hum, i think i didn't explain properly:
in the knx protocol, a peripheral plugged on the bus can have several adress to obey, and one adress when he is required his states
an example:
let's say i have an adress for "switch all lights off' in linuxmce, meaning only linuxmce can switch ALL lights off at once. this adress is '1'.
so, when linuxmce wants to switch off the lights, it sends the 'set 0' on the bus to the adress 1
then let's take A light. it is commanded to be switch on/off by a button in the room. thus it has to obey the adress '2' of the bus, meaning the button sends 'set 0' or 'set 1' on the bus to switch the light on/off. however, the light should not send back its state to either '1' or '2' adress, but to a third adress (let's say '3'), in order linuxmce and the button ton know exactly which peripheral is in state 0/1
that's what i am supposed to implement: give to knx peripherals in linuxmce an adress to send order, and an adress to get state.
but may you tell what dcedevice code could i read to understand further informations on linuxmce cdedevice communication protocole?
i am not sure i understand what you say.. tell me if i am right:
- you have some settings in linuxmce database to understand what kind of peripheral it is
- the driver provides functions needed by linuxmce, and so his core code is genererated by dcegen.
- when linuxmce loads up, it loads the driver files listed in its database, like any librairy, to get the required functions
then there are some things i don't understand.. trying to think of it, then i'll write them
PS: btw guy, thanks for your help.