Author Topic: LinuxMCE Game Player - Multi-Room Game Playing  (Read 4092 times)


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LinuxMCE Game Player - Multi-Room Game Playing
« on: December 01, 2011, 07:46:56 am »
As of now, a feature that I had wanted in the Game Player from day 0, has now started breathing its first breaths,

that is, multi-room game play.

What does this mean?

Simple, A game can be started in the Bedroom, and it can, via the floorplan, be stretched across, from the bedroom, to the living room, with one player at each TV, and be able to play the game. LinuxMCE contacts the emulator engine, and if it is supported, LinuxMCE will take care of setting up the emulators on the target media directors to accomplish multi room game play. At present, this is MAME, and more engines will be supported.

Any limitations of this particular procedure would be a direct result of limitations in the underlying engine (for example, MAME currently will not allow save states to be loaded while multi room play is in use, etc.)

As a demonstration, I have uploaded two new videos to youtube, one playing Street Fighter 2, another playing Kung-Fu Master: (1/2 - street fighter 2) (2/2 - kung fu master)

Enjoy, This feature needs lots of work, but it will be available in a future build.


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Re: LinuxMCE Game Player - Multi-Room Game Playing
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2011, 11:06:12 am »
very nice :)