Hi All,
I havent done an update for a while now, 4months. So I thought it was time to do one. so I did an apt-get update and apt-get upgrade.Dowloaded about 490mb of updates. I rebooted after update and now my core is in a loop. It keeps on rebooting.
Just after Stopping NTP server there is a message ERROR 2002 cannot connect to local mysql server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock and then it reboots.
Anyone had this before?
This error just happened to me too. The system is stuck in an infinite reboot sequence after that error. I tried to boot into the recovery and do a package repair, that didnt do anything. I'm just kinda in a holding pattern now, trying to see what I can do without breaking it any more.
_Nate (o:`,
Did you do an update?
Hi ,
I canged the "bind address" in /etc/mysql/my.cnf from to my core's ip.
But still didnt work. If i boot to recovery console and start mysql from the prompt it starts without errors. Then I "init 5" to get to run level 5. The then core wants to install the Nvidia driver and reboots. That lead me to think it was a Nvidia problem so after changing a varaible in the nvidia-install.sh I got the AV-wizard and now the core is generating orbiters. Holding thumbs.
Even though the tracticket applies to 10.04 it seemed to have worked for me.
Edit: Rebooted manually and its working now
Yes, after an update it was broken. What variable did you change in nvidia-install.sh? I changed param to "" in installCorrectNvidiaDriver(). That stopped the rebooting, but the resolution was wonky in the AVwizard. It looks like nvidia-install.sh wants to "apt-get install nvidia-glx-260" but that package cannot be found. Any idea's?
Line 162 in the nvidia-install-sh "INSTALLED= 1" changed the "1" to "0".
But u might have a look here to;
Yea.... after I posted I searched more and found the post about the Changeset 23588.... rather then do all the changes in the changeset .... I just changed 260 to 195 for the variable names and install piece and it worked like a charm. I wanted to make sure it worked before I posted again.... and it does work.
Also I didn't change line 162, basically I only change line 75.
_Nate (o:`,