I flashed OS2007 HE on my Nokia 770, and the stability just went to shit.
it reboots intermittently, especially inside the Orbiter.....and it bombs out even more than it does in OS2006, except this time, it will completely crash the application and drop me back to the desktop?
Are these issues with the Nokia orbiter EVER going to be fixed?
This thing is useless as an orbiter. I would be pissed if I had spent more $$$ than I did on it.
Ironically, my mobile phone works much better as an orbiter, more stable, usable... but I love the full orbiter panel. I really really really wish there could be a stable solution.
Do we all just get N800/810s??? and write the Nokia 770 off as, a nice toy, but...no dice? or do we fix this fucking software? oh right... nobody knows how to...Pluto wrote it, not us.