources.list
is edited after install show installing firefox .
at this moment the file is change broking the install.
i need to do a ctrl + alt + f2
login to console and change the file
the install contine after you edit sources.list and remove the line that refer to lcudi repo
ok, well I have rebooted since this happen, Now I booted the system again and system freeze on starting samba daemons ...done"
then nothing....i pressed enter and edited sources.list but apt-get upgrade return an error msg
I think I shouldn't have reboot.
I tried ./pre-install-from-repo.sh
to see what happen but that didm't helped. When I boot again I am still on the starting samba daemons ...done"
then nothing....
Now that the file is edited is there a way to resume the installation process or do I have to start over from scratch and edit the file without rebooting ?
You have to start over from scratch, if the installation fails for some reason.
Trying it right now for the 5th time.
Hope it's gonna be the goog one.
Just to be clear, when I get the black screen after firefox install I do a ctrl+alt+f2 then after logging , I edit the sources.list file then I save & exit, apt-get update, apt-get upgrade,
after that i'm guessing ctrl+alt+f1 to come back to the installation proccess ?
thanks for all your help, very appreciated,
this also might help other newbies like me.
Yes, this work for me
here I am again. this will be a long story
I started over again and after instaling firefox, then black screen. ctrl+alt+f2, then logged to my user. then sudo vim etc/apt/sources.list, then save, then apt-get update then I got an error msg saying :
Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 resource temporarily unavailable)
Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it ?
so I search the net after some reading I've done something I'm not even sure about
ps aux | egrep -i 'apt|ftp|kpack|dpkg' | less
but I forgot the space before the less so it didps aux | egrep -i 'apt|ftp|kpack|dpkg' |less
don't know what happened but after that I was able to do the apt-get update. I got some 404 not found but nothing else
then trying apt-get upgrade :
few lines
Setting up radvd
starting radvd :....... radvd syntax error in /etc/radvd.conf, line 2 (seems to be a 2 thats out of screen range)
radvd: error parsing or activating the config file /etc/radvd.conf failed
invole-rc.d: initscript radvd, action "start" failed
dpkg : erroe processing radvd (--configure):
subprocess post-intalation script returned error exit status 1
error were encountered while processing :
E: subprocess /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code 1
so I tried to edit the radvd.conf file. don't know why but it's blank. so entering radvd.conf I began to write something according to some howto I found on the net again but i'm not sure about the prefix...
interface eth0
{ AdvSendAdvert on;
prefix (I entered what I think is the prefix to use I may be wrong)
then again apt-get upgrade. It went through this time .
returning to ctrl+alt+f7 and........ nothing....
I'm thinking it might be easier for me to wait the final iso with the proper modification. I'm starting to be pissed of at this.. :-\
Quote from: tschak909 on October 30, 2011, 11:15:17 PM
You have to start over from scratch, if the installation fails for some reason.
As far as we can tell, the 0810 final ISO is currently non-functional, so starting over from scratch leaves us in the same state. Grey screen at/after firefox with no ability to complete the installation process.
Any help would be appreciated.
Quote from: dh on November 01, 2011, 04:27:52 AM
As far as we can tell, the 0810 final ISO is currently non-functional, so starting over from scratch leaves us in the same state. Grey screen at/after firefox with no ability to complete the installation process.
Same here, tried everything mentioned with no results...
We are investigating the issue and will post a fix as soon as it is available.
I think I went through it .. right after the AV setup wizard , during the installing.... XXXX......thign I went to another terminal and I opened /etc/apt/sources.list and refreshing this file again and again, I saw exactly when the lucid repo was added , so I was able to remove it before the installing firefox thing came .. then sudo apt-get update (got an error msg so I don't know if this is necessary) so no freeze this time..now the installer went to the end and the lady is now talking to me so i'm gonna listen to what she have to say :P
p.s. what about 1004 instead of 0810 for a newbie ? at least the installation may be easier ?
I'm able to work my way around with computers but I'm far from a linux expert.
Quote from: posde on November 01, 2011, 06:20:41 PM
We are investigating the issue and will post a fix as soon as it is available.
Any updates?
Nope. You can try yourself in a VM whenever you feel like. The final iso is all you need.
So just to clear things up a bit for myself and perhaps others. The latest build 8.10 final is not simply put the disc in and install? Because I ran into the same problem as others. I downloaded the image 2 days ago thinking everything was settled and good to go, yet freeze up at the firefox point. I walked away from previous versions as they weren't yet stable and I didn't want to keep fussing with changing things I wanted to wait for a stable final release which I thought was available now? Please don't misunderstand my confusion I am always grateful for everyones hard work on this project. But when you go to the main page and it says everything is good to go then you go to install and it doesn't even make it past the installation it leaves some of us noobs a little lost to say the least. If someone could post up the exact sequence of events of what to type in at what stage to get this working I would be forever grateful as not being a regular and sometimes the terminology gets me running in circles.
Quote from: posde on November 05, 2011, 11:37:18 AM
Nope. You can try yourself in a VM whenever you feel like. The final iso is all you need.
Tried in VMware VM 3 times with same result. It seemingly goes through past firefox but orbiter never comes up....
Anything we cane help with to rectify this problem?? I also tried 1004. It goes much better but after all still messes up networking. Second NIC comes with MAC ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff and DHCP does not work....
Just be a bit patient, we are working on the problem.
After lots of muddling through our packaging database this morning I finally can report success. 810 final works again.
You do not need to re-download any ISO. Use the existing ISO, and it shall work again.
Thank you for your patience.
That's cool, but what exactly do you mean "it works again"?
At what point in the install process do we start to utilize what's been corrected? Having had so many problems (using VMware) I have been making copies of each step along the way.
