Does anybody have squeezeslave running in lmce 0810 with a USB audio card?
If so, could you please tell me which version you are running of:
what kernel
For Dianemo what versions are you all running and what kernel of 0710
Appreciate the help for some troubleshooting, i want to get this to work and create multiple audio zones in my house.
Thank you,
I am not running squeezeslave on my system, but we do have a squeezeslave deb in the repo, thanks to sambuca.
The squeezeslave deb is using the lastest svn of squeezeslave.
Please let us know if you have any problems with it.
best regards,
Quote from: rperre on July 26, 2010, 06:22:00 AM
Does anybody have squeezeslave running in LinuxMCE 0810 with a USB audio card?
If so, could you please tell me which version you are running of:
what kernel
For Dianemo what versions are you all running and what kernel of 0710
Appreciate the help for some troubleshooting, i want to get this to work and create multiple audio zones in my house.
Thank you,
Hi Richard,
We use the stock 0710 kernel shipped with LinuxMCE-0710 and we currently use squeezeslave 0.9-133
All the best
Totallymaxed thanks for that info.
Sambuca are you running USB cards with that?
I just compiled my own it's at 173 now, but i'm going to try an older version if i can find it. If you all use the latest svn it should be the same version.
There also seem to be some problems with the detection of USB audio devices lately, i'm starting to think that the alsa part is messing up and they need to debug the usb audio driver.
I'm on it though, and will post here if i have it working and what the fix would be if i find it.
Think i got it to work, but not sure if it's a good fix.
I basically created a new 'asym' device for the usb audio card and it now works fine. I have constantly tried to use the dmix device as per squeezeslave forum, but stumbled on this and tried it.
I will test some more and update the wiki and post the fix here if it works for me.
Quote from: rperre on July 27, 2010, 02:04:49 AM
I just compiled my own it's at 173 now, but i'm going to try an older version if i can find it.
Why did you not just install the deb package?
I'm not using a usb sound card, no. I would say your problem is with the USB device and ALSA, and not squeezeslave itself.
What did you try using the dmix device for? Its intended use is to mix several sound sources into one, like when multiple programs play sounds at once, afaik.
The deb package is 173 btw.
my USB sound adapter works but when I type
/usr/local/bin/squeezeslave -o4 -m00:00:00:00:00:01 -r5 -M/var/log/squeezeslave.log
as shown here http://wiki.linuxmce.org/index.php/Squeezeslave_on_the_core (http://wiki.linuxmce.org/index.php/Squeezeslave_on_the_core)
I get this error:
PortAudio error7: No output devices found.
Maybe you have a permission problem? Try using sudo /usr/... instead
best regards,
first of all I did a sudo su - so it can not be a permission problem... :'(
I think I have to reinstall my core...
Did you try a simple restart of the core? I installed a squeezebox recently and it would not respond to commands from an orbiter to play music. I was told on IRC to restart the core- when it was coming back up I saw a couple lines in the startup text that said something about not starting squeezeserver... When the core was fully up, however, the squeezebox worked great. FWIW
Posde: first of all i didn't know there was a deb until i started this thread and secondly i was troubleshooting and adding debug to squeezeslave. I will use the deb in the future when everything works. Maybe somebody can edit the wiki to say where you can find it?
The dmix device was the proposal of the guy that keeps up with squeezeslave himself, i had tried other devices but nothing worked. This asym device works for me.
aico, no need to reinstall your core, first of all make sure the usb card shows up in aplay -L, then make sure it shows up in squeezeslave -L and yes use the full path to squeezeslave so for me this was /usr/local/bin/squeezeslave -L
Also looks like you used my line from the wiki exactly, i don't know if device 4 is the correct one, again look with the -L option.
Quote from: rperre on July 28, 2010, 01:54:49 AM
[..]Maybe somebody can edit the wiki to say where you can find it?
please do update the wiki. The deb is part of our repo, so an
apt-get install squeezeslave
is all that is needed.
sweet, that helps people, i'll change the wiki to reflect this, but leave the build instructions for peeps that want to do this.