I'm ending with system testing and learning how does MCE functioning but now i have to make my media directors work so i have to buy new pcs which i dont know what to get .
I will complete them my self only what i want to know is does somebody had tried to use this package (http://www.provantage.com/intel-boxd525mw~7ITEM0K7.htm) or some similar to it ?
i'm interested to use 5 of this for MD's but i'm not in mood for giving money just for fun ,so i'm asking for an opinion ,an review :)
Thanks in advance ,
That link doesn't work for me.
Generally speaking, if you want a mini-ITX board, make sure you get ION (i.e. nVidia). Mine are also the dual core (330) type, no idea if this is necessary, but I thought better safe than sorry.
Check the wiki for boards that work. I have had a lot of success with Asus boards, but there are lots of others that work also.
Quote from: purps on April 28, 2011, 10:43:47 AM
That link doesn't work for me.
Generally speaking, if you want a mini-ITX board, make sure you get ION (i.e. nVidia). Mine are also the dual core (330) type, no idea if this is necessary, but I thought better safe than sorry.
Check the wiki for boards that work. I have had a lot of success with Asus boards, but there are lots of others that work also.
it will work now had so " " that made problems :)
Thanks for the opinion ,but like i said it will be for 5 , if i spend on ION that will be a lot of Budget especialy when i get in mind that there will be 5 touch control pads (Galaxy pad , iPad or some similar ) , i tought that intel will be good to invest.
When we are here lets ask u how do u feel about aces aspire one ,or asus eeepc for MDs ?
I'm tryin to test acer aspire one the best one and i have some problems with getting the system running
QuoteI'm tryin to test acer aspire one the best one and i have some problems with getting the system running
Case in point :)
I believe people are using eeePCs and aspires and revos and what not, but I haven't personally. nVidia is the recommended graphics, so I prefer to just use that despite the extra £££, but there are lots of people here that have other stuff working.
I will say that if you are buying 5 iPads just to act as touch control pads, you can't be doing too badly for yourself. Maybe others will have different opinions, but I would say that is a bit over the top. Why not get something cheaper and spend more on the MDs? Just my opinion.
Quote from: daci92 on April 28, 2011, 11:51:30 AM
i tought that intel will be good to invest.
yep, the new Oak Trail tablets will be great ;)
Quote from: daci92 on April 28, 2011, 11:51:30 AM
it will work now had so " " that made problems :)
Thanks for the opinion ,but like i said it will be for 5 , if i spend on ION that will be a lot of Budget especialy when i get in mind that there will be 5 touch control pads (Galaxy pad , iPad or some similar ) , i tought that intel will be good to invest.
When we are here lets ask u how do u feel about aces aspire one ,or asus eeepc for MDs ?
I'm tryin to test acer aspire one the best one and i have some problems with getting the system running
The iPad is a good choice as a controller if you have the budget for it. Also its painless to setup on the device itself as you just need to go to the App Store and download the free Dianemo iOS App (works on all iOS devices) and do some config at your Core. We're hoping to ship an update to the App next week and serveral more in the next month or two too so you will automatically get those too.
All the best
I use http://wiki.linuxmce.org/index.php/Zenithink_ZT-180 (http://wiki.linuxmce.org/index.php/Zenithink_ZT-180) as a controller and it works well and about half the cost of the IPAD. I also use ATOM-ION's as MD's and they work great!!
From what I understand there will be better intel video support with 1004; but my expierence with intel video in 0810 was not good. The md installs and ui1 works good; but ui2 does not and no hardward excelleration means most videos look crappy.
Maybe with 1004 X will better support the newer intel drivers, but for now I would agree with other posters that ION is the best way to go (even if intel is better supported in 1004 I'd still go with ION); it'll be worth the money
QuoteCase in point Smiley
I believe people are using eeePCs and aspires and revos and what not, but I haven't personally. nVidia is the recommended graphics, so I prefer to just use that despite the extra £££, but there are lots of people here that have other stuff working.
I will say that if you are buying 5 iPads just to act as touch control pads, you can't be doing too badly for yourself. Maybe others will have different opinions, but I would say that is a bit over the top. Why not get something cheaper and spend more on the MDs? Just my opinion.
Yea Matt , i know that nVidia is recommended graphics but look i need smaller and cheep solution that will work i dont need the graphic for nothing on the mds they will just stream music , the graphic will be just for showing the screen of the orbiter and if that is not possible then intel graphic is not worth a shit ,maybe i have done something wrong during the creation of the MD ,i will try to get the aspire again for test.
Look i dont know if they would be iPads ,i'm thinking about using them but the final solution maybe would be some Chinese pads which just will do the work.Another problem is that the mds should be small coz of the room space where they will be put in ,there is a server room that is just not big enough for lots of pc's (lets say 4-5pc)
Anyway great opinion ,thanks mate.
