I spent some time trying to translate the GUI to use Asian fonts. Failed, but I'd like to post my findings here.
I converted the mysql db into utf8 format, it didn't do anything to the output.
I later wrote a small C++ function to see if my Chinese data can be displayed correctly, yes all the Characters are displayed correctly in the command prompt. (I tried with both mysql connector and db_wrapper connector, the results are identical)
The GUI still cannot display.
Then I looked into the OrbiterGen code and discovered that the OrbiterGen supports font file parameter input (-f fontFilePath).
The default path is "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts" and "arial.ttf" is attached at the end.
I downloaded the uming.ttf font file (apt-get install ttf-arphic-uming), changed the OrbiterGen.cpp so that it takes the file name alone with the path, recompiled it, copied it to the usr/bin directory, and changed the 2 .sh files that uses OrbiterGen (Sorry I don't have access to my linuxMCE now, and I have very bad memories...
just do a "grep -r OrbiterGen *" in /usr/bin/ folder). Still no luck.
I changed back the OrbiterGen to the original one. Copied the uming.ttf to the default "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts" folder.
Backup my original arial.ttf, and rename my uming.ttf to arial.ttf.... reboot, regen the orbiter, still no luck.
THEN, it totally screwed up my system. Now I cannot boot up the system...
I am reinstalling the entire thing now. I guess my next attempt is to go with the c_str() functions.
Any comment?