Author Topic: symlinks to media directories  (Read 5722 times)


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symlinks to media directories
« on: October 14, 2005, 10:24:59 am »
I checked out the default setup of my pluto installation and it seemed to look for all media in /home/public/data
 I removed the directories in data and instead created symlinks to my RAID mounted at /mnt/raid

#ls -l /home/public/data

lrwxrwxrwx  1 root public   17 2005-10-06 15:22 documents -> /mnt/raid/E-Books
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root public   16 2005-10-06 15:20 movies -> /mnt/raid/Movies
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root public   15 2005-10-06 15:13 music -> /mnt/raid/music
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root public   18 2005-10-06 15:21 pictures -> /mnt/raid/pictures
drwxr-sr-x  2 root public 4096 2005-10-14 04:56 tts
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root public   16 2005-10-06 15:21 videos -> /mnt/raid/videos

The files are seen by my media director and orbiter, but I can't play a single file. No music, no video, nothing. I verified that xine was working by inserting a CD and a DVD and they played great :)  
I also couldn't figure out what logs to look at to see if there were filename errors corresponding with what xine was trying to open. Any ideas?


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symlinks to media directories
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2005, 12:18:23 pm »
Hi m8,

You can find the Xine logs in


The Xine log you need to look at is named

  <device number>_Xine_Player.newlog

Sorry I have not tried symbolic links for media location so cant help further, but hopefully the logfile will be of some help



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so does this mean symlinks don't work?
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2005, 03:20:21 pm »
Not sure if its a problem with the input plugin, database, or maybe be because " " are not getting put around the filename.

Output of log:

10      10/14/05 4:56:39.382            Setting the audio output speaker arrangement.
10      10/14/05 4:56:39.382            Current value: Stereo 2.0
10      10/14/05 4:56:39.382            Trying to set the value to: Stereo 2.0
10      10/14/05 4:56:39.382            Value changed to: Stereo 2.0
10      10/14/05 4:56:39.382            Connect OK
10      10/14/05 4:56:39.389            Requesthandler 0x809f820 (device: 65435) runThread now running
05      10/14/05 4:59:56.120            ^[[33;1mXine_Player::CMD_Play_Media() called for filename: /home/public/data/videos/Television/Christmas/A Garfield Christmas $
10      10/14/05 4:59:56.120            Instructing ratpoison to do this: ":select pluto-xine-playback-window"
10      10/14/05 4:59:56.150            Command result: ""
10      10/14/05 4:59:56.150            Exiting rat poison command
10      10/14/05 4:59:56.150            Got a create stream command command for /home/public/data/videos/Television/Christmas/A Garfield Christmas Special.mpg
10      10/14/05 4:59:56.150
10      10/14/05 4:59:56.150            Testing to see if we can reuse the stream.
10      10/14/05 4:59:56.150            Nope .. making a new one
10      10/14/05 4:59:56.150            Opening Video Driver
10      10/14/05 4:59:56.173            Opening Audio Driver
10      10/14/05 4:59:56.211            Calling xine_stream_new
10      10/14/05 4:59:56.216            xine_event_new_queue
10      10/14/05 4:59:56.216            Ready to call xine_open
xine: found input plugin  : file input plugin
input_file: File not found: >/home/public/data/videos/Television/Christmas/A Garfield Christmas Special.mpg<
xine: input plugin cannot open MRL [/home/public/data/videos/Television/Christmas/A Garfield Christmas Special.mpg]
xine: cannot find input plugin for MRL [/home/public/data/videos/Television/Christmas/A Garfield Christmas Special.mpg]
10      10/14/05 4:59:56.220            Got unprocessed Xine playback event: 4
05      10/14/05 4:59:56.220            ^[[33;1mFailed to open /home/public/data/videos/Television/Christmas/A Garfield Christmas Special.mpg^[[0m
01      10/14/05 4:59:56.221            ^[[31;1mXine_Player::CMD_Play_Media() failed to play /home/public/data/videos/Television/Christmas/A Garfield Christmas Specia$
05      10/14/05 4:59:56.221            ^[[33;1mXine_Player::CMD_Play_Media() ended for filename: /home/public/data/videos/Television/Christmas/A Garfield Christmas S$
10      10/14/05 4:59:56.224            Could not find a handler for message - from 65387 to 65435 Type: 1 ID: 192 (device: 65435) Command_Impl1 Dev #65435
10      10/14/05 4:59:56.224            Xine_Player::CMD_Stop_Media() Got a stop media for stream ID 1 (0x80a7268)
05      10/14/05 4:59:56.225            ^[[33;1mreporting timecode^[[0m
10      10/14/05 4:59:56.225            Stream is not seekable
10      10/14/05 4:59:56.225            Setting speed to special 0 real 0 desired 0
set_speed 0
10      10/14/05 4:59:56.225            Stream is not seekable
10      10/14/05 4:59:56.225            Stream paused at time: 0 from 0
10      10/14/05 4:59:56.225            Xine_Player::CMD_Stop_Media() After pause media 1


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symlinks to media directories
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2005, 05:49:23 pm »
Hi m8,

Have you tried playing media files without spaces in their names ?




