LinuxMCE Forums

General => Installation issues => Topic started by: Murdock on September 21, 2011, 03:09:11 AM

Title: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: Murdock on September 21, 2011, 03:09:11 AM

 I've spent some time consolidating the old 810 installer process and updating it to a single script for 1004 as well as making a couple of improvements. The improvements/updates include:

 I have had multiple successful VM installs and a few successful physical core installs (the issues I've been running into was more focused on the nVidia X setup post install which have now been corrected for 1004). I'd like for others to test it out before looking at archiving the old process. You can find information on how to use this installer here:

Please let me know if you run into issues or if you don't! If you do hit issues please let me know your sys specs (CPU, Memory and video card).

Known Issues with installation process:

Thank you!
Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: bongowongo on September 21, 2011, 09:50:56 AM
Murdock I am happy to test your 1004 install script in VM as long as you update me on the intervals to test and what to look out for.
That is what I have been doing for 400 years now with the 0810 Snapshots and release (and maybe update to release).

Maybe you can make a wiki about it, like I did with the 0810 snapshot wiki.
But please make it clear this is just for you to test things, it is in no way the way to go. (disclaimer etc).
Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: Murdock on September 21, 2011, 02:45:40 PM
Thanks Bongo - the wiki I linked to explains the circumstances and the only issues are the ones I have in the first thread, though that's an issue with either installer. I'm hoping that we'll be able to swap out the old installer soon if we can get some testers to test the new method.
Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: bongowongo on September 21, 2011, 03:06:02 PM
Quote from: Murdock on September 21, 2011, 02:45:40 PM
Thanks Bongo - the wiki I linked to explains the circumstances and the only issues are the ones I have in the first thread, though that's an issue with either installer. I'm hoping that we'll be able to swap out the old installer soon if we can get some testers to test the new method.

I see the wiki link, but I think your section should not be there and be a page on it's own.
Otherwise it only may work confusing.
Where you can publish versions of the installers to test?

e.g. my snapshot page (which is now absolute).
Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: Murdock on September 21, 2011, 03:09:38 PM
I don't really care about where the info is, just as long as it's out there, and I wont' be having versions per se of the installer as the snapshots that you're testing, this is a replacement test of the online installer, whoever can test please do so!
Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: fibres on September 27, 2011, 11:39:07 PM
Hi Murdock.

I am jsut about to give this a whirl.

Just a quick query, You mention the Nvidia X setup post install issues.

Was this anything to do with after running the install scripts it was going into a reboot cycle trying to install the nvidia drivers?

Cos I was having major issues with this which seemed to be to do with the nvidia install script if it could not find the graphics card in its database would install the generic nvidia-glx.
Well more specifically would check it was not installed and if it was not would install it. Howeever on my system apt was installing nvidia-glx-260 instead and would then reboot at which time it would again find nvidia-glx missing and try and install causing a reboot cycle.


Ps I will post my feedback on how the installation went tomorrow once it has finished. I am on a very slow 2-3mb ADSL so installs take a while!
Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: Murdock on September 28, 2011, 02:59:38 AM
Thanks fibres, the nvidia issues i hit were based on some grub boot params that i corrected by inserting an update in the installer. I am familiar with the nvidia detection process (ive made a couple of updates so far for 1004) and can work with you to make this plug and play for you. Would you let me know what nvidia card you have?
Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: merkur2k on September 28, 2011, 07:22:46 AM
for nvidia install issues, please make a ticket and include the output of /var/log/pluto/nvidia-install.log
Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: fibres on September 28, 2011, 12:28:35 PM
Hi Murdock

Good news your install script worked great.

However I still have issues when I do the reboot that it goes into a reboot cycle.
However this is nothing to do with your new install. That worked 100%

Now after the script has finished and I do the reboot as it tells me I go into the same reboot cycle installing nvidia drivers I experienced before.

I have the following Nvidia Graphics Card
Gigabyte 8400GS 512MB GDDR2 HDMI DVI Out PCI-E Graphics Card

The output of nvidia_install.log is as follows

== Begin NVidia driver installation (Wed Sep 28 01:16:36 BST 2011) ==
Card Detected: 06:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: nVidia Corporation Device [10de:10c3] (rev a2)
PCI_ID Detected: 10c3
LMCE prefers driver nvidia-glx
installing NEW driver nvidia-glx!
== End NVidia driver installation (Wed Sep 28 01:19:17 BST 2011) ==
== Begin NVidia driver installation (Wed Sep 28 10:33:19 BST 2011) ==
Card Detected: 06:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: nVidia Corporation Device [10de:10c3] (rev a2)
PCI_ID Detected: 10c3
Detected installed driver nvidia-glx-260
LMCE prefers driver nvidia-glx
installing NEW driver nvidia-glx!
== End NVidia driver installation (Wed Sep 28 10:33:20 BST 2011) ==
== Begin NVidia driver installation (Wed Sep 28 10:35:00 BST 2011) ==
Card Detected: 06:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: nVidia Corporation Device [10de:10c3] (rev a2)
PCI_ID Detected: 10c3
Detected installed driver nvidia-glx-260
LMCE prefers driver nvidia-glx
installing NEW driver nvidia-glx!
== End NVidia driver installation (Wed Sep 28 10:35:02 BST 2011) ==
== Begin NVidia driver installation (Wed Sep 28 10:36:42 BST 2011) ==
Card Detected: 06:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: nVidia Corporation Device [10de:10c3] (rev a2)
PCI_ID Detected: 10c3
Detected installed driver nvidia-glx-260
LMCE prefers driver nvidia-glx
installing NEW driver nvidia-glx!
== End NVidia driver installation (Wed Sep 28 10:36:44 BST 2011) ==

I can get the system to work by going into /etc/init.d/0start_avwizard and commenting out the line that calls /usr/pluto/bin/

This then allows the system to boot and the AV Wizard to run and everything seems to go ok from here.

