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LinuxMCE NVR????


Would some be so kind and give me just a few hints how to use LinuxMCE NVR?
I already have an IP Camera working (based on Advanced_IP_camera DT).

Unfortunately I did not find a documentation, what to put in the configuration fields in web admin and how to handle my existing device with this NVR-device.

My LinuxMCE created this device automatically.


It is the latest go of golgoj4 at a Network Video Recorder device. It got send to everyone by mistake. I am sure golgoj4 will put up a wiki page, once the major kinks are out.


Sorry about that automatically installed bit. Was an accident that has since been rolled back.

I will be adding configuration options screen for it. If you have a camera working under Advanced IP Camera, I would recommend that you continue using that.

The original scope of the NVR is to replace our current motion implementation. This is why.

While motion makes a good motion detection / image grabber, it is rather cpu intensive. So for anyone who has used motion wrapper, they know it can be a cpu hog that can slow down the core. So what this device does is manage other motion instances. It provides an http port for motion (say running on a raspberry pi) to post an event back to linuxmce to tell it motion was detected and to send pictures of motion events. This allows linuxmce to not be burdened with the cpu load of running motion, which will take more cpu the more cameras you add. This way, the cpu on the actual camera device is utilized, while inuxmce can serve in the traditional role of message passing. Also, this provides support for cameras that only provide and mjpeg stream as opposed to a snapshot.jpg, which open up the use of more cameras. It also supports standard snapshot.jpg cameras and I am currently working on the rtsp portion. There are some cameras that only serve up video over rtsp and im experimenting with different solutions to find the one with the lowest cpu impact.

So in summary
Linuxmce NVR is designed for
-Motion / Mjpeg streams
   -Reduce CPU overhead on the core
   -Provide support for mjpeg streams, allowing them to be used as traditional cameras in linuxmce
-Providing an http callback mechanism for camera devices that allow the posting of events to an upstream source
-Providing an interface for viewing rtsp cameras.
    -Long story short this is a pain because rtsp streams have a starting lag of 15s or more in some cases, which makes viewing it      instantly difficult without constantly streaming, to ensure the user starts viewing 'mid stream' and has enough data to get an instant, un garbled snapshot. But constantly streaming chews bandwidth and cpu, affecting scalability and core stability.

Currently Working on
-connecting camera on / off to security events
-other event settings
-http event poll

Thanks and again sorry for the random device showing up.


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