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its the symlink for sure
« Reply #4 on: October 15, 2005, 05:13:28 am »
Tried playing files without good either. The 'Media Files Sync' browser shows me that while the database is filled with all the files it still sees "no files on disc" SO, I can only conclude that my symlink idea will not work.

Here is my delimma. The /home directory looks like this by default:
allie     dnadeau     mydvd          README.Devel.Dependencies  tv_listing
cameras   logs        mythtv         securitypic                user_36627
coredump  lost+found  pluto-version  temp_pvr                   user_36628
diskless  mediapics   public         tmp_65395

that resides on /dev/hda5

on /dev/sda1 (my 450 GB RAID) I have all my important videos/movies/music

Here's what the directory structure looks like:

backup     E-Books   MacFiles     movie_posters  music     videos
Documents  emulator  misterhouse  Movies         pictures

Somehow, I need to make all this work together in harmony with myth and I know I can't just ignore /dev/hda5 because that's where my diskless media director systems reside.

Is the best solution to copy everything from /dev/hda6/ to /dev/sda1 and mount /dev/sda1 to /home?

I would rather leave the partitions as is and work it out so that I can leave my data as is on the RAID.

HELP :)  
I hope I have been able to explain my situation well.


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no ideas?
« Reply #5 on: October 20, 2005, 04:09:35 am »
I still haven't been able to access any of my media files through pluto successfully. Any ideas?


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symlinks to media directories
« Reply #6 on: October 20, 2005, 01:21:19 pm »
Well, it says "/home/public/data/videos/Television/Christmas/A Garfield Christmas Special.mpg" file not found. Type
Code: [Select]
stat "/home/public/data/videos/Television/Christmas/A Garfield Christmas Special.mpg" at a prompt to confirm that the file is accessible.


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Output of stat command:
« Reply #7 on: October 20, 2005, 02:48:02 pm »
Size: 109113344       Blocks: 213320     IO Block: 131072 regular file
Device: 801h/2049d      Inode: 65588       Links: 1
Access: (0770/-rwxrwx---)  Uid: (    0/    root)   Gid: (    0/    root)
Access: 2003-11-29 23:54:42.000000000 -0500
Modify: 2003-11-29 23:54:42.000000000 -0500
Change: 2005-09-12 21:46:52.000000000 -0400


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symlinks to media directories
« Reply #8 on: October 20, 2005, 03:21:49 pm »
Does Pluto (xine) run as root?


chmod a+r <filename>



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xine is running as root and I still get a file not found
« Reply #9 on: October 20, 2005, 05:23:31 pm »
Xine is Root and I still get the same error in the log

Xine LOG output from the media director:

xine: found input plugin  : file input plugin
input_file: File not found: >/home/public/data/videos/Television/Christmas/A Garfield Christmas Special.mpg<
xine: input plugin cannot open MRL [/home/public/data/videos/Television/Christmas/A Garfield Christmas Special.mpg]
xine: cannot find input plugin for MRL [/home/public/data/videos/Television/Christmas/A Garfield Christmas Special.mpg]
10      10/20/05 12:26:46.906           Got unprocessed Xine playback event: 4
05      10/20/05 12:26:46.907           ^[[33;1mFailed to open /home/public/data/videos/Television/Christmas/A Garfield Christmas Special.mpg^[[0m
01      10/20/05 12:26:46.907           ^[[31;1mXine_Player::CMD_Play_Media() failed to play /home/public/data/videos/Television/Christmas/A Garfield Christma$
05      10/20/05 12:26:46.907           ^[[33;1mXine_Player::CMD_Play_Media() ended for filename: /home/public/data/videos/Television/Christmas/A Garfield Chr$
10      10/20/05 12:26:46.907           Could not find a handler for message - from 65387 to 65435 Type: 1 ID: 192 (device: 65435) Command_Impl1 Dev #65435
10      10/20/05 12:26:46.940           Xine_Player::CMD_Stop_Media() Got a stop media for stream ID 3 (0x80a7268)
05      10/20/05 12:26:46.940           ^[[33;1mreporting timecode^[[0m
10      10/20/05 12:26:46.940           Stream is not seekable
10      10/20/05 12:26:46.941           Setting speed to special 0 real 0 desired 0


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symlinks to media directories
« Reply #10 on: October 20, 2005, 07:00:44 pm »
That's weird. If stat can open the file, Xine should be able too. I'll do some tests.


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symlinks to media directories
« Reply #11 on: November 26, 2005, 06:19:10 pm »
Hi dnadeau,

Where did you do that stat? On the MediaDirector or on the Core?

I might be telling you things you already did or knew but...
The list on your Orbiter is coming from the Core, so they are *displayed* correctly. But if a file is *played*, the MD (Xine) opens the file itself. And a symlink that is not exported, is not available to the MD.

So...export your RAID volume and mount it on the MD at exactly the same place it is mounted on your Core (e.g. /mnt/raid). Don't forget to restart the nfs-daemons (I always do <g>)

Just my $02.

There is just one problem though: the /etc/exports file is re-created every boot by Pluto (says the file itself at least). So if you want to restore your settings after a reboot, edit the file /usr/pluto/templates/exports.tmpl.
