Made a little progress, i can fill pluto_main from the cmdline
Example to add Dutch Radio station 3FM to LMCE. run this in bash, and you should have an extra radio stream
Station="3FM 96.5"
Genre="Alternative Rock"
echo "insert into File (EK_MediaType,DateAdded,Filename,Missing,IsDirectory,IsNew) VALUES(43,NOW(),'$Url',0,0,1);" | mysql pluto_media
PK_File=$(echo "select * from File where Filename='$Url';" | mysql pluto_media | tail -n1 | awk -F" " '{print $1}')
echo "insert into Attribute (FK_AttributeType,Name) VALUES(10,'$Station');" | mysql pluto_media
FK_Attribute=$(echo "select * from Attribute where Name='$Station';" | mysql pluto_media | tail -n1 | awk -F" " '{print $1}')
echo "insert into File_Attribute (FK_File,FK_Attribute,Track,Section) VALUES('$PK_File','$FK_Attribute',0,0);" | mysql pluto_media
echo "insert into LongAttribute (FK_AttributeType,FK_File,Text) VALUES(8,'$PK_File','$Genre');" | mysql pluto_media
But somehow the Stations name does not get linked to the 'File'
Run the code from a commandline, and see for yourself.
What am i not seeing in the database?
Modified, to correct commands