Author Topic: Pluto and Anti Virus  (Read 2928 times)


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Pluto and Anti Virus
« on: February 22, 2006, 12:21:20 pm »
Hi Pluto guys,

I am trying to get KlamAv added to the pluto install to keep an eye on my box (it has "on access" file watching)

The issue is that once I try toi install it, it says I do not have "security module support built into the kernel" and thus it fails to install.

Since this system is connected to the internet and many users use email "via browsers or KDE" with their pluto installs *as its more extensble and useable, is there any thouh about adding this kernel support ?

It gets tiring building new kernels for WIFI, AntiVirus, Video etc support, which you'd imagine are standard things all modern distros should have built in....what are your thoughts ?



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Pluto and Anti Virus
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2006, 11:46:34 am »
Pluto is based on Debian/Sarge and we focus on adding support from the home appliance point of view.

Since antivirus software is not a priority for us we didn't added support for 3rd party modules that KlamAV needs (dazuko).

Although your requests are not a top priority we are very happy to accept any contributions from you or from any other developer that wants to help.