Is anyone currently using the serial ports on a GC100 to control any of your rs232 devices?
I am having problems with mine... The TV's 3 different ones, can be controlled through rs322 using usb- serial connections,
I have eliminated sw issues by using GC itest utility and still get now response from the TV's
Thoughts anyone?
I don't want to hijack the thread but none of my serial ports work directly - I mean motherboard mounted serial ports on my core and an MD. But usb-RS232 is working on those same machines.
Is this a problem with GC100 or serial in general?
QuoteI don't want to hijack the thread but none of my serial ports work directly - I mean motherboard mounted serial ports on my core and an MD. But usb-RS232 is working on those same machines.
So don't ;D
There are plenty of threads with rs232 problems. Lets leave this one a question regarding the GC100
hmmmm so no one is using rs232 on a gc100 ???
I have a CM11A connected to the rs232 port on my GC100. Works fine.
Quote from: rdmustang on May 15, 2011, 10:00:49 PM
I have a CM11A connected to the rs232 port on my GC100. Works fine.
I'm missing 1 piece here. How does LinuxMCE communicate to the RS232 port over TCP to talk to the CM11A?
Is there a place in LinuxMCE to easily configure this type of equipment that sends the info over TCP? I'd like a little more information on this.
Thank you,
Ok, I found the instructions in the wiki how to install it but ... then I found out it's not possible to upgrade the firmware. That's bad, I hate not to be able to upgrade myself a firmware. Shipping back the unit to the manufacturer is completely out of question, specially when it's in production and need it daily.
Are there any alternatives for RS232 and/or sensors over TCP?
Seriously, you guys think way too hard.
The system keeps track of GC100's in the device tree, and we have code that makes a serial device appear on the core.
These devices show up in the COM Port on PC device data beside each serial based device, so you can select the GC100's serial port appropriately.