Thanks (in advance).
Quote from: posde on November 06, 2011, 11:02:05 AM
After lots of muddling through our packaging database this morning I finally can report success. 810 final works again.
You do not need to re-download any ISO. Use the existing ISO, and it shall work again.
Thank you for your patience.
Thank you for all your effort!!! Will update my apt-mirror and give it another try tomorrow)))
Quote from: Chekov on November 07, 2011, 01:16:47 AM
That's cool, but what exactly do you mean "it works again"?
Before the fix, the install went through. AV Wizard went through, but before the Sarah setup wizard appeared the system would stop on Firefox and/or a black screen, with lucid in the sources.list.
This has been rectified, and all test installs worked.
So, having several system images to re-start from, at what point in the install process does the fix impact:
(from the 810 install page)
sudo su - #This might ask for the password you specified earlier during the install of kubuntu.
apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
apt-get install medibuntu-keyring
wget -c http://deb.linuxmce.org/ubuntu/new-installer-latest.tar.gz
tar xvf new-installer-latest.tar.gz
cd new-installer
It all worked fine for me.
Glad to hear the problem is fixed and that users are seeing positive results.
After burning up a *lot* of bandwidth trying and failing to successfully complete the LMCE install, I'm wanting to restart with one of the saved VMware images as late in the process as possible to minimize over-limit charges with my ISP.
I don't want to have to restart at the beginning if I don't have to ...
the question is, what do you want to achieve? If you are at a stage where the AV Wizard hasn't run yet, you can go from there.
I'd like to get to the point where I have a functional LMCE install.
I've got to the AV wizard and ended up at the dcerouter login twice, and that's where it stops. startx merely puts me at the KDE desktop with no LMCE.
At what point in the install process have the recent fixes corrected the installation errors?
I'd like to start as late in the process as possible to minimize bandwidth consumption.
If you want a real LinuxMCE install, go and restart a new install.
Run apt-mirror update to grub all the changes last night and started fresh install into vm. Installation seemingly comes through but at the end I still have grey screen with no orbiter and Sarah never come to talk (((
Will try fresh install on hardware tonight....
Hi guliaka. Maybe its a stupid question but are you formatting and reinstalling kubuntu between each install or are you just trying the install on the same kubuntu over and over again?
Quote from: pointman87 on November 08, 2011, 11:47:38 PM
Hi guliaka. Maybe its a stupid question but are you formatting and reinstalling kubuntu between each install or are you just trying the install on the same kubuntu over and over again?
It is fresh install each time with partition format. Since I got local apt-mirror fresh install does not take long time. I use 810 final DVD and it takes from start to finish about 20 - 25 minutes...
Thanks posde ... I'm on it (with fingers crossed) :)
After restarting the install from the beginning, and going through the AV wizard, the last visible message was something like ... starting device 21 onscreen orbiter ... and then the black screen returned ... again. Argh / hmm ...
Quote from: Chekov on November 09, 2011, 03:43:32 AM
After restarting the install from the beginning, and going through the AV wizard, the last visible message was something like ... starting device 21 onscreen orbiter ... and then the black screen returned ... again. Argh / hmm ...
Same thing here with only difference I got grey screen this time in both places - in vm and on hardware (((
It seems to me that 810 is dead. Last night I install 1004 on a brand new Shuttle GX41 box and it came up perfectly with few twiks. So I think that since 1004 has more potential it is much more promising to direct all efforts to complete 1004 to final version than try to fix 810....
Getting a black screen after starting device 21 has nothing to do with what the problem was before. I do not know what it is, but it is unrelated to the original problem in this thread.
@guliaka: If you are successful with 1004 feel free to use it. Just remember that we do not really care if we break things during dev atm, and we always upgrade ALL deb packages,i.e. apt-get upgrade will always install a couple hundred packages.
Quote from: posde on November 10, 2011, 07:55:43 PM
Getting a black screen after starting device 21 has nothing to do with what the problem was before. I do not know what it is, but it is unrelated to the original problem in this thread.
@guliaka: If you are successful with 1004 feel free to use it. Just remember that we do not really care if we break things during dev atm, and we always upgrade ALL deb packages,i.e. apt-get upgrade will always install a couple hundred packages.
I have to use 1004 not because I choose it but because it is only one working for now! And I will be absolutely thankful if this one, the last one working, will NOT get broken!!
If things are working, don't upgrade, or, before upgrading, make sure to have a backup
I successfully installed 8.10 last night. Too many years waiting but it's worth it.
I have some teething issues but I'll post elsewhere.
I too was able to install 810 as distributed. But when I applied the updates prior to the LMCE install - it's game over.
Looks like I'm off to 1004 as well ... here's hoping it works for me !!!
As part of the wiki revamp, I wrote the following page for the 810 final installation process http://wiki.linuxmce.org/index.php/Draft_LinuxMCE_0810
I did the installation in parallel whilst I was writing it. Nothing has been left out. Don't do anything extra. Just follow it to the letter if you are still interested in 810 and let is know how you get on.
Note: I might be wrong when it comes to 810 wiping your entire drive, you could set it up to dual boot I assume...
With the 1004/LMCE install having gone so effortlessly ... I'm done trying 810.
This ... THIS is what Linux computing is all about!
;D ;D ;D
I have spent a long time "playing" with LMCE, and now that we are finally moving into our first home (our offer was accepted, yay!), I want to concentrate on a reliable system. As much as I would like to go with 1004, I am concerned I will spend another 3 years "playing" and not using and enjoying it.
I appreciate 810 wasn't going well for you, so wish you the best of luck.
I incorporated your page into the "installation" link on the favourites sidebar. Thanks.