Just wanted to share my experiences so far and discuss some opportunities for improvement. I'm very happy with the changes in this version! Attached is a picture of the new weborbiter on my iphone running (480x320) in full screen mode.
Things I've noticed:
1) the status bar (reception, time, battery level) covers the top of the image making the top buttons unusable. I would think we could introduce some white space at the top of the page to shift everything down appropriately. Would this best be implemented in weborbiter or within the rendered images?
2) there is whitespace on the bottom and right of the rendered image. I would think we should ideally have have the 480x320 rendered image fill the screen (but not fall under the top status bar) with the home,back,refresh,exit,logout buttons appearing only when scrolled to.
3) a working 16:9 UI1 variant would make much better use of the real estate.
Otherwise, aside from the sometimes difficult to read text (I assume due to image compression) it looks and works great, MUCH better than v1.0!
Quote from: davegravy on July 07, 2010, 10:29:20 PM
Just wanted to share my experiences so far and discuss some opportunities for improvement. I'm very happy with the changes in this version! Attached is a picture of the new weborbiter on my iphone running (480x320) in full screen mode.
That screen resolution looks like 320x240 too me - you need to add the 480x320 resolution to your system (its not there by default - yet) or wait for it to appear in future update.
Things I've noticed:
1) the status bar (reception, time, battery level) covers the top of the image making the top buttons unusable. I would think we could introduce some white space at the top of the page to shift everything down appropriately. Would this best be implemented in weborbiter or within the rendered images?
The status bar cannot be completely hidden by a Web App under iOS (as fas as i know anyway). The idea of changing the overall vertical resolution is possible but would then require an across the board change to Basic and that seems like a big change to make.
2) there is whitespace on the bottom and right of the rendered image. I would think we should ideally have have the 480x320 rendered image fill the screen (but not fall under the top status bar) with the home,back,refresh,exit,logout buttons appearing only when scrolled to.
Again this is because you do not have the correct iPhone/iPod resolution in your system (see my first comment).
3) a working 16:9 UI1 variant would make much better use of the real estate.
Yes the above would make sense I agree...but is probably better covered in another thread on UI1 variations...its not really specific to the Web Orbiter (or any Orbiter in a sense).
Otherwise, aside from the sometimes difficult to read text (I assume due to image compression) it looks and works great, MUCH better than v1.0!
I think you will see a small improvement in legibility when the correct 480x320 screen size is available. Other than that a new UI1 variation that has less UI elements on each screen allowing them all to be a larger size would possibly make sense too.
Attached is a photo of an iPod Touch running Web orbiter 2.0 and displaying our Dianemo UI1 variation at 480x320 resolution.
Glad you having some fun with Web Orbiter 2.0!
All the best
Quote from: totallymaxed on July 07, 2010, 10:49:36 PM
That screen resolution looks like 320x240 too me - you need to add the 480x320 resolution to your system (its not there by default - yet) or wait for it to appear in future update.
Hmm... The one I'm using is actually listed in webadmin as "320x480" (I didn't add it). I'll take your word for it though that the correct iPhone resolution is yet to be added :)
Quote from: davegravy on July 08, 2010, 02:15:15 AM
Quote from: totallymaxed on July 07, 2010, 10:49:36 PM
That screen resolution looks like 320x240 too me - you need to add the 480x320 resolution to your system (its not there by default - yet) or wait for it to appear in future update.
Hmm... The one I'm using is actually listed in webadmin as "320x480" (I didn't add it). I'll take your word for it though that the correct iPhone resolution is yet to be added :)
Yeah thats an existing resolution and its wrong for Iphone/iPod Touch - they need 480x320. We added that resolution and 960x640 for iPhone 4 last night and it should therefore appear in new build and updates today or tomorrow.
All the best
I set up the weborbiter for my iPhone4 at the resolution 960x640 (iPhone4), however when I use that resolution this is what it looks like.
If I use the old iphone resolution, it fits just fine on the screen but the image is blurry.
any ideas why the 960x640 only shows the top corner of the orbiter?
Also, one pretty cool thing i stumbled upon was that the iPhone4 weborbiter resolution works nicely on the iPad since I assume you coded it to remove the address bar. This prevents me from having to scroll down on the iPad(like is necessary when I use the 1024x768 setting) which makes the buttons unusable. Would it be possible for you to make a 1024x768 option for the iPad that has the code to remove the address bar like you did for the iPhone?
Dunno about your resolution issue, but to get rid of the address bar (at least on the 3GS) and run in fullscreen mode, you need to launch the website using a shortcut on the springboard.
Quote from: krys on July 29, 2010, 05:58:33 PM
I set up the weborbiter for my iPhone4 at the resolution 960x640 (iPhone4), however when I use that resolution this is what it looks like.
If I use the old iphone resolution, it fits just fine on the screen but the image is blurry.
any ideas why the 960x640 only shows the top corner of the orbiter?
Also, one pretty cool thing i stumbled upon was that the iPhone4 weborbiter resolution works nicely on the iPad since I assume you coded it to remove the address bar. This prevents me from having to scroll down on the iPad(like is necessary when I use the 1024x768 setting) which makes the buttons unusable. Would it be possible for you to make a 1024x768 option for the iPad that has the code to remove the address bar like you did for the iPhone?
Hi Thanks for your feedback.
We're aware that there is a problem using the correct iPhone4 resolution... on the iPhone4! We're working on understanding what the problem is and will post a fix or work around asap.
To remove the iPad/iPhone/iPod touch address bar just save the app to the home screen as an icon and your done.
All the best