i kind of was testing. and still am testing.

I did setup home router to work as dhcp server so i could install kubuntu with automatic ip asssignment.
Now installation is done, but still - when i will get lirc-pluto package? Fresh install doesnt have it - should i continue or i did something wrong again? i didnt touch kubuntu at all. (just ok and next)
dcerouter_99329:~# dpkg -l | grep -i lirc
ii liblircclient0 0.8.3-0ubuntu2+lmce2 LIRC client library
(thats it. dont have lirc-pluto package yet again.)
Added IR transceiver. and again it failed to install lirc-pluto. Are you interested to look into this problem or this problem is affecting only my installations only?
lirc-pluto package isnt on any repository. If it should be built automatically then it fails appearently.
May be some of you could let me know where this package should come from. Then i can look to solve this problem myself.
edit2: i mean lirc-pluto depends on lirc-modules-2.6.22-14-generic which arent on repo.