Author Topic: Idea of using a D-Link DSM-320 or DSM-520 as a media directors  (Read 8980 times)


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Idea of using a D-Link DSM-320 or DSM-520 as a media directors
« on: December 10, 2007, 07:14:07 pm »
I have been kicking around the idea of using a DSM-320 or DSM-520 as a media director.  I have found that a group has developed a SDK for the DSM-320.  Information can be found at:
English site but some link go back to TW site.

Some information can also be found at D-Link's web site under the GPL:

The other option is getting one of Sigma Design's new Media Extender Development kits MCX-8622L.  This has a full Linux SDK (API and documentation, includes applicable source code).  Not sure of the costs of the kit but this would get a full SDK and make the development a little easier.

I am still at the research stage so there are a lot of questions yet to be answered.

Since I am just getting started with LinuxMCE some of the questions I have are with the MCE UI interface creation on the media director and the video streaming from the core.   

I understand that most of the overlay for the UI2 is done at the media director and take a good bit of processor power on the video card.  I am not sure if these units have enough power to perform the needed tasks.  I am wondering if this can be done on the core and just the mixed overlay stream can be set to the media director.  I may have to just stick with basic UI for these units.

I also have a question on how the media director gets access to content on the Core.  I believe that the media director uses xine to play the saved media files on the core via NFS and streams live content from the core using videolan.  Am I correct?

I have three ideas on how to use these units. 

1) Have the overlay done on the core and stream everything out to the unit via videolan for all content.  This will put more load on the core.
2) Have the media extender just do the video and audio and use a full orbiter for the UI/Remote interface.
3) Upgrade the UPnP services to support the RemoteUI part of UPnP.  I am still doing some research into the UPnP RemoteUI specs.  I know that some of the newer Media Extenders have some support for UPnP RemoteUI. 

This would give me a fanless solid state unit at the TV with full HDMI support at a sub $200 cost point.  I know I will need to put the extra money towards the core.

Not sure how this is going to work with HD feeds.


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Re: Idea of using a D-Link DSM-320 or DSM-520 as a media directors
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2007, 10:19:29 pm »
maybe you want to look at that post:

i would prefer a generic upnp av server and control point implementation. I thought about using mediathomb and writing a dce device with perl and Net::UPnP, but its missing the control point features. The only free software i found is java based:

using LMCE as UPnP control point would be great!

best regards,
rock your home - home automation


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Re: Idea of using a D-Link DSM-320 or DSM-520 as a media directors
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2007, 11:23:17 pm »
maybe you want to look at that post:

i would prefer a generic upnp av server and control point implementation. I thought about using mediathomb and writing a dce device with perl and Net::UPnP, but its missing the control point features. The only free software i found is java based:

using LMCE as UPnP control point would be great!

best regards,

Intel has released their latest tool set for UPnP.  It is geared towards windows mce but it may be a source of information.  Two people from Intel are the authors for most of the UPnP standards.

I have been looking into what can be done with UPnP control points and remote UI.  I have a lot of reading and code scanning a head.

I am trying to get up to speed on LinuxMCE also.


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Re: Idea of using a D-Link DSM-320 or DSM-520 as a media directors
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2007, 04:57:56 am »
Just make sure the 320 or 520 has enough power to handle LMCE.  I have worked some with the dsm-510 and returned it because it way underpowered.  The GUI that comes with it is slow as hell to the point I looked no further.  LMCE is not the lightest application out there....  The Appletv is the direction I have been looking at because I think it has alot more power at about the same price point (not positive on the specs of those 2 boxes).
Ebay you can get a an appletv for low 200s, dlink 320 is $99 at Frys in Cal.  and the 520 is $169 the last time I looked.


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Re: Idea of using a D-Link DSM-320 or DSM-520 as a media directors
« Reply #4 on: December 12, 2007, 01:02:35 am »
Just make sure the 320 or 520 has enough power to handle LMCE.  I have worked some with the dsm-510 and returned it because it way underpowered.  The GUI that comes with it is slow as hell to the point I looked no further.  LMCE is not the lightest application out there....  The Appletv is the direction I have been looking at because I think it has alot more power at about the same price point (not positive on the specs of those 2 boxes).
Ebay you can get a an appletv for low 200s, dlink 320 is $99 at Frys in Cal.  and the 520 is $169 the last time I looked.
Neither D-Link DSM-320/520 can do 1080p, though the 520 can do 1080i. The Netgear EVA8000 can do 1080p, and costs as little as $189.61, but I don't know whether it can be upgraded to LMCE.


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Re: Idea of using a D-Link DSM-320 or DSM-520 as a media directors
« Reply #5 on: December 12, 2007, 01:07:47 am »
If you're looking at upgrading LMCE's UPNP features, do you think you could upgrade them all the way to DLNA compatibility?


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Re: Idea of using a D-Link DSM-320 or DSM-520 as a media directors
« Reply #6 on: December 12, 2007, 06:48:46 am »
If you are looking a potential platforms for this, the delightfully named Popcorn Hour would be a very good candidate. Its $179 (w/o internal drive). Its based on the Sigma 8634, which is also the core of more than half of the shipping Bluray players and they are starting to make available a lot of info for programming

The Sigma SDK's are $35K. And they are NOT going to get you on the air very quick. The typical middleware provider needs 6 monst or more to make a working system on that platform. What Syabas is doing is making  a framework that other developers can add programs to to get a unique feature set. And several guys have already done some. I have installed Swisscenter on LMCE and got it working sort of with the content on LMCE. There were some things to sort out but the player was borrowed and I was happy to be able to see some of the programs on it. Swisscenter is very customizable. But none of the media players support network control like LMCE uses, yet.