I did install the latest 275 nvidia drivers from the nvidia site before running the install script.

However if we can work out why this is happening and fix it could save other people a lot of headaches.

From what I can make out from the script /usr/pluto/bin/ it queries the pci_id of the card and if it recognises it it installs a specific nvidia_glx_xxx version. If it does not recognise the pci_id but detects the manufacturer as nvidia it installs nvidia_glx however because nvidia_glx_260 is automatically instaled by the install script apt says that that is the most uptodate package and does not install nvidia_glx which causes the /usr/pluto/bin/ script to go into a look looking for the presence of nvidia_glx which it does not find as nvidia_glx_260 is installed instead and trying to install it.

Now im not sure if my card is supported by nvidia_glx_260 and the script is just not detecting it, as in the pci_id is not in the /usr/pluto/bin/ script.
However irrespective of that I suspect that the script is not quite right in thatr it should not go into a reboot loop if the card is not recognised.

If I need to post a ticket in trac then no worries. How do I go about that? Sorry not had to do this before.


Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: Murdock on September 28, 2011, 05:32:57 PM
I'll help you fibres, it looks like your graphics card on 10.04 should be running nvidia-glx-185 and not 160, i'm taking a look at the script now.
Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: Murdock on September 28, 2011, 05:48:28 PM
Would you run this on your device and verify the return is 10c3?

lspci -nn | grep -vi "non-vga" | grep -i vga | sed 's/.*://;s/\].*//'
Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: Murdock on September 28, 2011, 06:15:09 PM
FYI - I've logged trac ticket to track this work
Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: fibres on September 28, 2011, 06:59:16 PM
Hi Murdock.

I will run that when I get home in about 2 hours.

Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: fibres on September 28, 2011, 11:41:42 PM
Yes 10c3 is the output.

Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: Murdock on September 29, 2011, 01:45:46 AM
Thanks fibres - I've committed update #24871 which updated all the PCI IDs for nvidia for lucid, this included yours as well! What i found odd is that your PCI ID didn't show up under 173 or 96 but did show up under the 260, so the next time the script is invoked for you it will work.

At this point you have a couple of options to get the updated file:

1. wait for the next package compile, which lately has been once every day or so


2. download the file directly with the command: wget

Since the file has no other dependencies that could hork up and the change was so minimal it shouldn't be a big deal to download it directly, just make sure if you do option 2 you replace the existing file in /usr/pluto/bin/ with the proper permissions. -rwxr-xr-x  (wget downloads items as non-executable, so do a chmod +x /usr/pluto/bin/ after downloading and placing the file).

Then undo any comments you did for the init scripts and retest!
Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: fibres on September 29, 2011, 02:07:38 AM

Ok I will download the file and test.

I am in the middle of trying to get an md to work at moment. It is just passed the avwizard and is regenerating orbiter at moment so dont really want to reboot my core at this precise second!!

I will post back soon as I can though.

Thanks for the help so far.

Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: Murdock on September 30, 2011, 06:59:26 PM
Now that the core installer seems to be working for at least a few people, I'm going through the diskless creation script, tracking work on trac ticket:
Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: fibres on September 30, 2011, 09:45:22 PM
Hi Murdock.

Well I downloaded the file and copied it over the original.

I uncommented out the line and rebooted and evrything was fine.

Would I need to invoke the avwizard to check everything is ok?

Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: Murdock on October 01, 2011, 02:17:32 AM
Hi Fibres, at this point all you should need to do is:
apt-get -qq update; apt-get -y upgrade
Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: bongowongo on October 02, 2011, 01:27:46 PM
Ok Murdock
My VM is up and running, I can test now for you.
Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: Murdock on October 02, 2011, 03:58:02 PM
Thank you bongo!
Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: davegravy on October 03, 2011, 07:04:01 AM
Running 1004 now using your installer. Ran into the same issue with MD creation as the others, and the fix discussed in the other thread worked fine. Orbiter Embedded Phone and External Media Identifier don't launch... I expected the former since I knew asterisk is still not working.

When my .m2ts and .mkv files refused to play, I soon realied that mplayer hadn't been automatically installed.

MD is freezing up when resuming from suspend (after I issue WOL)... I'll see if I can figure out what that's all about. 

Otherwise great stuff! Nothing major so far that I can see.
Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: ardirtbiker on October 04, 2011, 03:23:56 AM
Even though not using your script, Ive found that External Media Identifier doesnt work because it is asking for libdvdread3 when 1004 using libdvdread4.

I installed libdvdread3 and now E.M.I is working.

Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: Murdock on October 04, 2011, 05:22:12 AM
Hi gents - this is correct, I have an updated id-my-disc package that posde is reviewing that will correct this.

The fix is simple and detailed in - essentially if you create a logical link to the updated library file, EMI will launch. Installing the old package works too.
Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: Murdock on October 04, 2011, 05:35:44 AM
The new installer scripts have now replaced the legacy install scripts. The wiki site has been updated:

Please let me know if you have any issues.
Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: twodogs on October 07, 2011, 05:04:27 PM
I tried the new 1004 installer with...

I had internet after Kubuntu installation, but LMCE installation broke it. I also cannot enter LMCE admin. Any ideas?
Otherwise the installation seemed to go smoothly - asterisk does not yet work as already noted. Can't really test the installation without the net. I also tried the 1004 installer on a Pentium 3 (1.4Ghz) system with no better luck.
Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: Murdock on October 07, 2011, 07:26:06 PM
Hi twodogs - thanks for testing. when you say you cannot enter lmce admin, are you talking about the web admin interface? Are you attempting to connect to it from the core via KDE desktop or are you attempting to reach it somewhere else on your network?

What i'm thinking the issue is, is that the network detection didn't properly detect the NIC that is connected tot he internet and assigned it as the internal nic.

Would you run ifconfig -a on your core and paste the output?

Also try to launch the web admin from the core itself by opening a firefox session and enter:
Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: twodogs on October 07, 2011, 09:41:55 PM
I've always entered admin from the menu. Didn't know the localhost address but that worked for me. Here is the output of ifconfig...

js@dcerouter:~$ sudo ifconfig -a
[sudo] password for js:
eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:1d:7d:ac:34:6a 
          BROADCAST MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
          RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
          RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)
          Interrupt:20 Base address:0xa000

eth1      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:1b:21:3c:f9:c5 
          BROADCAST MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:1
          RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
          RX bytes:0 (0.0 B)  TX bytes:0 (0.0 B)

lo        Link encap:Local Loopback 
          inet addr:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:16436  Metric:1
          RX packets:4942 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:4942 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0                                                                                                   
          RX bytes:1251297 (1.2 MB)  TX bytes:1251297 (1.2 MB)                                                                       
Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: seth on October 07, 2011, 09:47:32 PM
Yikes looks like /etc/network/interfaces is not being created.

But perhaps that was the old school way of setting up nic cards.

Should look something like below:

auto lo
        iface lo inet loopback
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp
auto eth1
iface eth1 inet static

But perhaps a newer version of Ubuntu may do something different.

Best of Luck,

Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: twodogs on October 07, 2011, 10:13:43 PM
Maybe a stupid question, but I have a core running 810. This is a second test box for 1004, also running as a core - could this be a problem?
Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: Murdock on October 07, 2011, 11:22:22 PM
hi twodogs - is the 810 setup working?
Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: twodogs on October 08, 2011, 12:08:50 AM
810 works. If I can 1004 working I might switch over.
Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: Murdock on October 08, 2011, 12:53:36 AM
Hi twodogs - would you pastebin your /var/log/LinuxMCE_Setup.log ?
Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: twodogs on October 08, 2011, 01:18:26 AM
Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: Murdock on October 08, 2011, 02:07:08 AM
Thanks, I'm looking at the code now, the telling lines are 564-566:

Thu Oct  6 16:30:28 MDT 2011 - Starting NIC Discovery and Configuration
Using eth0 for single nic install
eth0 does not use DHCP, setting ExtUseDhcp=0 and RunDHCPServer=1 and detecting current network settings

Ok, so from your ifconfig output you surely are running two nics...

The way it's making this determination in the script is with this command:

ifconfig -s -a  | awk '$1 != "Iface" && $1 != "lo" && $1 != "pan0" { print $1 }' | wc -l

When the script was run, only the number 1 was returned. If you run it now would you confirm that you get the number 2?
Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: twodogs on October 08, 2011, 03:27:01 AM
I installed with only the onboard Realtek LAN. When it didn't work, I tried the add-on Intel NIC.
Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: fibres on October 08, 2011, 12:41:31 PM
Hi Twodogs.

Try reinstall with both nics in the machine.

Also make sure this new core is on it's own network.

The network card your gonna use as your internal must be connected to it's own switch, no link to your 0810 system.

Also the network card your using for Internet should not be connected to your 0810 internal network, it should ne connected direct to your Internet router. If you connect it to your 0810 internal network it will break things! Your 0810 would be ok but would cause problems on the 1004 as you can't have 2 network cards with ip addresses on the same subnet.

Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: Marie.O on October 08, 2011, 12:46:54 PM
Quote from: twodogs on October 07, 2011, 10:13:43 PM
Maybe a stupid question, but I have a core running 810. This is a second test box for 1004, also running as a core - could this be a problem?

If you install a second computer on the internal LinuxMCE network, it will get detected by the original core as a disked media director. If both cores are connected to the same external network, you should not experience any problems in that regard.
Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: twodogs on October 08, 2011, 03:16:52 PM
I'm reloading now with both nics installed. When I first installed, I plugged into the wireless router in order to stay off the internal network. I'll keep it this way, but power down my 0810 core to be safe.

