Hey I didn't find a lot about this and waned to ask. I want to add Drupal to my core, Drupal as you might know(allong other CMS) need access to MySql. Would I like to know is:
1 Is their any harm in using the same MySql data base?
After reading this http://forum.linuxmce.org/index.php?topic=6994.0 (http://forum.linuxmce.org/index.php?topic=6994.0) I was turned away form that.
2 What kinda of problem am I going to make for my self, I know that the core uses MySql and I don't want to mess anting up in that regard. Just make my own entry's pertaining to Drupal.
3 Assuming that I can go ahead with this. What's the password to access the MySql server, where is it located, I know Localhost, but more details would be appreciated.
4 Any other things I'm not thinking of that people can point out, that would cause a headake would be nice.
I finally set up a test bed using VMware workstation. So I'll be using this as a prelude to adding to my production system.
Create a new database for drupal. No problem.
User root has no password. Create a new user for drupal.
Thank you.