my home gets ready and now I am playing around with WebOrbiter.
This Orbiters I plan to use or I do use:
Nokia N900 - works without problems
iPhone 4
mini6410 with 7" Touchdisplay and Android (screen resolution 800x480)
I have generated 2 generic Webdevices. One is called iPhone an one is called ARM11 (for the mini6410). Then I generated 2 Orbiters.
Device ID 184 is for the mini6410 - Size=480p
Device ID 185 is for the iPhone - Size=960x640(iPhone4)
I also plan to use a iPad2 as Orbiter - I think the Size will be 1024x768 - so I have to generate a third generic Webdevice and another Orbiter for the iPad.
My Problem at the moment is, that, if I do a Quick Reload Router sometimes the iPhone shows the correct Orbiter resolution and sometimes the mini6410 shows the correct resolution.
Is there a way to tell the iPhone App what Orbiter to use?
On my setup of iPhone the user can set what port to use.
I would try setting up two instances of the weborb and change the listen port of the one for iPhone.
Best of Luck
Quote from: aico on May 23, 2011, 06:51:03 AM
Device ID 184 is for the mini6410 - Size=480p
Device ID 185 is for the iPhone - Size=960x640(iPhone4)
From the device IDs it seems as if you haven't created both, the web orbiter and the proxy orbiter.
Here my configuration:
iPhone: Generic Web Device #1748 - Device #181
iPhone: Generic Proxy Orbiter #1749 - Device #185
mini6410: Generic Web Device #1748 - Device #183
mini6410: Generic Proxy Orbiter #1749 - Device #184
I think the config is ok?!?
May be it will help, if i delete this 4 devices and generate them again?
Sorry - but how do I set up a second weborb instance?
@ALL - no one using more than one Web Orbiter with different resolutions?
I am using 5 different web based Orbiters. All different sizes. Everything is working fine
Quote from: posde on May 24, 2011, 10:19:34 PM
I am using 5 different web based Orbiters. All different sizes. Everything is working fine
Same here, Well, 4 different web orbiters.
Does sound like the listen ports are messed up, as bwhitson said.
Quote from: purps on May 25, 2011, 10:48:39 AM
Same here, Well, 4 different web orbiters.
Does sound like the listen ports are messed up, as bwhitson said.
I agree. Double check that each port is different... its an easy mistake to make. Been there done that!
All the best
I have multiple orbiters with different resolutions and the only time I've had issues like that was when I created them all at the same time. I'm willing to bet that because I created them all at the same time I got them confused and mixed up ports/resolution/etc. Now I create them one at a time and I never have a problem.
On a side note - I had similar issues with my MDs. Again, once the core was ready to accept MD's I would turn them all on at once and let the system do it's thing. Now I power up and configure them one at a time and I haven't had those issues since.
Moral of the story... Check your configs, you're only human.
Thank you all - the problem was:
I did not do step 5 in the WebOrbiter Setup:
"Click on your new Generic Proxy Orbiter in the device tree, give it a unique name and then scroll to the bottom of the page on the right and look for the field called 'Listen Port'. This field will be set to '3461' by default (if this Web Orbiter is not your first then you should increment this value by one ie to '3462' - each Web Orbiter must have a unique 'Listen Port' number) "
Now I did it and everything works fine - but please do not ask me why I missed step 5!?!?!?!
Maybe the large amount of empty alcoholic beverage bottles behind your chair have something to do with it :p
Quote from: aico on May 26, 2011, 05:12:11 AM
Thank you all - the problem was:
I did not do step 5 in the WebOrbiter Setup:
"Click on your new Generic Proxy Orbiter in the device tree, give it a unique name and then scroll to the bottom of the page on the right and look for the field called 'Listen Port'. This field will be set to '3461' by default (if this Web Orbiter is not your first then you should increment this value by one ie to '3462' - each Web Orbiter must have a unique 'Listen Port' number) "
Now I did it and everything works fine - but please do not ask me why I missed step 5!?!?!?!
Right... thats what my post above about checking the listen ports for each Web Orbiter are different was related too :-)
All the best
Have you tried the Android orbiter on the mini6410? If so, does it work well?
Hi Darren,
I will try your Android Orbiter the next days - at the moment I am busy with my new kitchen...