Our friend rperre was lost in a training exercise on Thursday. As those who knew him were aware, he was an Apache helicopter instructor, as well as a LinuxMCE enthusiast. Many of us secretly envied his expertise in so many fields, not the least of which was skilfully maneuvering one of the most difficult craft in the air to fly. Beyond simply being a brilliant guy, he was an admirable person just to talk with. I very much enjoyed his company, and was often taken aback by his even keel and demeanor, even when people deserved a bit of backlash. He was just an all around great guy. A Dutch native, he became a US Citizen in 2010. He served with honor in Afghanistan and Africa. He was just 39.
He is survived by his wife Wilma, and step children, Lindsey Fain, Brooks Latta, Emily Anne Latta, and his grandson, John Parker. For those of you who pray, keep them in yours. It must be dismal to endure this personal tragedy, surrounded by the destruction that has occurred in Alabama just a day earlier. He will be very sorely missed.
rust in vrede
Oh my God,
This is terrible news, all the best to his family and friends.
He was indeed a very, very nice guy to speak too or to hear from,
he will be very soreley missed,
rust zacht en in vrede
That is indeed sad to here.
Although I didn't have much to do with him he always seemed helpful.
This is terrible news.
Best wishes to his family.
I have spent many evenings in the chat room taking to Rperre he will be sadly missed. My condolences go out to his family
Oh I am so sorry to hear this. He was my life saver too, during many fresh install. I learned a lot from him. he taught me a lot with a lot patience.
Wishing a many best luck to his family.
Ik kende Richard niet persoonlijk alhoewel hij virtueel mij te hulp heeft gestaan, ik wens zijn familie en vrienden sterkte met dit grote verlies
I did not know Richard in person although he helped me out virtually, I wish his family and friends strenght with this great loss.
Wow. That's hard. I did not know him personally, but condolences to his love ones. Even though i did not know him, it hits home as a Pilot myself. Brings back memories of good friends I have lost while were doing what we love. God bless his family.
What terribly sad news :-( & a great loss...
I like others here have many memories of him in discussion here and in the channel and although I did not know him as others did here he always seemed an incredibly nice and easy going guy and my memories of him are all good.
Its impossible to imagine how his wife, children & other family members must be feeling right now and I would like to pass my thoughts & very deepest sympathy to them all.
Probably I exchanged with him just a couple of posts, not that much to get a picture of the man.
Nevertheless these are news one would never hear.
For what is worth, my deepest sympathy to Richard's family.
Ciao Richard
Nou rperre,
Daar ga je
Ik wilde je graag op deze dag mijn laatste en eeuwigdurende respect tonen
Slaap zacht
He was the first person to ever help me in the chatroom. So sorry to hear he's gone.