Author Topic: WebDT Orbiter Generation Function/Bug??  (Read 3257 times)


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WebDT Orbiter Generation Function/Bug??
« on: June 06, 2009, 05:13:27 am »
Before posting on Trac, wanted to see if anyone else has experienced this:

If you boot a WebDT for the first time and go through the process you are eventually prompted to do a quick reboot before using the device.  If you complete the process (except the reload phase) and start another non-configured WebDT, the second WebDT's first displayed screen will ask you to reload the router rather than the WebDT configuration screens.  If you reboot at that point then both WebDTs will function as though they are the same- only one is registered under "orbiters" in the admin pages (I think it is the first one, but haven't gone to the effort of matching MAC addresses).  This maybe a problem for multiple reasons, but for me it's a problem because the orbiters are in different rooms and as that only one is listed under orbiters, only one room can be selected for display on startup (I have my orbiters default to the room they are in when they start).

There is a very simple fix- delete the listed orbiter in the admin pages and reload the WebDTs.  There maybe a reason for allowing several WebDTs to essentially be the same (redundancy or ????), but it seems to be a bug.

Any thoughts?


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Re: WebDT Orbiter Generation Function/Bug??
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2009, 07:53:03 am » a very...bizzare...bug.....

I will try to reproduce.



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Re: WebDT Orbiter Generation Function/Bug??
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2009, 08:24:17 am »
I thought I was A) Drunk or B) forgetful, but then completely redid my system with the latest alpha and got the same result (was too lazy to walk into the basement to reload the router and planned to do it with the new WebDT....)  That's how I rediscovered.

I have 2 more unconfigured webdts, and will try again tomorrow to obtain the same results. 

At the end of the day, however, I don't think we should (and by "we" I mean you, because I've had pascal, and that's about it) change it.  How many times are you going to be going around the house and turning on orbiters and configuring them as a bulk.  I do this with MDs when doing a new installation, but for a "off-the-shelf" product, how many end-users are going to be setting this system up from startup?

Drinking again tonight, so don't have a coherent argument other than the above, but there have to be reasons why allowing 2+  (haven't tried this with a third orbiter) orbiters to be essentially the same device?!?  Yes...  No....  ??


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Re: WebDT Orbiter Generation Function/Bug??
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2009, 06:01:29 am »
As a follow up to this, I added another MD to the system and when I started the 2 webdt's that registered as the same, they both started up with the "the device listed as xx is not correct do you wish to correct this" (obviously not the correct message, but those have been through it know what it says).

I needed the system tonight to show it off, so didn't try and register them as the same. 

Long story short, maybe the system will fix the problem given enough time...