OK, I am about to give up on this phone... After much struggle, I managed to load a SIP image with some advice I ot on the chat room. I installed V8.9, during the firmware upgrade I loaded a SIPDefault.cnf I copied on a site. When plugging the phone up to my linuxmce box the phone would display a message saying no load or incorrect load (sorry I forgot the exact wording) I looked at the log on the phone and realized it was looking for the SIPmacaddress.cnf file from TFTP and I didn't have one. I created one under /tftpboot. I thought this was strange that I had to create my own file but I went ahead and did it.Now the phone looks as if it's registered and working but it isn't; it is loading the SIPDefault I created during the upgrade not the one on /tftpboot. The phone does have dial tone but I can't dial anything since it really isn't regisstered to the system.
Any ideas? I thought about deleting that file from the phone and let it reload it during boot from tftp but I am not sure how and haven't found and answer on google.