( (

Don't know if this makes a difference, but I installed a serial card driver (had to apt-get GCC) after installing Kubuntu, but before installing LMCE. I won't do that this time.
Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: twodogs on October 08, 2011, 03:45:14 PM
Just found this. After Kubuntu installs, I'll disable the onboard Realtek LAN and just use the Intel NIC.
QuoteThe Gigabyte GA-73PVM-S2H is a neat little board that seems to have a good potential as an HTPC board.

        update as of 01/29/09 per Itsik "Gigabyte made a mistake and messed up the onboard lan. Each time you boot the pc, you get a differant mac address, which renders the on board lan useless. You can get boards from other companies with the same specs without the lan problems, so I wouldn't waste my time on that."
Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: Murdock on October 08, 2011, 03:49:05 PM
I wonder if there's a bios update which corrects that at this point?
Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: twodogs on October 08, 2011, 06:50:47 PM
I just finished the re-install of 1004 and things are working now.
- My BIOS was two versions old so I updated to the latest.
- I did not disable the onboard LAN - I wanted to see if the BIOS update fixed it (apparently it did).
- I had my 0810 core powered down during the install just as a precaution.
Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: bongowongo on October 08, 2011, 09:16:51 PM
Just did an install in vm
Doesn't work. Exit 100. Hickup with files from asterisk.
Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: Murdock on October 08, 2011, 11:02:50 PM
Good to hear it twodogs.

Bongowongo - would you pastebin your /var/log/LinuxMCE_Setup.log ?
Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: nswint on October 13, 2011, 07:11:11 PM

I'll open up a ticket

php5-cli is missing from the latest installer package list. 

The following packages need  it to be configured.

Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: seth on October 14, 2011, 09:22:21 PM
An Update. I have installed 10.04 using the installer script today, and there were no issues.
Install completed successfully!!!!

Only issue of note was that after AV Wizard, it kept saying that it could not find the orbiter config file, it would try to regen it. But after Orbitergen process completed, There was Sarah!

Continuing on with diskless creation, but AFAIK, new installer is working without issues.

Excellent work!!!!!

Best Regards,

Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: bongowongo on October 15, 2011, 12:58:36 AM
Quote from: seth on October 14, 2011, 09:22:21 PM
An Update. I have installed 10.04 using the installer script today, and there were no issues.
Install completed successfully!!!!

Only issue of note was that after AV Wizard, it kept saying that it could not find the orbiter config file, it would try to regen it. But after Orbitergen process completed, There was Sarah!

Continuing on with diskless creation, but AFAIK, new installer is working without issues.

Excellent work!!!!!

Best Regards,


I have the same experience.
Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: Murdock on October 15, 2011, 03:20:04 PM
Thank you for testing!
Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: coley on October 19, 2011, 02:34:37 PM
I've also done a VM based install of 10.04 using your script.
Core Installs fine, Diskless create ran and added one virtual MD - booted and running.

Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: kyfalcon on October 19, 2011, 05:16:43 PM
Does the USB remote work with the new install? If that is the case I will delete my MD's and rerun the MD installation.

Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: Murdock on October 19, 2011, 05:58:29 PM
Which remote? Mine is working with the gyration 3101us
Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: coley on October 19, 2011, 06:09:43 PM
oops maybe spoke too soon.
apt-get apdate/upgrade today on the virtual core and I'm getting an error installing radvd, error parsing config file.

Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: Murdock on October 19, 2011, 08:42:53 PM
Odd, I wonder if that's an upstream ubuntu issue:

dcerouter_1021517:~# apt-cache policy radvd
  Installed: (none)
  Candidate: 1:1.3-1.1
  Version table:
     1:1.3-1.1 0
        500 lucid/main Packages
        500 lucid/main Packages
Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: coley on October 24, 2011, 01:32:49 PM
May have been something local - removed the offending package and did another upgrade, seems to have sorted itself out.

Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: mkbrown69 on October 24, 2011, 07:06:35 PM
Quote from: coley on October 19, 2011, 06:09:43 PM
oops maybe spoke too soon.
apt-get apdate/upgrade today on the virtual core and I'm getting an error installing radvd, error parsing config file.


I had the same issue.  I solved it by copying radvd.conf from /usr/share/doc/radvd/examples/simple-radvd.conf to /etc/radvd.conf, and then doing apt-get install to resume the upgrade.  I would concur with Murdock as it's likely an upstream issue.  The radvd.conf file that was installed by apt had two blank lines in it, which is why apt barfed an error on trying to restart the service.


P.S.  I'm not typing this from home; The path is from memory, so it'll get you in the ballpark if it's not quite right! ;-)

P.P.S.S. I'm running LMCE in a KVM based VM, installed by the new installer.  Core installed fine, I'm having issues with MD's.  Neither has a keyboard attached normally.  One is a Intel Atom 330 with Intel graphics (X fails to configure), the second is an M2NPV-VM using component out 720p (which doesn't initialize).  I expect the M2NPV-VM is fine, and I just need to use the keyboard to pick the output and resolution.  I'll see if I can work it out with the Atom/Intel graphics, and submit a ticket/patches when I get some free time.  Not much of that when you have kids ;-)
Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: Murdock on October 24, 2011, 07:39:49 PM
Quotewhen I get some free time.  Not much of that when you have kids ;-)
amen, I've got one and she's a handful.
Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: seth on October 28, 2011, 09:54:45 PM
To get the intel graphics to work on my Foxconn Nettop (N10 family chipset), I had to do the following:

After getting the pretty blue "Failed to setup X" screen.

ssh to core from netbook (or whatever you have, could do it directly from the core in KDE desktop using Konsole)

ssh dcerouter - (or

ssh to the MD you are booting:

ssh moonXXX - substitute the X's for your MD number of course

Edit the xorg.conf file created by the failed first run:

cd /etc/X11
vi xorg.conf
type / and then enter vesa then hit enter again
highlight first letter of vesa (if not already done)
cw intel - yes just type the letters cw then i n t e l - then hit esc key - vi crash course J.I.C.  ;)
save file by doing
press shift and make a :
then type wq! and hit enter

there is also an xorg.conf file in this directory, that also has AV wizard as a part of the filename. I am doing this from memory, so I am not sure. But after you edit both of these files, making the "vesa" to "intel" change,run the following:


After it comes back around, you should see your AV Wizard. Proceed as usual.

