Author Topic: Viewing Satellite TV on another MD  (Read 4289 times)


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Viewing Satellite TV on another MD
« on: February 16, 2008, 05:15:35 am »
I don't seem to be capable of formulating decent search criteria for this quesiton, as I keep drawing a blank.  I have one PVR-150 installed on my core and the other on my MD.  As of yet, I haven't been able to get things working such that I can watch TV through the satellite box attached to my Core through its PVR on my MD in the living room and vice versa.  I suppose tis not a huge deal atm, but I thought this was one of the main features and its something I will definately want to know how to get to work when I add another MD.


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Re: Viewing Satellite TV on another MD
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2008, 04:30:04 pm »
Here is what I do at home. I have a dish network pvr 522. The primary IR output is hooked up to my core in the living room. The secondary RF output is hooked up to the MD in the family room. Now, If I am recording something on tuner1 on the core, and I go to watch LiveTV on the core, it automatically calls up the tuner on the MD. Also, I have a key prgrammed in mythtv to switch inputs on my remotes. This will automatically draw from whatever card is not in use.

If my daughter is watching PBS in the family room, and I tried this this weekend, by using the "Switch Inputs" fuction on the LMCE menu, I can view her TV on the core. After seeing this happen, it turned off her show, and then automatically changed the channels on the core tuner, to let her continue watching her show.

This also works using the media map feature from the orbiter. So it does work, its just how you go about selecting what to watch on said MD's orbiter, or on a remote orbiter.

The key for switching inputs/cards on mythtv that I use is the "Y" key. It will cycle through all cards attached to mythtv. I have 2 pvr150's and 2 air2pc HD tuners (OTA) using the "Y" key or the "Swtich Inputs" option in the LMCE menu, it cycles through all 4 cards, provided that they are not being used to record something at that time.

You can change your keys using mythweb(http://dcerouter/mythweb/) to use whatever you like, and then map these keys using xmodmap to a remote key. My howto for mapping keys is here in the wiki, and it works well, without installing any additional software.

I hope this helps. And I look forward to your mce_usb2 howto, so that I can get my mce blaster working on the MD.

Best of Luck.  :)
« Last Edit: February 20, 2008, 04:35:51 pm by seth »
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Re: Viewing Satellite TV on another MD
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2008, 05:41:46 pm »
Hi Seth,

The odd thing is, on my Core (which is in the basement with my desk) I can freely use the Y key to switch between the ExpressVu 4100 attached to the PVR-150 installed in the Core and the ExpressVu 4100 attached to the PVR-150 installed in the MD in my living room.  I can also use the V key to watch Picture-in-Picture on the Core.  However, if I try to do the same thing from the diskless MD in my living room, it fails to work.  I can only watch the feed that is local to the MD.

As for the HOWTO.  You can check for instructions.  I see that RWilson has added a bit too, and would like his confirmation that the SET_TRANSMITTER addition tells irsend which of the two outputs on the reciever to transmit over?  if so that's really cool!


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Re: Viewing Satellite TV on another MD
« Reply #3 on: February 20, 2008, 10:01:30 pm »
I did a bit more testing on this today.  Using mythweb on my laptop I watched the status of my tuners.  In my living room I started LiveTV watching channel 330 on the STB in the living room.  I then looked in mythweb and it confirmed this.  Then, I hit Y and looked in mythweb and it showed me watching channel 501 on the tuner in the basement.  I used the remote in the living room to key in channel 334 and then in myth web confirmed that the tuner downstairs had tuned to that channel.

Only problem is that when not on the local source, my screen is just black.