I'm dipping my toe into the world of linuxmce and have it hanging together with a couple of devices (Foscam, and ZWave PIR). But I'm struggling to figure out how to get Mailx up and running so I can send out alerts. Searching the forums I can find a couple of mentions about 'adding mailx as a top level device' but how do I actually do that? I have email configured and the test message is sent to my gmail account, but I'm missing this last piece in the puzzle.
Any help would be appreciated.
Currently, the mailx device must be manually added to the device tree.
In the future, the Wizard > Devices > Core page in the web admin, will provide a place where you can quickly enable/disable mailx, but for now:
* Go to the web admin,
* Advanced > Configuration > Devices, select the CORE device
*click add child device, on the right.
* in the device template drop down, find and select the Mailx device.
* select Pick Device template.
The device and its associated packages and driver will then be installed.
You can then interact with the device in scenarios and events as needed.
I took the liberty and copied Thom's information into a wiki entry http://wiki.linuxmce.org/index.php/Email_Events_And_Scenarios
Thanks Thom for the information but I'm stuck at step 3 - 'select the mailx device', I don't have this in the menu. Mailx is installed on the box:
darrell@dcerouter:~$ sudo dpkg --get-selections | grep mailx
bsd-mailx install
mailx install
How do I get Mailx to appear in that menu?
When I try this I receive this error in the Launch Manager Logs
05 06/12/11 19:37:52.945 Not starting device 230 Mailx - binary "Mailx" is not found. <0xb7108b90>
And none of my test email events function.
Quote from: d4rr3ll on June 12, 2011, 12:39:15 PM
Thanks Thom for the information but I'm stuck at step 3 - 'select the mailx device', I don't have this in the menu.
It is device template 2120. You should find it in the drop down list, if you selected the CORE.
OK, I found template 2120 (Mailx), not sure how I missed it before I'm convinced I stepped through every 'M' in the list, anyway I'm one step further but am now at my next stumbling block.
Whenever I try to add a mailx command and use the 'Test command' button no email is sent, nothing happens in mail.log, so I had a fish around and found entries like this in /var/log/pluto/webExecLog.log.... (I've remove my email address)
13-06-2011 18:11:55 /usr/pluto/bin/MessageSend dcerouter -targetType device 0 51 1 1075 283 Kitchen camera triggered 282 **hidden**@gmail.com
13-06-2011 18:12:19 /usr/pluto/bin/MessageSend dcerouter -targetType device 0 51 1 1075 283 Kitchen camera triggered 282 **hidden**@gmail.com
13-06-2011 18:14:33 /usr/pluto/bin/MessageSend dcerouter -targetType device 0 51 1 1075 284 Test 283 Kitchen camera triggered 282 **hidden**@gmail.com
So it looks like the 'Test command' does something, but I'm still not seeing anything in the mail.log.... so I cut and paste the above command into a shell (root) and got the following...
darrell@dcerouter:~$ /usr/pluto/bin/MessageSend dcerouter -targetType device 0 51 1 1075 284 Test 283 Kitchen camera triggered 282 **hidden**@gmail.com
01 06/13/11 18:16:06.867 Message constructor malformed with wrong param id 'camera'
So I tried with quotes, i.e.
darrell@dcerouter:~$ /usr/pluto/bin/MessageSend dcerouter -targetType device 0 51 1 1075 284 Test 283 'Kitchen camera triggered' 282 **hidden**@gmail.com
no errors this time, but still nothing in mail.log
Where should I be looking next?