The analog output from my diskless media director is connected to the stereo input of the tv.
The TV volume is set to maximum in order to barely hear the video sound.
During AV Setup, I turned the volume setting to 100. (I'm not sure where to verify this setting on the media director.)
As alsamixer works great for the core, it doesn't appear to work for the diskless media director.
"alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device"
I had that some problem.... On the MD go into the Advanced Tab.... KDE Desktop. After that go into the Sound Manager.... I think PCM is the mixer that controls the sound for that, but I turned all of mine to max.
or ssh to your moon as root and do alsamixer
I also turn everything up,
KDE Desktop -> Sound Mixer did the trick.
Thanks so much,
I did try to chroot XX for the media director.
when I ran alsamixer - gave this error:
"alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device"
running the command on the core works fine. should this also work on the diskless (PXE Boot) media director?