LinuxMCE Forums

General => Users => Topic started by: Riggs on May 10, 2011, 02:19:00 AM

Title: Trane Zwave Remote Energy Management Thermostat
Post by: Riggs on May 10, 2011, 02:19:00 AM
I have a Trane Zwave thermostat

I have included it in the LMCE network with the Aeon Labs MiniMote, my controller is a Aeon Labs Zstick2
if I log on to the admin site and go to schedule I can not select my device as there is nothing listed
can any one help me out here
Title: Re: Trane Zwave Remote Energy Management Thermostat
Post by: Riggs on May 10, 2011, 11:41:18 PM
So far it seems i can not send any commands if i use an orbiter to change temp nothing happens.
the orbiters are registering a temperature change
Title: Re: Trane Zwave Remote Energy Management Thermostat
Post by: hari on May 11, 2011, 07:53:51 AM
Increase logging level and paste zwave logs
Title: Re: Trane Zwave Remote Energy Management Thermostat
Post by: Riggs on May 11, 2011, 05:45:48 PM
Hi hari thanks for your time.
How do I increase the logging level
Title: Re: Trane Zwave Remote Energy Management Thermostat
Post by: tschak909 on May 11, 2011, 06:04:27 PM
You will need to edit /etc/pluto.conf as root.

you can go to KDE Desktop, open a Konsole:

sudo kate /etc/pluto.conf
Password: <whatever root password you entered>

this will open the pluto.conf file to edit, you can then look for the line that starts with


Add a ,36 to the end. This will turn on ZWave logging.. (This is defined in src/DCE/Logger.h if you're curious.)

Then reload the router. You will then see Z-Wave logging information in your DCERouter.log.
