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Workshop: Datagrids

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Has the workshop happened yet?

Even though I'm extremely novice programmer slowly learning and most of this would possibly go over my head I'm always keen to view webinars etc to help up-skill and hopefully down the track help out with the project.

I think it would be very beneficial to have any workshops recorded for reference afterwards and also for future developers who join. After a little hunting I have found the following have you tried it? From what can see it's a 30 day unlimited access free trial?

Either way presuming nothing else booked in I'll attend.

I am reconsidering the datagrid workshop in light of future rewrites to orbiter, part of which will address deficiencies in the DataGrid plugin to replace with something far more flexible.



--- Quote from: tschak909 on January 30, 2010, 10:08:39 pm ---I am reconsidering the datagrid workshop in light of future rewrites to orbiter, part of which will address deficiencies in the DataGrid plugin to replace with something far more flexible.


--- End quote ---

Sounds like a good idea to skip it then as your time would be more valuable elsewhere than teaching something that is going to be out of date soon. Look forward to the rewrite!

I am still tempted to move forward because I think my idea will be scalable to future applications.

I am building a 3d cube with a top level menu, a bottom level menu, and infinite left right scrollable menus. So some version of the normal menu will appear always on top, an area specific menu on bottom, and area specific data populates left to right middle. So f7 will bring up the whole cube.

For now I am just worrying about populating the middle. Tell me if you think it is a waste of time.

i'm really interested in this as well. (chiming in to stay a part of this) :-)


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