General > Installation issues

Installing Diskless MDs

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I am running a single 1404 hybrid, which I installed over the Internet. I now want to install a diskless MD. Previously, in 810, I needed to run the following prior to connecting the MD to the network:

--- Code: ---/usr/pluto/bin/

--- End code ---

Is this still the case? Does running it hurt anything if the system is already configured to boot diskless clients?



You will need to run that script to generate the initial diskless image.  It will hurt nothing to re-run the script.



OK. I ran the script and it completed without error.

Then, I turned on my new MD, which is a Core i3 with an Intel motherboard, configured to boot from the network and use an nVidia 7300 graphics card rather than the on board graphics. The diskless installation progressed, also without error. Toward the end there was a message saying that a reboot was required in order to complete the nVidia setup. The system reset and began the PXE boot but stalled, with an error:

"Could not find ramdisk image: 82/initrd.img"

A find search indicates that the files seem to exist:

--- Code: ---root@dcerouter:~# find / -name initrd.img -print

--- End code ---




Follow the symlinks to ensure the files are all pointing to real files eventually.  Make sure the files are not zero byte.  Try rebuilding the md from webadmin if you continue to have issues.  I wonder if it somehow rebooted while running update on the initrd files.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

Further investigation shows that the file seems to be there. The boot message says:

"TFTP prefix: /tftpboot/"

It finds vmlinux but not initrd.img. Why? Both are there:

--- Code: ---root@dcerouter:/tftpboot/82# ls -la
total 8
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Feb 10 14:19 .
drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 4096 Feb 10 14:19 ..
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   33 Feb 10 14:19 initrd.img -> /usr/pluto/diskless/82/initrd.img
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   30 Feb 10 14:19 vmlinuz -> /usr/pluto/diskless/82/vmlinuz

--- End code ---

Again, any help would be appreciated.


PS: Just saw Phenigma's reply as I was typing this. I will follow the symlinks.


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