Author Topic: Wireless VGA? Display on CRT tv?  (Read 5924 times)


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Wireless VGA? Display on CRT tv?
« on: December 30, 2007, 11:14:37 pm »
Hi, I'm trying to see how feasible it would be to set up an MCE in my home. One thing that I'm curious about is whether or not such a thing exists as a wireless VGA. I'm considering mounting this projector:
in my living room but it would be mounted on the ceiling and therefore quite far away from the core system. Is there a wireless system for any of the input ports that projector has on it so I don't have to get giant wires and run them through the attic?

My next question has to do with old CRT tv's. All of our TV's except for one are of the old CRT variety and use cable connections for video. Both of my thin clients I plan to build will have Hauppauge 150's on them, am I able to use this card's cable out port to view my desktop on my TV? Will I have to configure this by plugging it into a regular PC monitor first?


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Re: Wireless VGA? Display on CRT tv?
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2008, 06:36:07 am »
With the projector mounted on the ceiling aren't you going to get someone to run outlet to the ceiling?
I'd go up through the wall and if you have an attic right above great it will make it easier. I have seen wireless vga around, but you would still need to plug it in and I am not sure how good it is. (relating to interference)

I might be wrong but I am pretty sure all the inputs on a Hauppauge are going in no video out. You can use your video cards svideo to output video to the tvs.
