(links to follow)
Radio Thermostat just published the API set for their Wi-Fi connected thermostats. These thermostats work with all kinds of HVAC systems and can connect via Wi-Fi, Z-Wave, and Zig-Bee
Radio Thermostat has two models available the CT-80 ($250) and CT-30 ($140)
The CT-30 is also available for $99 at any Home Depot in the states as the Filtrete Mod#3M-50 and it comes with the Wi-Fi module.
It can be controlled via their web site, iPhone App, Windows Program, or API
I'm trying to figure out how hard it would be to write the interface or how to allow the current interface to control the device. Maybe some pointers as to which files to start with. My knowledge of programming is limited but I can handle scripting. According to the opening paragraphs of the API documentation:
QuoteThe Radio Thermostat API is an HTTP API that enables client programs to query the thermostat state, and to manage/control the thermostat operation. In the HTTP terminology, the thermostat will be a server that will respond to HTTP requests from client devices. The API is designed with a RESTful architecture in mind.
The API is expected to be used by a variety of client applications such as graphical interface applications running on Windows, MAC, or iOS devices. It can also be used by programs such as curl to facilitate control via non-interactive client applications. Further, the HTTP GET APIs can be exercised using a browser.
The Radio Thermostat API provides a set of operations on a typical thermostat device and has been designed to be independent of the underlying implementation of the thermostat.
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
Docs available here:
http://radiothermostat.com/latestnews.html (http://radiothermostat.com/latestnews.html)
(under advanced technical information)
I wonder who in his/her right mind is going to spend 140-250USD on a thermostat?
look at the price of a merten RTR + BCU...
br Hari
In the states Home Depot carries a version of this for $99 that is wi-fi. It works alone or one can program to work with the api.
Merten having stuff that is as expensive or even more expensive doesn't mean it make sense, does it. ;)
OK, back to original subject, I just bought and installed the CT-30 from Home Depot, for my family's new home, and am thrilled with it, in it's originally designed role.
Will start investigating it's API for use with LinuxMCE as I have time, in the next days/weeks, and see what I can do with it (won't be much, as time is limited, and not nearly as much as my dev-skills...).
Anybody want's remote access, that can do more than I, is welcome to it...
I just bought one of the Filtrete Mod#3M-50 thermostats and I'm going to begin work on a driver for it. Here is the ticket where I will track the progress:
http://svn.linuxmce.org/trac.cgi/ticket/1280 (http://svn.linuxmce.org/trac.cgi/ticket/1280)
Hello I'm a new born MCE user (loving it) also using filtre m-50 (home depot 99) wifi is an advantage for me but privacy is a must... I will like to see an application to privately access my thermostat with MCE. I will be following any progress.
Thank you.
It is being worked on, but I've had to put it aside until my work importing from XBMC is finished. It will be more difficult for me to find time to work on this as we get closer to the holidays, but I plan on having this driver ready early in the new year. Keep an eye on this thread for updates, as soon as I have it checked in, I will let everyone know.
That being said, I do have a GSD template that reads the output of http://192.168.80.xx/tstat to a log file, next step is to work on the POST update function.
How's this going? Any progress?
I asked on the Radio Thermostat forum about the MAC address range which should help to make this device plug and play
http://forums.radiothermostat.com/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=6059&sid=77484e069816bcdbfe24120ff79ffd4e (http://forums.radiothermostat.com/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=6059&sid=77484e069816bcdbfe24120ff79ffd4e)
I bought the Filtrete version but don't have it set up yet
Getting there...
Polling thermostat for updates at: Wed Dec 31 19:00:00 -0500 1969
temp: 66.50
tmode: 1
fmode: 0
override: 0
hold: 0
t_heat: 62.00
day: 2
hour: 16
minute: 28
I can't wait to try this out! 8)
I can't wait either:
I'm just waiting for the sqlCVS batches to be approved.
From reading user wiki's it looks like you and user "Techstyle" ( I cannot post the links yet but you can look at his wiki page) are using this thermostat.
Do we have to wait on the sqlCVS approval or are their some instructions on how to set it up in the meantime?
I'm new to linuxmce but have spent the last 2 weeks reading, buying, and setting things up. Thanks.
I have one too but have yet to integrate it.
I think we are all in the same boat
Can you go through what is needed to get it to work and then I will create a template and get it submitted?
Whats the status of this?
Im looking to try and see if i cant knock out a few of these feature requests.
Reading so far, it has an api of some sort. I can buy it at home depot. Do i need a HVAC system because i dont have one...
It is the JSON template I was asking about a few weeks ago in the IRC. I have struggled with it and havent really got very far. Aviator had it working, cant find him though