Author Topic: I have a template for a device, how do I store it for later?  (Read 2795 times)


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I have a template for a device, how do I store it for later?
« on: September 30, 2011, 06:17:53 pm »
Hi all. I have a question, that I feel as though I should know the answer for.

I have 2 types of satellite receiver from Dish Network. I have set up the IR codes and what not, and everything works well.

Here is the question:

How do I sync these up with the cvs so in the future, when I re-install, I am not having to create a new template over again?

I currently have 2 Dish ViP211k, one using codeset 1, the other codeset 2. I also have a Dish ViP611k DVR, which uses codeset 1, but is in another room.

To speed up installs, I have copied the IR codes to a text file and then when re-creating the template on an install, to save learning time, I paste them back into the new templates.

Is there not some way, I think of the word share, that I can upload the existing functional templates somewhere, for later retrieval?

Seems I remember doing this with my 7.04 install, back in the day.

Best Regards,

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Re: I have a template for a device, how do I store it for later?
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2011, 08:02:15 pm »
the best way is to make sure your database is up to date and there is nothing shown when you do a diff, then do one template at a time.
coordinate with someone on irc that can accept the changes, then enter everything for one template, submit it, wait for it to be accepted, update sqlcvs and start over at the top for the next template.