Quoteyep, the new Oak Trail tablets will be great Wink
Hey Olivier
I share the same opinion like a pleased customer of Lenovo ,but first lets wait them on the market so we can try them and get conclusions :)
QuoteThe iPad is a good choice as a controller if you have the budget for it. Also its painless to setup on the device itself as you just need to go to the App Store and download the free Dianemo iOS App (works on all iOS devices) and do some config at your Core. We're hoping to ship an update to the App next week and serveral more in the next month or two too so you will automatically get those too.
All the best
Yea i know but when we will re-arrange the budget we will know for sure what we will use :)
I have downloaded Dianemo for iOS from Apple Store but have no Apple device in hand for trying it.
Thanks for sharing those news with us.
QuoteI use http://wiki.linuxmce.org/index.php/Zenithink_ZT-180 as a controller and it works well and about half the cost of the IPAD. I also use ATOM-ION's as MD's and they work great!!
Hmmm it is a good one and for a great price too ,but i dont know if i can find it where i live ....
Can u tell me what exactly do u use ? And how much did that cost u...
QuoteFrom what I understand there will be better intel video support with 1004; but my expierence with intel video in 0810 was not good. The md installs and ui1 works good; but ui2 does not and no hardward excelleration means most videos look crappy.
Maybe with 1004 X will better support the newer intel drivers, but for now I would agree with other posters that ION is the best way to go (even if intel is better supported in 1004 I'd still go with ION); it'll be worth the money
Like i see it will be a lot of time till 1004 came in stable and good release ,and i have no more time to wait for closing the system.
Like i said before in this post ,i just need reproduction of proxy orbiter screen ,nothing more ,nothing less ,don't need it for streaming video
Anyway thanks to all ,and if someone can help me more about this thread it will be great
If all you want is audio, why not get a squeezebox?
Quote from: posde on April 29, 2011, 10:43:17 AM
If all you want is audio, why not get a squeezebox?
Whats that ????
i found what is squeezebox ,i think that it wont do me what i need but can u tell me how does it works with mce ?
You plugin the squeezebox to your (Linuxmce) network via UTP network cable.
Linuxmce with sqeeuzecenter (sender) enabled will stream audio library towards squeezebox. Also you can control the device via the orbiter/remote if properly configured.
If you only get the squeezebox receiver, you need an amplifier.
I am in the process of using maybe small car receivers. I am not an audiophile, I just like music.
A squeezebox can be controlled just like a regular MD with a roaming Orbiter (like an iPad, or Android thingie or what not).
Hello fellows ,can someone please tell me if i can use FOXCONN NT -330i like a md.
I'm thinking to buy this one (http://amc.com.mk/ShopDetal.asp?ArticleID=26257&id=41&l=3&q&SupplierArticleID&Action) but i'm not sure if it will be good for md can someone tell me from experience ?
PS:The specs are in English the other thin i dont know if u could read it is written in Macedonian Cyrillic script.
The Atom 330 is a first-gen Atom: not recommended.
Oak Trail is the best choice now: Atom Z670 + GMA600 + 3W TDP + multi-OS support
The WeTab (Pine Trail) is also a good choice at 280 euros (or even less on german eBay)
WeTab's website: http://wetab.mobi/en/
QuoteThe Atom 330 is a first-gen Atom: not recommended.
huh ???
Swift do you even have a lmce system running.
Unless i am drastically missing something nvidia is still the best way to go with LMCE.
not to say the other versions wont be better at one point for lmce ... but for now the first gen atom/ions make the best md's inmho
I agree with TK, my 330 works great.
WRT the Foxconn you may want to search the forums there are a few threads covering it. I believe the NIC is not plug and play but I do not know if anyone has successfully got one up and running
Quote from: tkmedia on May 03, 2011, 09:18:14 PM
for now the first gen atom/ions make the best md's inmho
To buy a 3 year old CPU is not a very good idea imho
Just my two cents
Quote from: swift11 on May 04, 2011, 06:13:48 AM
To buy a 3 year old CPU is not a very good idea imho
Just my two cents
Please do your homework and setup a lmce system before giving advise on such a specialized system.
The above link is for a pad orbiter not a Media director... again yes someday the systems you point out may be viable and better.
Just my 2 cents
I agree with TK, my 330 works great.
WRT the Foxconn you may want to search the forums there are a few threads covering it. I believe the NIC is not plug and play but I do not know if anyone has successfully got one up and running
Hey r u pleased with the power that 330 gives for the work ?
Anyway i found the drivers for the NIC and went tru the steps so i believe it will work ok now ,anyway i'm asking coz i want to take one for preliminary testing ,and if something come up on surface during the tests i will look for other solution.
QuoteTo buy a 3 year old CPU is not a very good idea imho
Just my two cents
C'mon friend nice from u but i'm looking for media director solution not orbiter solution ,i have made a list for orbiters and there is Apple's iPad and Samsung's Galaxy Pad but not this.
This time i'm looking for cheap and nice MD's (because it will be few of them)