Author Topic: DVB-S Tuner in Media Director or Core Only?  (Read 3201 times)


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DVB-S Tuner in Media Director or Core Only?
« on: August 24, 2007, 05:18:13 pm »
I have read through the Installation and User Forum, and am left with at least 3 questions. First will be addressed here, second and third in separate threads. Sorry if this is not proper, just thought it best to start and maintain separate threads for 3 issues.

This first issue, which is in the subject line above, is a question as to whether my Nexus-S DVB-S card will work if it is located in the media director, or does it need to be installed in Core so that MythTV can populate the database? Do not know if with LinuxMCE since the 2 computers are working within the same network I can continue to use a pc near my cable run, or if I have to get the satellite cable moved so that it runs into the closet where I am placing my LinuxMCE Core computer.

Thanks for your input.


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Re: DVB-S Tuner in Media Director or Core Only?
« Reply #1 on: August 25, 2007, 02:47:22 am »
It doesn't matter if you connect it to the core or media director. The key is that if you connect it to the media director then you will need to keep the media director on for it to record thing automatically.

I think your main issue would actually be getting the DVB card to work with LinuxMCE... Although MythTV (thus LinuxMCE) supports that card, MythTV has made a lot of changes to get DVB working well that is not included in this version of LinuxMCE... also DVB itself is a pain to setup. I have yet to successfully do this in LinuxMCE or an update standalone version of MythTV. Of course my purpose was to get the FTA HD channels from my cable company, so your experience may be different.