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MythTV 0.20.2 Packages


Any time frame or method to update to MythTV 0.20.2 Packages
Can we use method as outlined for mythbuntu.

No, stuff internal to LinuxMCE needs to be modified to work with the latest Myth. I know this is a problem, especially with the release of Schedules Direct, but we still haven't heard back on the status of this.

Myth works passibly with my PC connected to speakers using the computers audio out plug but there is no sound from the media directors Digital audio out to my home stereo receiver.  To actually see a program I have to schedule it and play it back using I believe the DVD video playback built into linux mce. 

You need a very fast machine for myth to be rock stable with live TV.  If you watch the recorded program it's perfect.

My guess is that the one or two minute rewind ff feature that is the default for myth uses too much overhead because HD drives are so slow (relative to the other equipment in the core).


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