Best Regards,

Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: tschak909 on October 29, 2011, 08:33:37 PM
Has anyone looked at the X-Configuration scripts that create the xorg.conf? Can we work on them to support the "intel" driver?

Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: seth on October 31, 2011, 01:44:51 PM
Hi all.
I will take a look at this. I am planning on acquiring a few more of these "Nettops" now that I am running 10.04.
They are quite nice, fit great behind a flat panel TV with the included vesa mount. And with memory weigh in under $200.
They also play HD content well, and are extremely quiet. They even do UI2 masked ( sweetness ).

As a side project I am also looking into alsa configuration. They do not play well with AV Wizard choosing HDMI sound.

If someone can point me to the right place to start looking through the scripts. Could be merely adding a definition for the particular series of chipsets inherit in the N10 family chipset onboard cards.

Thanks, and Best Regards,

Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: tschak909 on October 31, 2011, 01:51:11 PM
If you check out the source tree, you'll see src/X-Configuration, which is where all that logic resides. It is called from the AV Wizard scripts (src/AVWizard/scripts).

It is a mash of shell script, and awk.

Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: seth on October 31, 2011, 01:56:44 PM

Thanks Thom. Will get to work on it this evening.


Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: Murdock on October 31, 2011, 07:21:29 PM
I can help as well with this, I've just (within the last 2 months) updated a few of the avwizard scripts for HDMI audio and HDMI video. All of it works OOB for my MDs (except the ion2 MD I have)
Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: guliaka on November 01, 2011, 12:55:02 AM
Installed 1004 into VMware vm with no problems. Even selected UI2 high for fun and everything came up. Diskless MD came up as well.
Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: gtsupport on November 05, 2011, 01:06:35 PM
Just a thought...

I was unable to play video files on my MD that were ripped on the CORE.  They all played fine on the core without having to install anything extra.  To get them working on the MD I had to install LIBDVDCSS and LIBDVDREAD3.  Would it be possible to make this happen automatically when the create_diskless runs?  (Took me a while to find the libdvdread3 info on a long lost thread on here!)
Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: Murdock on November 05, 2011, 03:10:45 PM
Install libdvdcss2 on your core before you build the MD and it will automatically install on your MD. There are liability issues and it must be the end user's choice to install and can not be made automatic without user intervention.
Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: toppot on November 08, 2011, 10:21:15 AM
Can I add a suggestion?

How about maintaining a (few) working Virtual machine snapshots? Since so many of us has the capability of running either VMWare, KVM or Virtual Box it could perhaps improve vastly on the resource pool for debugging etc. This will of course not test the install script in its own right, but accelerate the path to more mature core distros, and even allow for easier route to getting physical MDs to work.

This could flatten the learning curve for newcomers... Something worth considering, I believe many potential users (->testers --> contributors) have been lost due to not even getting through 1st install of the most mature beta/DVD snapshot

I have VMWare and would volunteer to create a snapshot (VMWare calls it a "Virtual Appliance") - do we have proper filespace to upload these? (my upload is only 2Mbit, meaning I can not host myself). It would probably be worth just keeping a few WM snapshot, rather than 50 DVD install snapshots...

I will of course get to that snapshot via the installer script, but probably not do create_diskless (no point before installing dvd-libs). It should be a very small issue to then make a wiki (with few pitfalls) for how the setup the virtual NICs, add dvd-libs and run create_diskless, and then new testers could have a working core in no time... I could even write a wiki for how to increase Virtual Disks (since it is a no-brainer in a virtualized environment), should some choose to keep their test install and run a "production core" from that..

In the end, we should be interacting more with the MD than with the core ;)
(and a working 10.10 is probably the better route, even that my 8.10 is acting OK so far - but I haven't received my new USB DVB-S cards yet, they could force me to 10.10 sooner than later)

Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: guliaka on November 10, 2011, 06:54:18 PM
1004 installed perfectly on Shuttle GX41, Intel E5700 CPU, 4 GB RAM last night. The only caveat was that it has Intel GPU and AVWizard could not start giving me "Failed to setup X" screen. I disabled "" script per wiki and manually edit xorg.config.pluto.avwizard file by changing "vesa" to "intel" and uncommenting "BusID". After that AVwizard went through and everything is up and running. Orbiter runs on medium setting and 1080p movies playing just perfect.  
Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: tschak909 on November 10, 2011, 07:10:05 PM
can someone _PLEASE_ do the work to make the intel GPUs work OOB?

Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: kyfalcon on November 11, 2011, 08:03:34 PM
Just reloaded 10.04 and the new installer is much easier and seems to be much faster. One thing I did notice is that mplayer was not loaded even though it is checked as loaded in the web admin media director software list. I did an apt-get install Mplayer but not sure if this is going to grab the correct version needed for LinuxMCE.
Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: Marie.O on November 11, 2011, 09:22:13 PM
pluto-mplayer package has been fixed 2 minutes ago.
Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: kyfalcon on November 11, 2011, 09:51:10 PM
so should I unistall Mplayer and do apt-get pluto-mplayer?

Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: maverick0815 on November 12, 2011, 04:38:23 PM
I just took the plunge and tried out 1004...and so far I'm really impressed.
There are only two issues I encountered, one which I could fix manually...and the other one still has me stumped.
The first issue was the absence of the firmware for my TV-Card Hauppauge Nova HD2. I did some digging in the wiki ( and found out that
apt-get install linux-firmware-nonfree seems to fix that...I can now scan for TV-Stations.

The other issue I'm having is with asterisk: I can register my phones, and the line, plus I can place outgoing calls, but I can receive none so far. I can see the calls in my router (AVM Fritz!box), but asterisk isn't picking up yet.
as far as I can see in the /var/log/asterisk/full there is an issue with the incoming call
"warning [2014] chan_sip: username mismatch, have <>, digest has <620>"

"notice [2014] chan_sip.c: failed to authenticate device <>"

Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: maverick0815 on November 13, 2011, 02:42:38 PM
I created a ticket for the issue with Asterisk:
Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: Murdock on November 13, 2011, 04:03:00 PM
Quote from: toppot on November 08, 2011, 10:21:15 AM
Can I add a suggestion?

How about maintaining a (few) working Virtual machine snapshots? Since so many of us has the capability of running either VMWare, KVM or Virtual Box it could perhaps improve vastly on the resource pool for debugging etc. This will of course not test the install script in its own right, but accelerate the path to more mature core distros, and even allow for easier route to getting physical MDs to work.

This could flatten the learning curve for newcomers... Something worth considering, I believe many potential users (->testers --> contributors) have been lost due to not even getting through 1st install of the most mature beta/DVD snapshot

I have VMWare and would volunteer to create a snapshot (VMWare calls it a "Virtual Appliance") - do we have proper filespace to upload these? (my upload is only 2Mbit, meaning I can not host myself). It would probably be worth just keeping a few WM snapshot, rather than 50 DVD install snapshots...

I will of course get to that snapshot via the installer script, but probably not do create_diskless (no point before installing dvd-libs). It should be a very small issue to then make a wiki (with few pitfalls) for how the setup the virtual NICs, add dvd-libs and run create_diskless, and then new testers could have a working core in no time... I could even write a wiki for how to increase Virtual Disks (since it is a no-brainer in a virtualized environment), should some choose to keep their test install and run a "production core" from that..

In the end, we should be interacting more with the MD than with the core ;)
(and a working 10.10 is probably the better route, even that my 8.10 is acting OK so far - but I haven't received my new USB DVB-S cards yet, they could force me to 10.10 sooner than later)


I use virtualbox for testing/debugging my changes, i believe bongo does too.
Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: Murdock on November 13, 2011, 04:04:21 PM
Quote from: tschak909 on November 10, 2011, 07:10:05 PM
can someone _PLEASE_ do the work to make the intel GPUs work OOB?


I have the bones for doing it but no hrdware for testing it. Does anyone have an intel card that would test this out with me?
Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: tschak909 on November 13, 2011, 05:11:08 PM
let's put together a pool to get Murdock an intel media director.

Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: bongowongo on November 13, 2011, 05:21:56 PM
I have an intel media director for testing I can hook up to my test core.
Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: Murdock on January 22, 2012, 08:52:16 PM
FYI - Here's the code I was looking at adding:

The logic is sound though I don't have any way of testing due to the lack of hardware.
Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: Murdock on January 23, 2012, 04:22:54 PM
FYI - code has been committed to determine ATI vs Intel vs nVidia and install the necessary driver automatically and alert the end user it will take a few minutes to complete so they aren't wondering what is going on.
Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: l3mce on January 25, 2012, 06:26:09 PM
I have noticed over the last year or so that the fglrx driver continually adds and drops support for various chipsets. My idea to overcome this issue of ever changing support, rather than dealing with it the way we do nVidia, is to add a function to which, prior to throwing the fail to setup x whiptail, again checks for ATI in lspci, and swaps the fglrx entry with radeon in xorg.conf.pluto.avwizard, and cycles the test again. I did this before when testing all of the ATI crap I have, and it worked well. One of the two fires everything I could get my hands on, but of course fglrx is preferred.

I also have some half written code somewhere which attempts to unlock VAAPI accelleration for 1004+. I will dig that up and start a ticket.
Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: Murdock on January 26, 2012, 02:38:27 AM
This is definitely do-able, the only issue I have is I can't test it. If you're willing to help  either code or at least test out the logic i'm all about it.
Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: l3mce on January 26, 2012, 02:57:14 AM
No problem. I already wrote it once... lost it in an image restore.

This is also one bongowongo can test, he has a crapload of worthless ATI cards. What would be convenient is for him to first find cards that don't load with the current newly applied logic for fglrx, and then just drop in the new avwizard to confirm it works. Should have tonight... tomorrow latest.
Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: Randall on February 05, 2012, 04:05:11 AM
Tried installing 1004 on my old firewall box. Prior to downloading/installing, kubuntu was working fine (both nics, X, etc).  After installing, X is broken due to fglrx not supporting the ancient onboard ATI graphics adapter. Manually switching back to the "mach64" driver and re-writing the xorg.conf file is the current fix.

