Author Topic: Ushare uses all physical and swap memory (2GB each) after installing HDHomeRun  (Read 2389 times)


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I just reported this as a bug, but I figured I'd post it here as well to see if anyone here has any thoughts:

I'm not entirely certain that installing the HDHomeRun caused it, but that's when I started seeing the issue (during the install process). The HDHomeRun still isn't completely setup as I had to hard reset in order to to regain control. Now after every boot Ushare starts and eats all the memory very quickly.

I should note that this is a brand new install (0710b3 64bit) and the Core/Hybrid was only running for a day prior to the install of the HDHomeRun. It was, however, running without issue up to that point.

I am currently working around this by quickly killing the ushare process after boot.

I'm not sure what other information would be pertinent as I have never actually used ushare before...
« Last Edit: February 05, 2008, 04:51:08 am by dopey »