I cannot run any computing application (bookmarks work fine) on 0810. Even MythTV setup. A few months ago I added Skype and it worked without any problem. Now I can see just a short blink after pressing to specified app. Any idea how to fix that or at least where to see the log?
Thanks in advance.
Still cannot run any computing application. Any idea how to fix it or at least how to debug it?
install mythTV manually?
Do you know which packages failed, look at the wiki, the 0810 beta page.
Quote from: bongowongo on August 27, 2010, 11:06:13 AM
install mythTV manually?
Do you know which packages failed, look at the wiki, the 0810 beta page.
With packages everything ok :) I added by myself skype and vlc into computing and they worked fine. But after some update they didn't run. But I can run them from KDE successfully.