Full machine specs:

Tyan MB S5103, P4 socket 478, 4GB ECC, Onboard ATI RAGE XL VGA controller, Onboard dual NICs (Intel 82547GI).

Xorg.0.log reads:
X.Org X Server 1.7.6
Release Date: 2010-03-17
X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0
Build Operating System: Linux 2.6.24-29-server i686 Ubuntu
Current Operating System: Linux dcerouter 2.6.32-38-generic-pae #83-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jan 4 12:11:13 UTC 2012 i68
Kernel command line: BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-38-generic-pae root=UUID=073a0e33-6ec9-42f4-998c-3a0e3ac9
Build Date: 20 October 2011  03:05:54PM
xorg-server 2:1.7.6-2ubuntu7.10 (For technical support please see
Current version of pixman: 0.16.4
       Before reporting problems, check
       to make sure that you have the latest version.
Markers: (--) probed, (**) from config file, (==) default setting,
       (++) from command line, (!!) notice, (II) informational,
       (WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.
(==) Log file: "/var/log/Xorg.0.log", Time: Sat Feb  4 20:17:52 2012
(==) Using config file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf"
(==) Using config directory: "/usr/lib/X11/xorg.conf.d"
(==) ServerLayout "XFree86 Configured"
(**) |-->Screen "Screen0" (0)
(**) |   |-->Monitor "Monitor0"
(**) |   |-->Device "Card0"
(**) |-->Input Device "Mouse0"
(**) |-->Input Device "Keyboard0"
(**) Option "AllowMouseOpenFail" "true"
(**) Option "BlankTime" "0"
(**) Option "StandbyTime" "0"
(**) Option "SuspendTime" "0"
(**) Option "OffTime" "0"
(**) Option "AIGLX" "Off"
(==) Automatically adding devices
(==) Automatically enabling devices
(WW) `fonts.dir' not found (or not valid) in "/usr/share/fonts/X11".
       Entry deleted from font path.
       (Run 'mkfontdir' on "/usr/share/fonts/X11").
(WW) The directory "/usr/share/fonts/X11/cyrillic" does not exist.
       Entry deleted from font path.
(**) FontPath set to:
(**) ModulePath set to "/usr/lib/xorg/extra-modules,/usr/lib/xorg/modules"
(**) Extension "Composite" is disabled
(**) Extension "RENDER" is enabled
(WW) AllowEmptyInput is on, devices using drivers 'kbd', 'mouse' or 'vmmouse' will be disabled.
(WW) Disabling Mouse0
(WW) Disabling Keyboard0
(II) Loader magic: 0x81f0e80
(II) Module ABI versions:
       X.Org ANSI C Emulation: 0.4
       X.Org Video Driver: 6.0
       X.Org XInput driver : 7.0
       X.Org Server Extension : 2.0
(++) using VT number 7

(--) PCI:*(0:3:0:0) 1002:4752:1002:8008 ATI Technologies Inc Rage XL rev 39, Mem @ 0xfd000000/16777216, 0xfc24
(II) Open ACPI successful (/var/run/acpid.socket)
(II) "extmod" will be loaded. This was enabled by default and also specified in the config file.
(II) "dbe" will be loaded. This was enabled by default and also specified in the config file.
(II) "glx" will be loaded. This was enabled by default and also specified in the config file.
(II) "record" will be loaded. This was enabled by default and also specified in the config file.
(II) "dri" will be loaded. This was enabled by default and also specified in the config file.
(II) "dri2" will be loaded by default.
(II) LoadModule: "dbe"
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/
(II) Module dbe: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
       compiled for 1.7.6, module version = 1.0.0
       Module class: X.Org Server Extension
       ABI class: X.Org Server Extension, version 2.0
(II) Loading extension DOUBLE-BUFFER
(II) LoadModule: "extmod"
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/
(II) Module extmod: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
       compiled for 1.7.6, module version = 1.0.0
       Module class: X.Org Server Extension
       ABI class: X.Org Server Extension, version 2.0
(II) Loading extension MIT-SCREEN-SAVER
(II) Loading extension XFree86-VidModeExtension
(II) Loading extension XFree86-DGA
(II) Loading extension DPMS
(II) Loading extension XVideo
(II) Loading extension XVideo-MotionCompensation
(II) Loading extension X-Resource
(II) LoadModule: "record"
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/
(II) Module record: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
       compiled for 1.7.6, module version = 1.13.0
       Module class: X.Org Server Extension
       ABI class: X.Org Server Extension, version 2.0
(II) Loading extension RECORD
(II) LoadModule: "glx"
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/extra-modules/modules/extensions/
(II) Module glx: vendor="FireGL - ATI Technologies Inc."
       compiled for 7.5.0, module version = 1.0.0
(II) Loading extension GLX
(II) LoadModule: "int10"
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/
(II) Module int10: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
       compiled for 1.7.6, module version = 1.0.0
       ABI class: X.Org Video Driver, version 6.0
(II) LoadModule: "v4l"
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/
(II) Module v4l: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
       compiled for 1.7.2, module version = 0.1.1
       ABI class: X.Org Video Driver, version 6.0
(II) LoadModule: "dri"
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/
(II) Module dri: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
       compiled for 1.7.6, module version = 1.0.0
       ABI class: X.Org Server Extension, version 2.0
(II) Loading extension XFree86-DRI
(II) LoadModule: "dri2"
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions/
(II) Module dri2: vendor="X.Org Foundation"
       compiled for 1.7.6, module version = 1.1.0
       ABI class: X.Org Server Extension, version 2.0
(II) Loading extension DRI2
(II) LoadModule: "fglrx"
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/extra-modules/modules/drivers/
(II) Module fglrx: vendor="FireGL - ATI Technologies Inc."
       compiled for 1.7.1, module version = 8.72.11
       Module class: X.Org Video Driver
(II) Loading sub module "fglrxdrm"
(II) LoadModule: "fglrxdrm"
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/extra-modules/modules/linux/
(II) Module fglrxdrm: vendor="FireGL - ATI Technologies Inc."
       compiled for 1.7.1, module version = 8.72.11
(II) v4l driver for Video4Linux
(II) ATI Proprietary Linux Driver Version Identifier:8.72.11
(II) ATI Proprietary Linux Driver Release Identifier: 8.723.1
(II) ATI Proprietary Linux Driver Build Date: Apr  8 2010 21:40:29
(II) Primary Device is: PCI 03@00:00:0
(WW) Falling back to old probe method for v4l
(WW) Falling back to old probe method for fglrx
(EE) No supported AMD display adapters were found
(EE) No devices detected.

