Author Topic: First time Linux User problems with Dvico cards :(  (Read 4638 times)


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First time Linux User problems with Dvico cards :(
« on: January 31, 2009, 06:52:37 am »

I'll start off by saying that linuxmce is a great idea and as far as i can tell runs everything I need.

I've used both windows xp MCE 2005 and windows vista.
Installation issues thus far using the DL DVD RC710 I belive, Plasma was not being recongnized upon installation. found I had to hold down a shift button when a certain flashing cursor displays. Got past this set up my system, tuner and remote where not found during setup :(

System (built from bits and pieces I had lying around):
XP 2800+
1 gig ram
6800GTS 256mb
40gb IDE HD (operating system drive)
250gb Sata HD (Media Storage)

DViCo Dual Digital 4 Tuner
DViCo DVB-T Hybrid Tuner

ABit or Asus ANF7 mainboard can't remember

problem at the moment is getting the tv tuners to be recognised by MCELinux, I've followed this guide downloaded the drivers and begun compiling ...

I get this error whilst compiling ... tvmixer.c:226: error: 'I2C_DRIVERID_TVMIXER' undeclared here (not in a function) I'm guessing tvmixer.c should be compiled to tvmixer.o ?

Anyhow I can't seem to figure out whats gone wrong...

Anyone had this issue before or wish to point me in the right direction?
Keep in mind I'm very new to linux and the whole konsole thing....

Thanks in advance!!!



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Re: First time Linux User problems with Dvico cards :(
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2009, 06:02:31 am »

After a late night last night I finally figured it out :)
I found this and it sort of clicked in my head that this 12C_DRIVER_TVMIXER had been removed from something so I found the 12c-id.h and added it back in and voila everything else fell into position it all works now :)

so if anyone else is having this problem or knows if it is a bug or not ? the fix is below.
diff --git a/include/linux/i2c-id.h b/include/linux/i2c-id.h
#define I2C_DRIVERID_TVMIXER    28      /* Mixer driver for tv cards    */

Now I just need to figure out guide data and the remote control for the DViCo Cards....


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Re: First time Linux User problems with Dvico cards :(
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2009, 09:32:58 am »

After a late night last night I finally figured it out :)
I found this and it sort of clicked in my head that this 12C_DRIVER_TVMIXER had been removed from something so I found the 12c-id.h and added it back in and voila everything else fell into position it all works now :)

so if anyone else is having this problem or knows if it is a bug or not ? the fix is below.
diff --git a/include/linux/i2c-id.h b/include/linux/i2c-id.h
#define I2C_DRIVERID_TVMIXER    28      /* Mixer driver for tv cards    */

Now I just need to figure out guide data and the remote control for the DViCo Cards....

We have found that the DViCo Dual Digital 4 Tuner card is not completely stable under the 07.10 Kernel and v4l-dvb drivers. See The tuners seem to disappear fairly frequently and then a reboot is needed to get them back again.

Whats the stability like for you?

I understand that the situation might be much better under 08.10's  2.6.27 Kernel though.

All the best

Andy Herron,

For Dianemo/LinuxMCE consulting advice;
@herron on Twitter, via email or PM me here.

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Re: First time Linux User problems with Dvico cards :(
« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2009, 10:03:05 am »
As I'm still only new to the LinuxMCE at the moment, I've had the tv on for some time now gonna sit down and watch the tennis for a bit soon. only had one drop out at the moment but i think it's not linked to the tuners looked like more of a myth tv thing as changing channel then changing back worked...

However HD channels don't seem to display too good... not even going to try to explain what happens but basically they are unviewable...

Can I update to this 8.10 (2.6.27) ? still not sure about linux in general is the kernel equivelant to 8.10 ? or can I have a higher kernel but still be on 7.10 ?

I'll monitor how it runs over the next week or so and post back any issues.

I haven't looked yet but can anyone run me through how too make use of more than one tuner... ie record 1 show watch another I've actually got 2 tuner cards both DViCo ... giving a total of 3 video inputs... I set a show to record the try to select another channel but it doesn't alow me to change unless I cancel the recording :(

Once again I'm quickly becoming a huge fan of LinuxMCE and linux in general :)


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Re: First time Linux User problems with Dvico cards :(
« Reply #4 on: February 01, 2009, 01:28:30 pm »

Can I update to this 8.10 (2.6.27) ? still not sure about linux in general is the kernel equivelant to 8.10 ? or can I have a higher kernel but still be on 7.10 ?

I'll monitor how it runs over the next week or so and post back any issues.

I haven't looked yet but can anyone run me through how too make use of more than one tuner... ie record 1 show watch another I've actually got 2 tuner cards both DViCo ... giving a total of 3 video inputs... I set a show to record the try to select another channel but it doesn't alow me to change unless I cancel the recording :(

Once again I'm quickly becoming a huge fan of LinuxMCE and linux in general :)

Yes you can upgrade the Kernel used under LinuxMCE 7.10.... but I would not recommend it until you are more familiar with the you can easily trash your system.

The '7.10' in LinuxMCE-0710 refers to the version of the Kubuntu Linux distribution it is built on top of. A new version of LinuxMCE based on Kubuntu 8.10 is in development (only in unstable alpha builds right now... and not suitable for normal use or for anyone who is not ready for deep technical issues). This version of LinuxMCE unsurprisingly will be called LinuxMCE-0810 ;-)

As to using more than one tuner... if your tuners are installed and working correctly then MythTV should see and use them. We use vdr so maybe an experienced MythTv user can help you on this point. One thing you can do to see if you have your tuners all working is the following from a Konsole session in KDE. Go to the KDE desktop and from the Kmenu select Konsole from the System menu and then type the following at the prompt;

Code: [Select]
ls -lh /dev/dvb*<return>

This should give you an output that looks something like below;

Code: [Select]
dianemo@dcerouter:~$ ls /dev/dvb*
adapter0  adapter1

In your case you should see an 'adapter2' as you have three DVB tuners. If you only see 'adapter0' then that would explain why MythTV wants to end the 'in-progress' recording when you request a channel change or to start another recording. If you do have only 'adapter0' then only one of your tuners is recognised and their is something wrong with the kernel modules you have loaded currently.

All the best

Andy Herron,

For Dianemo/LinuxMCE consulting advice;
@herron on Twitter, via email or PM me here.

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Re: First time Linux User problems with Dvico cards :(
« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2009, 11:55:00 am »
ok after a bit of stuffing around i've broken something important :( and looks like i'm gonna start from scratch...

OK is there anything i can do to make my dvico cards be picked up at the linuxmce installation steps ? I would like to try using the vdr instead of mythtv ... seems to be intergrated a lot nicer and the misus is already getting annoyed at missing various soapies(don't ask) .....

I'm gonna try these steps again as everything seemed to work up till the point whrer i broke it :(, are there any special steps i need to take to get these tuners to work in the VDR ?