Which cards are tested to work with LMCE that can put out 1080p?
See: http://wiki.linuxmce.org/index.php/Category:Graphic_Cards
None of those cards (or any others in the wiki) articles mention whether they can do 1080p. And I didn't find any indication elsewhere on the web whether they can do 1080p, let alone whether that's been tested in LMCE.
I would suggest a look at this page on the MythTV wiki http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/Configuring_HDTV#NVIDIA
I have created an LMCE wiki article "HDTV" explaining LMCE's dependence on MythTV and linking to the corresponding MythTV wiki entry.
Great Mathew. Thanks :-)
You're ('all

welcome. But I understand that LMCE v0710 will offer a choice between MythTV and DVR for the TV subsystem. Which also means the possibility of other alternates. So the wiki will have to be updated to reflect the actual dependency network. Which would be a good overhaul of the wiki generally
