OK, sorry for the newbie question, but i'm getting confused about why i would need a builder.
Am i correct in saying a builder is needed to build the debs when something is changed in (say C++), then that package has to be rebuild and you can then install that package on your test core?
For UI enhancements, new devices, etc.. with HADesigner this is not necessary...... correct? you can just affect the "test" core itself and reload router and regen orbiters to see the effects?
We (in flight training) generally say no questions are stupid, but i kinda feel stupid asking.
Appreciate your comments
Quote from: rperre on June 17, 2010, 07:26:38 PM
Am i correct in saying a builder is needed to build the debs when something is changed in (say C++), then that package has to be rebuild and you can then install that package on your test core?
In all practicallity, yes.
For UI enhancements, new devices, etc.. with HADesigner this is not necessary...... correct? you can just affect the "test" core itself and reload router and regen orbiters to see the effects?
Or you can use the QuickDesigner.
Thank you,