Author Topic: 10.04 DVD install experience  (Read 17809 times)


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Re: 10.04 DVD install experience
« Reply #15 on: August 03, 2012, 04:37:11 pm »
I see you have done some editing...

Ability to unplug computer monitor and plug in my TV via DVI to HDMI cable - Not working without a reboot.
  * Fixed, I copied the output of nvidia x config tool into my /etc/x11/xorg.conf after setting it for twin view with +0+0 offset for second monitor (which is my tv) *

I have been working to throw output across multiple screens for a while now... which is why avwizard has output on everything, but once that xorg.conf gets set... it became problematic... so I am very interested in this. Can you be a bit more verbose and demonstrative of what exactly you did? I would consider it a great help.
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Re: 10.04 DVD install experience
« Reply #16 on: August 03, 2012, 07:23:14 pm »
Thank you both for looking over my layout.  I really appreciate the snapshot info as I always suspected my connection was killing my ability to get my core fully functional.  A few years back in Arizona on a much more conventional service I had a much easier time with updates and installation.  Going the snapshot route will definitely get me that stability but is going to continue to hurt my ability to test and contribute until I find a better ISP option in my area.

I have two new txt files staring at me from my desktop now.  "How to get dual twin-view configured" and "How to put cams on external networks" will develop into guides as I have time to generate them.  I can have the basics done by this weekend I am sure.

Clonezilla has made me a much braver user.  My typical avenue to getting something working is break it, restore, destroy it, restore, almost get it, restore, spend 1-2 days reading everything I can about it (self-proclaimed expert mode /on), break it so badly that it's not recognizable, restore, realize I am over-thinking something and attempt small changes with patience and a notepad to track results (expert mode /off) and then ultimately have a working component.  Preparing a guide requires me to retrace only the last part of that process and document only the necessary bits.  
« Last Edit: August 03, 2012, 07:33:59 pm by Armor Gnome »
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Re: 10.04 DVD install experience
« Reply #17 on: August 16, 2012, 08:28:22 pm »
Ok so this may seem like a noob question but it's been a while since I did an install . I just downloaded the beta iso of 1004 and before when I burned an install to a dvd it had kubuntu bundled with it . . . Is this not the case anymore ? I hope I did something wrong as the dvd  I just burned does not boot so I was thinking  I must of missed a step ? Sorry in advance it's been a while


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Re: 10.04 DVD install experience
« Reply #18 on: August 17, 2012, 12:18:29 am »
The new installer has everything bundled together. It SHOULD be booting... without a doubt. It boots to our custom installer.

The first thing that should happen is it sits there at a prompt that says


Where you press enter, and then select the type of install you want to do. I am going to write a wiki page I guess. I will return with a step by step. In the mean time, please explain exactly what happens when you try to boot the DVD. Have you checked the md5sum?
« Last Edit: August 17, 2012, 01:05:49 am by l3mce »
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Re: 10.04 DVD install experience
« Reply #19 on: August 17, 2012, 02:00:03 am »
Ok so this may seem like a noob question but it's been a while since I did an install . I just downloaded the beta iso of 1004 and before when I burned an install to a dvd it had kubuntu bundled with it . . . Is this not the case anymore ? I hope I did something wrong as the dvd  I just burned does not boot so I was thinking  I must of missed a step ? Sorry in advance it's been a while

What I think you may be remembering is the 8.10 (and maybe early 10.04) install DVDs first booted to a KDE environment where you ran a script to get the rest of the LMCE packages.  Where the new installer first comes up to your basic Run Live, Install Headless, Install Hybrid, Mem Test etc.  As L3mce said the new installer should be complete and give you a better install experience where LMCE is treated more as the object being installed and not just an add-on to a Kubuntu install.
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Re: 10.04 DVD install experience
« Reply #20 on: August 17, 2012, 03:23:14 am »
Just so I can experience the 1004 beta nice-ness without nerfing my 1004 net install,... What happens if I create a VM Core inside an existing LinuxMCE system??? Will the new Core bug out or cause my existing Core to bug out?

Additionally: Hmmm,... This might be a prime case study for taking advantage of the fact that wireless VMs don't normally bridge to the existing network,... I smell a test setup maybe-how?!
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Re: 10.04 DVD install experience
« Reply #21 on: August 17, 2012, 03:32:26 am »
It works fine. You can just change the networking options to give you internet, though you don't even need internet for your purposes.

LMCEMatrix install.
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Re: 10.04 DVD install experience
« Reply #22 on: August 17, 2012, 03:41:00 am »
For the second part of my post,... I was actually thinking VM Core and VM MDs on the same physical machine isolated by the lack of bridging to the network...

I'll give it a try... It might present itself a nice experimental environment... Although, I may lose access to my HDhomeruns,... and burn out the CPU on my Toshiba i3 laptop...
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Re: 10.04 DVD install experience
« Reply #23 on: August 17, 2012, 01:20:55 pm »
The new installer has everything bundled together. It SHOULD be booting... without a doubt. It boots to our custom installer.

The first thing that should happen is it sits there at a prompt that says


Where you press enter, and then select the type of install you want to do. I am going to write a wiki page I guess. I will return with a step by step. In the mean time, please explain exactly what happens when you try to boot the DVD. Have you checked the md5sum?

