Author Topic: Performers Pics  (Read 4495 times)


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Performers Pics
« on: January 29, 2008, 06:35:47 pm »
Hi Guys,

since I've read in the wiki a little about attaching files to attributes ( )

and more interesting, but also more difficult for me to understand, here in the forum, the threads about the graphical view of pluto_media,

I'm wondering why the pictures of, for example performers, could not be shown in the orbiter, when I sort my movies by performer. If the search is used, there is the picture, but in my opinion, it would be a lot more intuitional, if it were possible to "browse" through performers...

Maybe someone more clever than me, could tell me that it is possible and not that worse it looks at the moment...




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Re: Performers Pics
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2008, 11:00:25 pm »
Currently, is used to pull down data, which means that it winds up with covers, not specific actors. The only way to do this to my knowledge (meaning someone with more lmce experience jump in here) would be to rewrite the mechanism that gets the data and direct it towards

This isnt technically daunting, but I was going through the imdb licensing information and it doesnt appear that we can use it for this unless we specifically work it out with imdb. itself.

Workaround, you find and download their headshots and add them. I've seen people who write their own scripts to retrieve this data outside of have issues. google if you would like to know more about that.

Linuxmce - Where everyone is never wrong, but we are always behind xbmc in the media / ui department.


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Re: Performers Pics
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2008, 03:39:17 pm »
Thnx for the reply, but I think was not able to get the point...
I already added pics of performers, I'm just wondering, why they're only shown if I use the search function, and not in the media library in the UI if I choose to sort by performer...



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Re: Performers Pics
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2008, 11:04:55 pm »
Thnx for the reply, but I think was not able to get the point...
I already added pics of performers, I'm just wondering, why they're only shown if I use the search function, and not in the media library in the UI if I choose to sort by performer...


sorry i misunderstood you then. how are you adding the pictures? via the media browser? and what UI are you using?

I have noticed that sometimes multiple covers can lead to only the 1st one being shown.


Hunt for Red October - Has its own pic associated to the file, which grandfathers in all the things related to it in the DB.
James Earl Jones, Sean Connery and Alec Baldwin - All show the coverart for Hunt for Red October UNLESS I

-log into the webadmin, and go to the 'media browser' and find say James Earl Jones.
-delete the associated pictures (there may be more than one as in my case he plays darth vader in another flick you may have heard of)
-Add the one I want (i.e. a headshot)

Now, when i browse by performer, I see james earl jones headshot instead of the cover for Red October. Its still in there dont worry though. The image is still associated with the movie title.

*note* it seems that by deleting the box art from  performer picture will remove it for all performers associated with that particular file.

OR (just did this while i was typing the post)

If the performer associated with the program you are watching, you have the option in UI2 to take a screenshot and you can set it to the selected performer.

Just tried this with Ghost in the shell and it worked. Didn't have to futz around in the backend to add it.

hope i answered this time  :D

Linuxmce - Where everyone is never wrong, but we are always behind xbmc in the media / ui department.


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Re: Performers Pics
« Reply #4 on: February 01, 2008, 06:13:25 pm »
Thnx a lot.... it worked...

Its just a long way (to heaven), but like someone in this forum wrote, the world isn't perfekt...

I hoped that the performers, were displayed like the movies, on their own "site" if you click them. (Perfect would be a site in the same style like the movies, and instead of the attributes, could be listed the movies...)

maybe, some weeks of playing around with phpmyadmin and some mor work with the deeper side of lmce, I'll be able to do this on my own...

BTW, am I right, that the attributes in the moviepage could not be scrolled, and neither the long attributes, like the synopsis, wich is often longer than the place lmce provides for it?

thnx again....



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Re: Performers Pics
« Reply #5 on: July 10, 2008, 02:02:39 pm »
Resurecting an old thread here...

I myself am a stickler about my media collection. In the past, I have found it very difficult to add performer pictures because of behaviors of the web admin.
For instance, if I used media files sync to browse to a movie, then drill down to a performer, upload a performer pic, and delete the old performer pic (which would be a pic of the first movie the performer was listed to be in) - the that picture which I was just trying to disassociate with the performer would be disassociated from any and all media/attributes that referenced it, and completely deleted from the system. So after changing a performer pic, I would always have to go back to the media file, and re-add another picture since it would get deleted.. And I would have to do this multi-step process of every performer picture I uploaded.

For those interested, I just fixed some bugs in Media Files Sync and Media Browser that only disassociates the picture from the media/attribute, and  only deletes the picture file from the database and filesystem if no other media/attribute references it. Now, I can change performer pics without erasing pictures from the media, or other attributes of the media. Its actually quite nice now, and much much faster to make these changes.

You can start using these changes now if you have a development environment set up. Run svn Update, then copy the following files from /~charon-merge/web/pluto-admin to /var/www/pluto-admin: