not presently, UpdateMedia does not appear to have any external scheduling either using at/cron or within the UpdateMediaDaemon or UpdateMediaDaemonControl scripts. So I assume that the sleep for 2 mins is actually within the UpdateMedia binary, so would require the code to be changed and recompiled. Quite frankly, given the daemon structure and the ability to spawn UpdateMedia processes at will, I don't think it is very elegant to have the UM binary just continue scanning indefinitely, just with 2 min sleeps built into the code ... it would be better that the daemon provided the scheduling in the script, spawned UM periodically for a single pass then exit. Or even a cron task calling the daemon with an option set to trigger it to do the spawn, thus retaining the enabled/disabled/status functionality... but that's just not how it currently works. So to change this requires someone with a dev env, and I doubt this is anywhere on people's priorities.