I boot up with the dvd in and it throws an error straight after "H. Peter Anvin boot:"
What size should the install .iso be? after downloading I noticed it was only 2.1 GB on the harddrive so maybe im missing something?


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Re: 10.04 DVD install experience
« Reply #24 on: August 17, 2012, 04:20:08 pm »
It is much smaller now, but 2.1 sounds too small. Check the md5sum.

md5sum LinuxMCE-1004-beta-1.iso and check the result against

Always check this when downloading snaps.     will show 3 kinds of files. The iso, the md5sum and the zsync file.

Zsync is very cool btw. If you have a snapshot already, you change the name to the one you are getting, and then zsync the online file. This process also will not show complete until it checks the md5sums for you. If you do not have a snapshot you can also zsync from scratch. This will never complete until there is a perfect duplicate of the online file. It also resumes downloads, of course, should yours be interrupted for whatever reason.

I am doing a zsync now. I have not yet tested the beta DVD. I will report back... though others are expressing smooth installs.

What was the error? Did you press enter at boot: ?
« Last Edit: August 17, 2012, 04:23:33 pm by l3mce »
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Re: 10.04 DVD install experience
« Reply #25 on: August 17, 2012, 04:41:31 pm »
It is much smaller now, but 2.1 sounds too small. Check the md5sum.

md5sum LinuxMCE-1004-beta-1.iso and check the result against

Always check this when downloading snaps.     will show 3 kinds of files. The iso, the md5sum and the zsync file.

Zsync is very cool btw. If you have a snapshot already, you change the name to the one you are getting, and then zsync the online file. This process also will not show complete until it checks the md5sums for you. If you do not have a snapshot you can also zsync from scratch. This will never complete until there is a perfect duplicate of the online file. It also resumes downloads, of course, should yours be interrupted for whatever reason.

I am doing a zsync now. I have not yet tested the beta DVD. I will report back... though others are expressing smooth installs.

What was the error? Did you press enter at boot: ?

Thanks l3mce it was indeed the file I had downloaded - Just grabbed it again and it is the right size and check sum so I will burn it tonight and install...

Oh another small Q - Is it ok to do an install without internet connection? I only have 3g on my Galaxy S3 which I can tether via USB if necessary but not sure if it works!


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Re: 10.04 DVD install experience
« Reply #26 on: August 17, 2012, 04:55:30 pm »
The installer had difficulty ID-ing the graphics in a KVM virtual machine (set to standard VGA). I haven't had time to work on it though, could be my VM setup is wrong. I'll start a new thread about it when I get a chance, over the weekend.
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Re: 10.04 DVD install experience
« Reply #27 on: August 17, 2012, 05:44:23 pm »
It specifically uses the fbdev because the graphics is unknown in kvm. This limits the output to a few resolutions, as vesa driver has a known bug with kvm. kvm display is as good as it is going to get. The end.

dcubox1: You CAN do an install up to setup wizard without internet. Once setup wizard hits, if you do not have internet it is going to take forever to barf out once it starts detecting things it cant install software for or dl mythtv/vdr... but yes if you have time to waste, you can do the entire thing without internet. Then rely on the system to fix itself when internet becomes available. For the most part this works, depending on the graphics chipset, this can be problematic... though I have tried to account for it, and on all of my equipment it tests out... but I can only put my paws on so much stuff. I STRONGLY recommend getting your internet connection going before entering any data into setup wizard.

There are a couple of issues with it. 1) it is not going to install any proprietary GPU stuff... so for instance with nVidia it is going to try and use nouveau which, depending on your chipset, can be problematic. 2) it is going to give you an install ID of 1. I do not know of any repercussions of this... but that is what it is going to do.

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Re: 10.04 DVD install experience
« Reply #28 on: August 17, 2012, 05:54:39 pm »
It specifically uses the fbdev because the graphics is unknown in kvm. This limits the output to a few resolutions, as vesa driver has a known bug with kvm. kvm display is as good as it is going to get. The end.

Thanks,... not looking for great, just (minimally) functional for educational/playing around purposes.

I think I had switched the video resolution to vga,... so probably my fault. Good to know about it the using the fbdriver,... thanks again. It had stopped at trying to run the AV wizard,... But as I said, it's likely my fault. I was tired/went to bed rather than fiddling with it. 
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Re: 10.04 DVD install experience
« Reply #29 on: August 17, 2012, 06:13:13 pm »
For the second part of my post,... I was actually thinking VM Core and VM MDs on the same physical machine isolated by the lack of bridging to the network...


Assuming your virtual core's eth0 is on the internet, and eth1 is on the LMCE network, you can do a host-only network for the virtual core and virtual MD to communicate on.  So, the vCore eth0 would have it's interface attached to the bridge your host's internet-facing interface is on, and the vCore eth1 would be attached to a bridge which is not bridged to physical ports.  The vMD would have it's eth0 attached to the same virtual bridge.  See <> under private virtual bridge, or see if your version of virt-manager supports configuring host-only networks <>.  

As far as graphics goes, you may have better luck with the cirrus driver, or with the VMware vga driver (vmvga or svga, depending on your qemu version).  The VMware VGA driver ships with most current Xorg packages.  Some of the devs run ESX, so someone may have coded in support for it's video drivers.

Hope that helps!
