Author Topic: Will this work? Asus Pundit  (Read 6605 times)


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Will this work? Asus Pundit
« on: June 18, 2007, 05:23:15 pm »

After no luck installing LinuxMCE 1.1B2 on my laptop (Compaq Evo n800C) I am going to buy a new system. I got Kubuntu installed and finally Linuxmce after restarting my network connection. However it had some problems finding my USB- drive and could not manage to display any video within Linuxmce. I suggest the following for a computer connected to my TV- screen:

Asus Pundit P1-P5945G, 945G, Socket-775, Black, VGA, DDR2, Firewire
Intel Core 2 Duo E4300 1.8GHz Socket LGA775, 2MB, BOXED w/fan
Kingston ValueR. DDR2 PC4200 2048MB CL4 Kit w/two matched ValueRAM 1024MB DDR2
Samsung SpinPoint T166 250GB SATA2 16MB 7200RPM

In addition I will buy a TV-card, for instance:
Hauppauge! WinTV-PVR-150MCE, PCI.

1. Will this work 100% with Kubuntu and LinuxMCE - also in future versions of LinuxMCE? With the UI2 and all functions added as in the promotion video?
2. Is there some components which should be replaced to better work with Kubuntu and LinuxMCE?
3. Are there other available TV-cards that are cheap (no HD-quality because I do not intend to have a HDTV yet) that can be used?
4. Is it possible to upgrade this system in the future to support HDTV etc?

Thanks for all help, I have really got my eyes up for Kubuntu and Linux MCE now!


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Re: Will this work? Asus Pundit
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2007, 07:03:56 pm »

I just tryed LinuxMCE1.1B2 on Asus Pundit P1-P5945G and I had big problems with it.
Currently I don't know, if I've done something wrong, but I had problems with resolutions (LMCE always started with VGA and I had to use some tricky things to change the resolution).

UI2 didn't work. I had only possibility to run it with UI1, but LMCE worked very unstable anyway.

Now I want to install stable version 1.0, we will see.


btw: with Kubuntu Pundit works well (but not all hardware is fully supported).