Author Topic: Panasonic AE3000 New device template, need advice  (Read 3207 times)


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Panasonic AE3000 New device template, need advice
« on: February 25, 2010, 09:46:30 pm »
Hi, annoying me again!

I am working on a new template for the Panasonic AE3000 projector and I really want to get that controlled via serial.

So I have created a template under panasonic tv:s.

Defined the basic codes(on/off) as I have understood they should be written.(it's nicely documented in the manual)

Then I have copied the commands from Onkyo template for the Internal commands, But..I feel this is not right..

When you guys makes new similar templates. How do you know how to handle the messages that comes back?
I guess the DCE will route the messages based on the usb id. But then what?  ???
Do I need to debug the device to find this out? in that case how do I do that other than just "tail -f"

Thankful for all help or guidance or tip so I can get this one working so I can share it(somehow).

« Last Edit: March 07, 2010, 09:49:32 pm by johanr »


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Re: Panasonic AE3000 doing device template, need help
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2010, 11:11:04 pm »
seem to be the only one fiddling with serial at this stage so I will answer myself:  :)

When you guys makes new similar templates. How do you know how to handle the messages that comes back?
It seems like the DCErouter.log is the file to monitor while doing this. Also the Device logfile
tail -f 64_Generic_Serial_Device.log seem to be another to keep an eye on.

I have seen complaints in the device log that 8N1 is not supported, see this complaint also in the Onkyo and since that one is working I guess it's not too relevant?

But what I cannot get my head around is this message that I get:
Code: [Select]
========== NEW LOG SECTION ==========
1 03/01/10 22:22:29 64 (spawning-device) Starting... 1
1 03/01/10 22:22:29 64 (spawning-device) Found /usr/pluto/bin/Generic_Serial_Device
05 03/01/10 22:22:30.312 Connect() failed, Error Code 111 (Connection refused)) <0xb77e38d0>
05 03/01/10 22:22:31.312 Connect() failed, Error Code 111 (Connection refused)) <0xb77e38d0>
05 03/01/10 22:22:32.312 Connect() failed, Error Code 111 (Connection refused)) <0xb77e38d0>
01 03/01/10 22:22:39.264 Paritybit/Stopbit 8N1 NOT supported. <0xb5fdfb90>

Connection refused, what can cause that?

« Last Edit: March 01, 2010, 11:15:25 pm by johanr »


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Re: Panasonic AE3000 New device template, need help
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2010, 09:49:07 pm »

Ok I am trying to run the setup wizard to let it choose the template for that I have created. Just to make things the way it should be.

But.. Now I am confused. How shall I treat the Projector?
 It's not a Tv since it has no tuners. I have added it to the tv/projectors category though.
Hybrid is not connected directly to it.

I have tried telling in the setup wiz that it is a "tv" connected to one of the outputs on the receiver I have. But then the wizard just starts all over again asking if "this" is connected to a onkyo receiver ...
hence creating alot of duplicate devices.

How shall it be treated and what am I doing wrong(?)



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Re: Panasonic AE3000 New device template, need advice
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2010, 09:48:00 pm »
107 views and no reply.
 am I doing something no one has done before or am I unclear?

Please let me know and i will try to reformulate in that case.