Fatal server error:
no screens found

Please consult the The X.Org Foundation support
for help.
Please also check the log file at "/var/log/Xorg.0.log" for additional information.

ddxSigGiveUp: Closing log

Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: Murdock on February 05, 2012, 04:24:09 AM
it looks like mach64 may be the correct driver for the X ( What does is the result of this command?

lspci -nn | grep -i vga
Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: twodogs on March 07, 2012, 02:33:50 PM
Did a fresh install of 1004, and can't get into webadmin. I tried to access from the orbiter screen and also from KDE desktop. I tried localhost and Anyone have any tips on what to try next?

Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: twodogs on March 07, 2012, 04:21:46 PM
Picture shows what happens when I select Computing->Webadmin. I looked at network settings and it appears to be unable to use DHCP. In the bottom picture I have just hit "Use DHCP" and it returns a "no". I wanted to see if Asterisk and telecom were working yet, but I can't even get to the configuration screen!

( (

( (

Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: _if_ on March 11, 2012, 02:14:16 PM
have a look at your /etc/networks/interfaces
I had the same issue 2 days before because one NIC had two entrys and one of them had no data filled in.
I just commented out the empty one and everything worked fine then...

maybe that helps


edit: I believe activated ipv6 for internal network was my problem...
Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: JaseP on March 16, 2012, 03:28:44 PM
Did a reinstall after reconfiguring  my network setup (easier to do that than to fix some of the things I broke while playing around).

I have Intel series graphic chipsets and lmce 10.04 was detecting it just fine (Kubuntu had no problems). On reinstall, the system fails to go to the X server, saying something about the avwizard. I am able to log into my user account and do a startx, getting to Kubuntu,... but booting to lmce, the setup wizard fails to start the xserver...

Was there some sort of regression introduced to the initial setup scripts??? More importantly, how do I fix it???
Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: DragonK on March 16, 2012, 06:40:47 PM
Maybe have a look over here....,12458.0.html

Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: JaseP on March 16, 2012, 10:18:56 PM
Aha,... I'll try it as soon as I get home...

Thanks for the help.
Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: gtsupport on April 05, 2012, 09:53:13 AM
Am having problems with the new installer.  I've just wiped my system because it failed to boot after an update so I installed a fresh version of 1004, followed the wiki to download the internet install and ran it.
Everything seems to install correctly, and the system reboots itself. Then I end up back on the KDE desktop. Linuxmce has not started. If I view TTY7 I see the usual startup info, and the last item is
"Starting LinuxMCE launch manager.....OK"
Thats it.
So is it worth downloading and burning the latest snapshot, or will this just load the same files as the internet install??
I've tried this 3 times, incase something went wrong with either the ubuntu install, or the linuxmce install, each time resulting in the same thing.
was working fine on 1004 for a good 6 months, no hardware changes or anything.

By forcing a reboot LinuxMCE finally started properly, however I can't run the AVWizard.  I shall continue this in another thread with the same issues.
Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: l3mce on April 05, 2012, 03:43:47 PM
Answered your other thread... again... you just happened to give it a go when I went and broke stuff.

Now as far as the internet install taking you to KDE, that is an easy fix.
sudo -s
echo "/bin/false" > /etc/X11/default-display-manager
Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: gtsupport on April 06, 2012, 06:22:58 PM
Thanks for the info, had no joy with the commands you suggested, it just hung when rebooting. I have just installed from todays snapshot and managed to get a semi working system again. Have you altered anything that would stop my dhcp server from running? It hasn't worked with either the internet install or the snapshot install. Worked fine on my previous install of 1004, thats why I ask.
Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: pigdog on April 06, 2012, 07:28:53 PM

Did you see this post from l3mce?,11475.120.html

Title: Re: New 1004 Installer Testing
Post by: gtsupport on April 06, 2012, 08:13:57 PM
Ah yes, thats the issue all right. I usually stay out of the developers forum section, and strangely a search didn't list that thread. I ran the install from today's snapshot so will keep waiting for another update.

Thanks for pointing it out.
